Volume 10 Surah 12 - 15 - Enjoy Islam

Volume 10 Surah 12 - 15 - Enjoy Islam

Volume 10 Surah 12 - 15 - Enjoy Islam


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divine guidance or Satan’s erring ways. Hence it begins by stating that Adam is<br />

created out of sounding clay and black mud moulded into shape, before God<br />

breathed of His noble spirit into him. It also states that Satan was created before him,<br />

out of the fire of scorching winds. It tells of the angels’ prostration before Adam,<br />

while Satan refused to so prostrate before a human being created of such low<br />

material, and how, as a result, God expelled him from heaven with a curse. God then<br />

accepted Satan’s request to give him respite until the Day of Judgement. It adds<br />

Satan’s own admission that he has no power over God’s faithful servants. His power<br />

is only over those who submit to him in preference to submitting to God. It then<br />

states, without detail, the destiny of each of the two parties. The lack of detail here<br />

fits with the point of emphasis whereby the two essential factors are the human<br />

constitution, and the domain where Satan can influence man.<br />

The Origins of Man’s Creation<br />

“Indeed We have created man out of sounding clay, out of black mud moulded into shape,<br />

whereas the jinn We had created before him out of the fire of scorching winds.” (Verses 26-<br />

27) At the outset the difference in the two natures is clearly stated. The dry clay<br />

which gives off a sound when knocked and which is originally black mud given a<br />

specific shape is totally different from the fire described here as scorching, blowing<br />

fiercely. We learn later that another element is added to man’s nature, namely, the<br />

breathing of God’s spirit into it. Satan’s nature, however, remained that of the fire of<br />

scorching winds.<br />

Your Lord said to the angels: I am creating a human being out of sounding clay, out of<br />

black mud moulded into shape. When I have fashioned him and breathed of My spirit<br />

into him, fall down in prostration before him.’ Thereupon, the angels, one and all,<br />

prostrated themselves. Not so Iblīs, who refused to be among those who prostrated<br />

themselves. God said: ‘Iblīs! What is your reason for not being among those who have<br />

prostrated themselves?’ [Iblīs] replied: I am not one to prostrate myself to a human<br />

being whom You have created out of sounding clay, out of mud moulded into shape.’<br />

God said: ‘Then get out of here, for you are accursed, and the curse shall be on you till<br />

the Day of Judgement.’ (Verses 28-35)<br />

These verses start with God’s address to the angels. When, where and how He<br />

said all this are details that we have no way of knowing. We simply have no clear<br />

statement in the Qur’ān or the Ĥadīth which answers these points. Since these details<br />

belong to the realm of what lies beyond human perception, we have no way of<br />

knowing them. Hence any attempt to provide answers is futile. The same applies to<br />

man’s creation out of a dry clay, moulded into shape, and infused with God’s spirit.<br />


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