mbc prince william - McLean Bible Church
mbc prince william - McLean Bible Church
mbc prince william - McLean Bible Church
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The vision of <strong>McLean</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong> is to make an impact<br />
on secular Washington with the message of Jesus Christ.<br />
April 21, 2012<br />
Christ’s Design for the <strong>Church</strong><br />
Ephesians 4:11-16<br />
Nate Keele, MBC Arlington Campus Pastor<br />
<strong>mbc</strong><strong>prince</strong><strong>william</strong>.org<br />
10002 Battleview Parkway<br />
Manassas, VA<br />
703-639-2000<br />
Mark Davis, Campus Pastor<br />
Sundays 9 & 10:45 am<br />
Karaoke Night<br />
April 27 at 6:30 pm<br />
Men’s Breakfast<br />
April 27 at 8 am<br />
Newcomer’s Reception<br />
April 28 after each service<br />
Starting Zone<br />
April 28 at 10:10 am<br />
YCC Adoption Story<br />
May 5 at 9 am<br />
For more information and upcoming events, visit <strong>mbc</strong><strong>prince</strong><strong>william</strong>.org/calendar<br />
Welcome<br />
We’re glad you’ve joined us for this gathering of MBC Prince William. For<br />
more information about our ministries, such as <strong>Bible</strong> studies, community<br />
and small groups, and serving opportunities, please visit our Welcome Center.<br />
Young Adult Community<br />
Join us today at 12:15 pm in the Community Room for our Young Adult<br />
Community! We’ll have a great time of fellowship as we shape our new<br />
community together.<br />
Men’s Ministry<br />
The men of MBC PW invite you to join us for breakfast this Saturday, April 27 at<br />
8 am at Summertree Community Center (7602 Gales Ct., Manassas, VA 20109).<br />
We’ll have a time of fellowship, worship, a powerful challenge from some of our<br />
men, and a special guest, Sterling Brown. Bring $5 for breakfast.<br />
Newcomer’s Reception Next Sunday<br />
Whether you are a new addition to our church family or just stopping by to<br />
check us out, we encourage you to join us after either service next Sunday,<br />
April 28, for a brief newcomer’s reception. We’ll take any questions you may<br />
have and meet Pastor Mark. See you there!<br />
Young Couples Community: Adoption Story<br />
Join the Young Couples Community on Sunday, May 5 at 9 am in the<br />
Community Room to hear the Elwells share their adoption story! This is a great<br />
opportunity to ask questions and learn more about adoption.<br />
INFO: Micah Reynolds, micah.reynolds@gmail.com
Sign me up for the e-newsletter<br />
Name: ____________________________________________________________<br />
Address: __________________________________________________________<br />
City: ___________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________<br />
Email: ____________________________<br />
Phone: ________________________<br />
Prayer Request: _____________________________________________________<br />
__________________________________________________________________<br />
Comment: _________________________________________________________<br />
__________________________________________________________________<br />
Please tear off this panel and place in the offering plate or turn in at the Welcome Center.<br />
Elder Nomination<br />
In accord with our church Constitution, prospective Elder nominations will be<br />
received during the month of April. Currently, there is not a need to add to the<br />
Board. However, those who are recommended by the Nominating Committee<br />
and approved by the board may be invited to participate in an Elder mentoring<br />
process when there is a need to replace a current member or add to the Board.<br />
If you would like to nominate someone, please talk to the individual first to<br />
assure that he prayerfully aspires to the position of Elder (1 Timothy 3:1), then<br />
give that person’s name to Elder Mark Hernandez at<br />
mhernandez@mcleanbible.org. Before nominating someone, please review the<br />
qualifications and duties of Elders, which are available at the Welcome Center.<br />
Campus News & Prayer Requests<br />
Make sure to sign up for the e-newsletter Pastor Mark Davis sends out each<br />
week by checking the box on your Contact Card.<br />
Kid’s Quest: Starting Zone Baptism Class<br />
Help your children understand Baptism. The next Starting Zone, Start Your<br />
Engines class is next Sunday, April 28 at 10:10 in Room 111. This is a class for<br />
parents and children together. Please sign up online and have your children<br />
memorize John 3:16 prior to coming.<br />
INFO: <strong>mbc</strong><strong>prince</strong><strong>william</strong>.org/kqstartingzone<br />
One-Day Neighborhood VBS<br />
Are you interested in hosting a one-day Vacation <strong>Bible</strong> School in your<br />
neighborhood this summer Kid’s Quest would like to help you share the<br />
message of Jesus with your neighbors.<br />
INFO: mary.scott@mcleanbible.org.<br />
Registration is Now Open For Camp Quest 2013!<br />
This is an overnight summer camp for rising 3rd– 5th graders,<br />
Sunday–friday, Aug. 11–16 at Camp Highroad in Middleburg, VA.<br />
The cost of $398 includes all meals, lodging, and activities.<br />
INFO/REGISTER: mcleanbible.org/campquest<br />
The Rock Student Ministries: Parent Newsletter<br />
To stay informed about the Rock PW’s upcoming events, testimonies of<br />
what God is doing, and serving opportunities, please sign up for our parent<br />
newsletter by going to <strong>mbc</strong><strong>prince</strong><strong>william</strong>.org/therock and clicking on the<br />
“Parents” tab.<br />
Access Disability Community: Parent Support Groups<br />
Access offers a monthly support group, a mom’s small group, and other<br />
opportunities to get connected to a community for parents of those with<br />
special needs. For more information, visit <strong>mbc</strong>tysons.org/parentsupportgroup.