Natomas Levee Improvement Program - SAFCA

Natomas Levee Improvement Program - SAFCA

Natomas Levee Improvement Program - SAFCA


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<strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate for fish and wildlife facilities in Reach A is substantially larger than<br />

the USACE estimate. The basis for this difference is unclear.<br />

3.1.2 <strong>Levee</strong>s and Floodwalls<br />

<strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimates for levee and floodwall construction in Reach A are based on the<br />

design consultant’s opinion of probable cost. These costs are significantly higher than the<br />

unit prices for levee and floodwall construction actually incurred in Reaches B and C.<br />

The <strong>SAFCA</strong> estimates assume that levee, seepage berm and irrigation canal construction<br />

in this reach will require approximately 1.5 million cubic yards of borrow material. The<br />

Borrow Royalty/Land cost is approximately $10.7 million. This includes the cost of<br />

acquiring 280 acres of land south of Fisherman’s Lake which will serve as the primary<br />

source of this material and the cost of obtaining the right to take a small amount of<br />

surplus material from the Twin Rivers School District site along the <strong>Natomas</strong> East Main<br />

Drainage Canal (NEMDC) near Elkhorn Boulevard.<br />

The USACE estimate for levee and floodwall construction in Reach A is about 40 percent<br />

higher than the <strong>SAFCA</strong> estimate. This difference reflects USACE’s higher unit costs for<br />

borrow activities and cutoff wall construction. In addition, the USACE estimate assumes<br />

that the landside slope of the levee adjacent to the urban subdivisions in the lower portion<br />

of Reach A will be flattened to achieve a 3:1 slope. USACE also assumes that a 15-foot<br />

maintenance corridor will be added at the landside toe of the expanded levee. The<br />

<strong>SAFCA</strong> estimate assumes that the top of the levee in this area will be degraded prior to<br />

cutoff wall installation and then the levee will also be reconstructed to a 3:1 slope. The<br />

USACE estimate includes a 32 percent contingency compared to the 30 percent<br />

contingency on the levee improvements and borrow site development costs and a 10<br />

percent contingency on the land required for borrow used in the <strong>SAFCA</strong> estimate.<br />

3.1.3 Interior Drainage Pumping Plants<br />

RD 1000’s largest drainage pumping facilities, Pumping Plants 1A and 1B, and the City<br />

of Sacramento’s Sump 160 will need to be reconstructed to accommodate the 200-year<br />

project in Reach A. <strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate of the cost of this work reflects the design<br />

consultant’s opinion of probable cost based on a 30 percent design plus a 30 percent<br />

contingency.<br />

The USACE estimate for this reconstruction work is much lower than <strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate,<br />

however the basis for this difference is unclear.<br />

3.1.4 Lands & Damages<br />

A substantial amount of agricultural and rural residential land will be needed to<br />

accommodate the levee improvements planned for Reach A as well as the relocation of<br />

the Riverside Irrigation Canal in this reach. <strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate of the cost of this land<br />

reflects the range of the actual costs incurred for agricultural and rural residential land<br />

elsewhere in the <strong>Natomas</strong> Basin and includes a 10 percent contingency.<br />

<strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate also includes costs for lands and damages administration that<br />

represent about 38 percent of the value of the land to be acquired.<br />

The USACE estimate for lands and damages including administration is about the same<br />

as <strong>SAFCA</strong>’s estimate.<br />


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