lon solomon's "best of the holy land tour" - McLean Bible Church
lon solomon's "best of the holy land tour" - McLean Bible Church
lon solomon's "best of the holy land tour" - McLean Bible Church
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LON SOLOMON'S"BEST OF THE HOLY LAND TOUR"OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2012MT. SINAI AND PETRA EXTENSIONOctober 22 - 26, 2012The Wailing Wall is <strong>the</strong> most venerated site in <strong>the</strong> world for <strong>the</strong> Jewish people. It is <strong>the</strong> only remnant <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Jerusalem Temple that was destroyed in 70AD by <strong>the</strong> Romans. Since <strong>the</strong>n, it has been <strong>the</strong> focus <strong>of</strong>Jewish prayer and has symbolized Jewish hope for <strong>the</strong>ir eventual return to <strong>the</strong> <strong>land</strong> <strong>of</strong> promise.Immediately above <strong>the</strong> Wailing Wall is <strong>the</strong> Temple Mount, where <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> says that <strong>the</strong> Jewish Templewill be rebuilt in preparation for <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> this age and <strong>the</strong> return <strong>of</strong> Jesus Christ.REGISTER BY MARCH 1, 2012 (postmark date),AND RECEIVE A $100 DISCOUNT PER PERSONOFF THE ISRAEL PORTION OF THE TOUR!NO INTEREST PAYMENT PLAN ALSO AVAILABLE - SEE INSIDE FOR DETAILS
LON SOLOMON’S BEST OF THE HOLY LAND TOUROCTOBER 15 – OCTOBER 23, 2012REGISTER BY MARCH 1, 2012 (postmark date),AND RECEIVE A $100 DISCOUNT PER PERSONOFF THE ISRAEL PORTION OF THE TOUR!Dear Friend,I am happy to send you <strong>the</strong> details <strong>of</strong> our Holy Land tour scheduled for October 2012. As you can see, <strong>the</strong> tour is a deluxetour that has us flying El Al, staying at <strong>the</strong> finest five-star deluxe hotels and eating <strong>the</strong> finest food. When you comparetour packages be careful to check <strong>the</strong> hotels o<strong>the</strong>r tours are using. There are only a few 5-star deluxe hotels in Israel and<strong>the</strong> quality difference is noticeable! There are lots <strong>of</strong> tours to Israel for a person to choose from, so why should you decideto go with Lon Solomon? Here are <strong>the</strong> testimonials <strong>of</strong> two previous tour-goers:“I went on <strong>the</strong> Holy Land Tour and was surprisingly overwhelmed in a deeply spiritual way from <strong>the</strong> experience. Before I went, Iremember two things Lon said: „A trip to <strong>the</strong> Holy Land will change your life‟ and „<strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> will come alive in ways you can neverimagine.‟ I will tell you, no truer words were ever spoken and <strong>the</strong>y were understatements. The spiritual impact was deep, humbling, andimmensely satisfying…Thank you, Lon for <strong>the</strong> clear teaching and doctrinal leadership that made <strong>the</strong> tour so meaningful. And thank you for<strong>the</strong> personal service <strong>of</strong> being with us all <strong>the</strong> time instead <strong>of</strong> leaving us with a guide…I could never imagine how deeply this would touch mylife. This tour is one <strong>of</strong> those „Pearls‟ that is worth any price.”“I returned from you tour to Israel last week and am still amazed at all <strong>the</strong> things we did and all <strong>the</strong> places we saw. What an incredibletrip! The trip was spectacular on many fronts. While someone may be able to find a trip that is less expensive, <strong>the</strong>y could never find onethat is more meaningful…Most people go to Israel as part <strong>of</strong> a spiritual journey, a pilgrimage, and I can‟t imagine doing that with anyoneelse but you. The devotions at each stop, your explanations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> events that occurred <strong>the</strong>re, and your insights into <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Lordwere fundamental to making this a very special and spiritual journey…A sign in <strong>the</strong> Tel Aviv airport said, „You are a part <strong>of</strong> us; we are apart <strong>of</strong> you‟ – and I do feel now that Israel is a part <strong>of</strong> me in a way that it wasn‟t before. The trip expanded my world, and my heart, and Iam <strong>the</strong> better for it. Thank you so much.”Here are some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> highlights <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Israel portion <strong>of</strong> our tour:1. An evening meeting with Israeli believers who share both <strong>the</strong>ir testimonies and <strong>the</strong> many exciting things that Godis doing among Israelis for Jesus, <strong>the</strong> Messiah.2. A service <strong>of</strong> dedication in <strong>the</strong> Jordan River where those who choose can renew in baptism an existingcommitment to <strong>the</strong> Lord or celebrate a new commitment.3. A visit to <strong>the</strong> Israeli Museum to see <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea Scrolls, and many o<strong>the</strong>r archaeological discoveries that confirm<strong>the</strong> trustworthiness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>.4. A visit to <strong>the</strong> Garden Tomb, where we will have a communion service and celebrate <strong>the</strong> death, burial, andresurrection <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord Jesus that purchased our salvation.I am especially happy that we are able to <strong>of</strong>fer our 2012 tour for <strong>the</strong> exact same base price as our 2011 tour ($2899)- and both extensions too!Our extension options for 2012 are great:1. A special pilgrimage to Mount Sinai. We begin by busing through <strong>the</strong> Sinai where <strong>the</strong> Israelites spent 40 years.Experiencing <strong>the</strong> climate and terrain will give us a real appreciation for <strong>the</strong> stories in Exodus and Numbers. AtMt. Sinai, first we'll visit historic St. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine's Monastery, established in <strong>the</strong> 4th century A.D., followed by aclimb part-way up Mt. Sinai. I promise you that Mt. Sinai will be an adventure you will never forget or regret.2. A one day excursion to Petra, Jordan, <strong>the</strong> "Red-Rose City". This city, carved out <strong>of</strong> solid rock, served as <strong>the</strong>capital for <strong>the</strong> Nabatean Empire in <strong>the</strong> days <strong>of</strong> Jesus. Based on Isa. 63:1-6, <strong>the</strong>re are many who believe that this is<strong>the</strong> place where <strong>the</strong> Christians will flee from <strong>the</strong> Antichrist and from where Jesus will lead <strong>the</strong>m in triumph intoJerusalem after his defeat <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Antichrist at Armageddon. Our exquisite buffet lunch, which is included in <strong>the</strong>price, will be at <strong>the</strong> fabulous 5-star deluxe Movenpick Hotel in Petra.Please note that HLP Tours is <strong>of</strong>fering a $100 per person discount (on <strong>the</strong> Israel portion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tour) to everyone whoregisters with <strong>the</strong>ir $750 deposit by March 1, 2012 [postmark date]. Your discount will be reflected on your statement andwill be deducted from your final payment due. I urge you to take advantage <strong>of</strong> this discount by registering early. I alsohope that HLP’s no-interest payment plan will help you be able to participate in this life-changing trip in a way that isfinancially comfortable for you.Please let me know if I can be <strong>of</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r service to you (phone 703/280-1114 and fax 703/280-1116). When you send inyour deposit, you will be hearing from me regularly with articles and information aimed at better preparing you to get <strong>the</strong>most out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tour. Hope to see you in October!Sincerely,Lon Solomon
LON SOLOMON'S BEST OF THE HOLY LAND TOUROCTOBER 15 – OCTOBER 23, 2012Oct. 15, 2012 – Depart New York City.Oct. 16, 2012 – Arrive Israel--Board buses and ride to Caesarea, home <strong>of</strong> Pontius Pilate, location where <strong>the</strong> Apostle Paulwas imprisoned (Acts 25-26) and <strong>the</strong> city where <strong>the</strong> Gospel was first taken to <strong>the</strong> Gentiles in <strong>the</strong> person <strong>of</strong> Cornelius, <strong>the</strong>Roman centurion (Acts 10). Caesarea was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> great cities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Roman world, so we will spend time exploring <strong>the</strong>extensive excavations here by <strong>the</strong> beautiful Mediterranean Sea. We will also take time in <strong>the</strong> amphi<strong>the</strong>ater for devotionsand prayer. We <strong>the</strong>n travel to <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee to our deluxe hotel for dinner and overnight.Oct. 17, 2012 – Today, we have a full day in store for us as we rise to view <strong>the</strong> beautiful shores <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee.After breakfast, we will visit <strong>the</strong> site where Jesus ate with Peter after <strong>the</strong> resurrection and we will have a time <strong>of</strong> worshipand devotions here from John 21 to begin our day. From <strong>the</strong>re we will visit Tabgha, site <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> multiplication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> loavesand fish. We will see up close <strong>the</strong> ancient mosaic commemorating this event, perhaps <strong>the</strong> most famous mosaic in allIsrael. We next proceed to <strong>the</strong> Mount <strong>of</strong> Beatitudes where Jesus delivered <strong>the</strong> Sermon on <strong>the</strong> Mount. We will take timehere for meditation and prayer. After this, we will drive to <strong>the</strong> excavated ancient city <strong>of</strong> Capernaum, where Jesusestablished <strong>the</strong> headquarters for his three-year public ministry. We will stand in <strong>the</strong> very synagogue where Jesus preached.Time will be taken here for devotions and prayer. We will <strong>the</strong>n visit <strong>the</strong> ancient boat from <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Christ, found in <strong>the</strong>mud <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee during <strong>the</strong> drought <strong>of</strong> 1986. Following this, we will sail across <strong>the</strong> magnificent Sea <strong>of</strong> Galileeand pause in <strong>the</strong> middle to reflect on Jesus' miracles that were performed on this Sea. We <strong>the</strong>n settle in at a local restaurantfor a delicious lunch <strong>of</strong> St. Peter’s fish (veal schnitzel is also available if you insist!). After lunch, we will go down to <strong>the</strong>Jordan River to baptize those who desire to do this. We will <strong>the</strong>n return to Tiberias, where those who wish (for a smallextra fee) can enjoy <strong>the</strong> wonderful hot springs that made Tiberias famous. After a full day, we return to our hotel fordinner and overnight.Oct. 18, 2012 – After a restful night, we rise to enjoy afabulous Israeli breakfast at our deluxe hotel. Followingbreakfast, we drive into <strong>the</strong> central Israeli high<strong>land</strong>s thatformed <strong>the</strong> nucleus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn kingdom <strong>of</strong> Israel in<strong>the</strong> days after King Solomon. We will head first for <strong>the</strong>ancient city <strong>of</strong> Megiddo sitting high above <strong>the</strong> Valley <strong>of</strong>Armageddon. We will discuss <strong>the</strong> biblical prophecies <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> last days that culminate with <strong>the</strong> great battle thatoccurs in this valley. We will also see <strong>the</strong> fabulousexcavations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ancient Megiddo, one <strong>of</strong> KingSolomon's "chariot cities" and a city that figuresprominently in biblical history. From here, we proceed toMt. Carmel, site <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> prophet Elijah's showdown with<strong>the</strong> prophets <strong>of</strong> Baal. Time will be taken here to read and The Sea <strong>of</strong> Galileereflect on this incredible biblical event as recorded in 1Kings 18. Next, we go to Nazareth, <strong>the</strong> hometown <strong>of</strong> Jesus. We will visit <strong>the</strong> spot where tradition says that <strong>the</strong> angelGabriel appeared to Mary and announced to her <strong>the</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Messiah. Time will be taken here for worship anddevotions. After an exciting day <strong>of</strong> biblical challenge, we return to our deluxe hotel on <strong>the</strong> shores <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> beautiful Sea <strong>of</strong>Galilee for dinner and overnight.Oct. 19, 2012 – After a hearty Israeli breakfast overlooking <strong>the</strong> beautiful sunrise on <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee, we head <strong>of</strong>f to <strong>the</strong>East side <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee to Kursi. This site is in <strong>the</strong> ancient ―Land <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gadarenes‖ mentioned in Mark 5 and was<strong>the</strong> home <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> demon-possessed man named Legion. It was here that Jesus cast <strong>the</strong> demons out <strong>of</strong> this man and into <strong>the</strong>herd <strong>of</strong> swine. Lon will share a devotional at <strong>the</strong> quaint little church on this spot. From Kursi we proceed to <strong>the</strong> amazingexcavations just south <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee at <strong>the</strong> ancient city <strong>of</strong> Bet Shean. Bet Shean was a significant city in Palestinesince <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Abraham and is mentioned in <strong>the</strong> records <strong>of</strong> Pharaoh Thutmosis III as a city he conquered on his Canaancampaign in 1468 BC. It figures prominently in a tragic episode from <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>, when <strong>the</strong> Philistines took <strong>the</strong> beheadedbodies <strong>of</strong> King Saul and his son Jonathan, and hung <strong>the</strong>m on <strong>the</strong> city wall <strong>of</strong> Bet Shean (1 Sam. 31:8-10). Under Greekand later Roman rule, Bet Shean became a wealthy and influential city, as evidenced by <strong>the</strong> impressive remains from thisperiod, including a <strong>the</strong>ater that rivals <strong>the</strong> one at Caesarea. We <strong>the</strong>n drive to Jerusalem, <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong> God, where we will siton <strong>the</strong> Mount <strong>of</strong> Olives and look over at <strong>the</strong> breath-taking Temple Mount and Old City. Lon will share a message herefocusing on <strong>the</strong> many biblical events that happened on <strong>the</strong> Mount <strong>of</strong> Olives. After a full day, we will have dinner andovernight at our deluxe hotel.
Oct. 20, 2012 – After a great breakfast, we willtravel to <strong>the</strong> private courtyard at <strong>the</strong> Garden <strong>of</strong>Gethsemane, overlooking <strong>the</strong> Temple Mount.There will be time here for worship, devotionsand prayer led by Lon. From here, we will walkacross <strong>the</strong> road into <strong>the</strong> Garden <strong>of</strong> Gethsemaneitself, where we will see olive trees that wereactually alive on <strong>the</strong> night Jesus prayed here.From here we go to <strong>the</strong> Wailing Wall and <strong>the</strong>Temple Mount. Situation permitting, we will siton <strong>the</strong> Hulda Steps outside "The BeautifulGate" where <strong>the</strong> events <strong>of</strong> Acts 3 took place.Lon will share a devotional here. Then,situation permitting, we will proceed onto <strong>the</strong>Temple Mount where Lon will discuss with us<strong>the</strong> rebuilding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jewish Temple and itsimplications for <strong>the</strong> Second Coming <strong>of</strong> ourDome <strong>of</strong> Rock from <strong>the</strong> Mount <strong>of</strong> OlivesLord Jesus. For lunch, we will visit an Israeli kibbutz overlooking <strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Bethlehem in <strong>the</strong> distance. After lunch, Lonwill share a devotional as we look out upon <strong>the</strong> little town <strong>of</strong> Bethlehem. Then we will visit <strong>the</strong> new archaeologicalexcavations at <strong>the</strong> base <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Temple Mount, where Lon will share a message and you will get to see and touch some <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> very stones from <strong>the</strong> Jerusalem temple destroyed in 70 A.D. Then we will go 30 feet below <strong>the</strong> present streets <strong>of</strong>Jerusalem and ―walk where Jesus walked‖ literally on <strong>the</strong> ancient Roman road that took Jesus to <strong>the</strong> cross. After a greatday, dinner and overnight at our deluxe hotel.Oct. 21, 2012 – After ano<strong>the</strong>r amazing Israeli breakfast, we will visit <strong>the</strong> Israeli Museum. Here, we will not only see <strong>the</strong>Dead Sea Scrolls, but also a number <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r archaeological treasures that wonderfully au<strong>the</strong>nticate <strong>the</strong> veracity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Bible</strong>. Among <strong>the</strong> artifacts we will see are (1) <strong>the</strong> oldest written biblical quotation in existence, from 650 BC; (2) <strong>the</strong>bone-box (ossuary) <strong>of</strong> Caiaphas, <strong>the</strong> high priest who condemned Jesus; (3) <strong>the</strong> Tel-Dan stele, where we find <strong>the</strong> onlymention <strong>of</strong> David's name outside <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bible</strong>; (4) <strong>the</strong> original Pontius Pilate stone from Caesarea; and many o<strong>the</strong>rincredible finds. Lon will walk us through and explain to us <strong>the</strong> significance <strong>of</strong> each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se artifacts and how <strong>the</strong>yconfirm <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>nticity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> written Word <strong>of</strong> God. We will also visit <strong>the</strong> model <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ancient city <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem as itlooked at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Jesus. Seeing this and having our guides explain it to us in depth will give you an understanding <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> layout <strong>of</strong> ancient Jerusalem that will help put into perspective every site we will visit in Jerusalem. After lunch, webegin <strong>the</strong> culminating highlight <strong>of</strong> our time in Jerusalem: our visit to Golgotha and <strong>the</strong> Garden Tomb. Plenty <strong>of</strong> time willbe taken here for reflection and meditation as well as a time <strong>of</strong> worship and a special communion service. Tonight, wehave a special celebration banquet with Israeli believers in Jesus at our hotel in Jerusalem and overnight at our deluxehotel.Oct. 22, 2012 – After breakfast, we leave Jerusalem and head out for an exciting day around <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea. We first headsouth down <strong>the</strong> coast <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea to <strong>the</strong> Qumran caves, where <strong>the</strong> famous Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947.We saw <strong>the</strong>se scrolls at <strong>the</strong> Israeli Museum in Jerusalem but here we will see <strong>the</strong>ir resting place for almost 2000 yearsuntil 1947. Next we will drive by <strong>the</strong> beautiful oasis <strong>of</strong> En Gedi, where David found refuge in his flight from King Saul (1Sam 24). Then we will visit Masada, <strong>the</strong> fortress <strong>of</strong> Herod <strong>the</strong> Great. In 70 AD, <strong>the</strong> last <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jewish revolutionariesagainst Rome fled here after Jerusalem and <strong>the</strong> Temple had beendestroyed. They defended this fortress for three years against <strong>the</strong>Roman 10th legion, eventually all committing suicide ra<strong>the</strong>r thanfall into <strong>the</strong> hands <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Romans. After this, we will head to <strong>the</strong>sou<strong>the</strong>rn end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea to <strong>the</strong> ancient area <strong>of</strong> Sodom andGomorrah. Time will be taken here for you to swim in <strong>the</strong> DeadSea and you will discover that you are positively unsinkable! Atthis point, our group will divide. Those <strong>of</strong> us who are going on to<strong>the</strong> Mt. Sinai and Petra extensions will continue driving south to<strong>the</strong> town <strong>of</strong> Eilat. Those <strong>of</strong> us who are not going to Sinai willreturn to Jerusalem for dinner and transfer to <strong>the</strong> airport.Oct 23, 2012 – After a great return flight, we arrive back inAmerica with precious memories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Holy Land to cherishforever.
MT. SINAI AND PETRA EXTENSIONS (October 22 – 26, 2012):Oct. 22, 2012 – After our inspiring time in <strong>the</strong> Holy Land, those taking <strong>the</strong> pilgrimage to Mt. Sinai will travel to <strong>the</strong>sou<strong>the</strong>rn tip <strong>of</strong> Israel, <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Eilat. Here, we will spend three nights at our 5-star deluxe hotel on <strong>the</strong> shores <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> RedSea. Dinner and overnight at our deluxe hotel.Oct. 23, 2012 – We rise to <strong>the</strong> beautiful sight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sun glistening on <strong>the</strong> deep blue water <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gulf <strong>of</strong> Aqaba.THOSE NOT GOING TO PETRA will spend <strong>the</strong> day here relaxing in <strong>the</strong> sun, reflecting on <strong>the</strong> great week in Israel andhaving time to enjoy <strong>the</strong> new friends we have made on <strong>the</strong> trip. Those who are interested can snorkel or scuba, or spend<strong>the</strong> day shopping or visiting <strong>the</strong> world-famous underwater observatory in Eilat.THOSE GOING TO PETRA will spend this day touring <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Petra in Jordan, <strong>the</strong> capital <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Nabatean Kingdomat <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Jesus and <strong>the</strong> Edomite Kingdom before it. You will marvel at <strong>the</strong> beauty and technology that <strong>the</strong>se peopledemonstrated in carving this city out <strong>of</strong> solid pink rock. You will ride down <strong>the</strong> narrow entrance-way called <strong>the</strong> Suq, anexperience you will never forget. At <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> this exciting day, we will return to our deluxe hotel in Eilat for dinner andovernight.NOTE TO CLARIFY: The Petra Extension is an optionalpart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mt. Sinai Extension. Those who take <strong>the</strong> Mt.Sinai extension have <strong>the</strong> choice <strong>of</strong> going (or not going) toPetra. But to go to Petra, a person must also take <strong>the</strong> Mt.Sinai extension.Oct. 24, 2012 – We rise early and after breakfast set out forMt. Sinai. We begin by visiting St. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine’s Monasteryas <strong>the</strong> base <strong>of</strong> Mt. Sinai, some 4000 feet above sea level.This monastery was first built by Helena, mo<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong>Emperor Constantine in <strong>the</strong> 4 th century AD. The monasteryserves as <strong>the</strong> repository <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> oldest mosaics,most exquisite icons and most precious manuscripts in all<strong>of</strong> Christendom. After visiting <strong>the</strong> monastery and havinglunch, we will walk part way up Mt Sinai to get a beautifulpanoramic view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> top <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mountain where God gaveMoses The Ten Commandments, and at <strong>the</strong> valley below St. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine‟s Monastery and Mt. Sinaiwhere <strong>the</strong> Israelites were camped for eleven months. Lonwill share a devotional at this magnificent spot and we will take time to reflect at this wonderful location. Then we returnfor dinner and overnight at <strong>the</strong> deluxe hotel in Eilat..Oct 25, 2012 – This morning, we rise leisurely and have time to savor all that we have experienced. Those who wish cansnorkel in some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>best</strong> waters in <strong>the</strong> world. O<strong>the</strong>rs can simply relax by <strong>the</strong> pool. In <strong>the</strong> afternoon we fly to Tel Avivfor our return flight to <strong>the</strong> USA.Oct 26, 2012 – Today we arrive in New York early in <strong>the</strong> morning and connect with our homeward-bound flights, withfond memories <strong>of</strong> an unforgettable trip to <strong>the</strong> Holy Land.No Interest Payment PlanThis plan is designed to help our Holy Land Tour fit into your budget. Here is how it works:Pay 70% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total trip cost by June 1, 2012. Your deposit counts towards this amount.Spread <strong>the</strong> remaining balance over four (4) months after your return with no interest or charges <strong>of</strong> anykind. Monthly payments begin December 1, 2012.To use this option, simply check <strong>the</strong> ―no interest plan‖ box on your registration form.
TOUR APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT1. Tour Agreement with Holy<strong>land</strong> Pilgrimage Tours (―HLP Tours,‖) Mevaseret Zion, Israel. Your tour agreement iswith Holy<strong>land</strong> Pilgrimage Tours (HLP Tours) in Mevaseret Zion, Israel, and not with <strong>the</strong> tour host, guides ordrivers. The terms set forth in this Tour Application and Agreement will become a binding contract when HLPTours receives and accepts your signed application and deposit. Your submission <strong>of</strong> this Tour Application andpayment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> deposit constitutes passenger acceptance <strong>of</strong> all terms, conditions, assumptions <strong>of</strong> risk, and releasesfrom liability set forth in this Tour Application and Agreement.2. Price. Tour price for Israel only portion, including coach airfare and two-people-per room accommodations, is$2899 per person. Prices for extensions are: Sinai, $699; Petra, $399.3. Deposit. The deposit, which must be submitted with this application, is $750 per person.4. Payment. Your deposit, payable to HLP Tours, must be submitted with this application. Your final payment must bemade on or before June 1, 2012. If you choose <strong>the</strong> no interest plan, your payment <strong>of</strong> 70% <strong>of</strong> your total trip cost mustbe paid by June 1, 2012 with <strong>the</strong> remainder paid on or before March 1, 2013.5. Cancellation and Deposit Refund. If you cancel for any reason more than 150 days before <strong>the</strong> date <strong>of</strong> departure, <strong>the</strong>cancellation fee is $750 per person (<strong>the</strong> entire deposit). If you cancel for any reason within 150 days <strong>of</strong> departure,<strong>the</strong> cancellation fee is 100% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> total tour price for each person. These cancellation fees are firm. THUS, HLPTOURS URGES YOU TO OBTAIN TRAVEL INSURANCE. (NOTE: TRAVEL INSURANCE INFORMATIONWILL BE SENT TO YOU BY HLP TOURS WHEN YOU REGISTER FOR THE TOUR.)6. Tips. Your tips for guides, drivers, hotel personnel, etc. are not included in <strong>the</strong> price <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tour. You will berequired to pay $475 (Israel) / $75 (Sinai) / & $50 (Petra) per person for tips. This amount will be collected by HLPTours with your final payment. HLP Tours will handle distribution <strong>of</strong> all tips during <strong>the</strong> tour.7. Accommodations. Your accommodations will be in 5-star deluxe hotels. Price is based on two persons in a room.HLP Tours will match up individual travelers with roommates. If this is impossible, <strong>the</strong> passenger must pay <strong>the</strong>single supplement.8. Meals. Your meals will be breakfast and dinner throughout <strong>the</strong> program plus one St. Peter’s fish lunch in Galilee.9. Guide. Your sightseeing includes an English-speaking guide and all entrance fees to sights listed in <strong>the</strong> program.10. Items not included. Not included in <strong>the</strong> base price are (1) tips for guides, drivers, hotel and dining room staff, etc;(2) Israel arrival and departure taxes; (3) USA arrival and departure taxes; (4) El Al taxes and surcharges;(5) Israel hotel taxes; (6) personal items such as laundry and drinks; (7) excess baggage charges; (8) transfers o<strong>the</strong>rthan with <strong>the</strong> group; and (9) visas and border taxes. At <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> this brochure, all taxes and feestotal $698 per passenger, but <strong>the</strong>se charges may go up. Passengers will be charged <strong>the</strong> figure for all taxes and feesthat is currently in effect at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir registration. Any additional fuel surcharges imposed by <strong>the</strong> airlinesafter <strong>the</strong> published price <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tour has been released will be <strong>the</strong> sole responsibility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> passenger.11. Airline arrangements. Your airline arrangements will be finalized and your ticket written by HLP Tours a minimum<strong>of</strong> 150 days prior to departure. Once your ticket has been written, it cannot be re-written or refunded. Your flighttimes are subject to change without advance notice. HLP Tours is not responsible for changes and delays in airlineschedules and does not reimburse passengers for expenses resulting from delays (your travel insurance willnormally cover <strong>the</strong>se fees). If <strong>the</strong> airlines change flight schedules, HLP Tours reserves <strong>the</strong> right to shorten orleng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> itinerary accordingly. Occasionally, an increased cost may occur, which will be your responsibility.Also, <strong>the</strong> airlines may change <strong>the</strong> cost <strong>of</strong> business class seats at <strong>the</strong>ir sole discretion after this brochure has gone topress. Any such increase will be added to <strong>the</strong> published price <strong>of</strong> business class and you will be informed <strong>of</strong> such achange when your request for business class is received by HLP Tours. Business class seats must be paid in fullprior to confirmation and may not be fully refundable even if cancelled more than 150 days prior to departure.12. Itinerary and Possible Changes To Itinerary. HLP Tours agrees to provide <strong>the</strong> itinerary described herein, subject to<strong>the</strong> following: HLP Tours reserves <strong>the</strong> right to alter <strong>the</strong> published itinerary in its sole discretion without advancenotice and/or while <strong>the</strong> tour is in progress.13. Possible Cancellation <strong>of</strong> Tour. HLP Tours reserves <strong>the</strong> right to withdraw, cancel or change <strong>the</strong> tour, in whole or inpart, at any time, in its sole discretion. In <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tour being canceled for unforeseen circumstances, <strong>the</strong>cancellation and refund policy as stated herein shall apply.
14. Possible Revocation <strong>of</strong> Right to Travel Before or During. HLP Tours reserves <strong>the</strong> right to refuse or revoke travel toanyone who is determined to be, in <strong>the</strong> sole judgment <strong>of</strong> HLP Tours, incapable <strong>of</strong> group travel. If this determinationis made while <strong>the</strong> tour is in progress, HLP Tours reserves <strong>the</strong> right to send any passenger home early. In such cases,<strong>the</strong>re will be no refund for any unused services.15. Assumption <strong>of</strong> Risk in View <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Inherent Risks and Dangers <strong>of</strong> International Travel. International travel involvescertain inherent risks and dangers, including without limitation <strong>the</strong> following: (1) There is a risk <strong>of</strong> accident, seriousinjury and even death during travel by air, bus, boat or o<strong>the</strong>r means <strong>of</strong> conveyance, and at all o<strong>the</strong>r times during <strong>the</strong>tour; (2) There is a risk <strong>of</strong> negligence by private carriers used during <strong>the</strong> tour or <strong>the</strong>ir employees; (3) There is a risk<strong>of</strong> crime and <strong>the</strong>ft; (4) There is a risk <strong>of</strong> violent attack by terrorists. Some or all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> destinations indicated in <strong>the</strong>itinerary may be covered by travel warnings or advisories issued by <strong>the</strong> U.S. State Department before or during <strong>the</strong>tour. Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> specific destinations indicated on <strong>the</strong> itinerary may present more significant risk than o<strong>the</strong>rs. HLPTours and your tour host will endeavor to take reasonable precautions to avoid risks. However, <strong>the</strong>re can be noguarantee that <strong>the</strong>y will be successful in doing so. Accordingly, by signing this application, which will become abinding contract when accepted by HLP Tours, you are voluntarily and expressly agreeing to assume all such risksand hold HLP Tours and <strong>the</strong> tour host harmless for any injury or loss that may occur as a result <strong>of</strong> such risks, and torelease <strong>the</strong>m from any and all liability, claims or causes <strong>of</strong> action that may arise from <strong>the</strong> occurrence <strong>of</strong> such risks.HLP Tours and <strong>the</strong> tour host assume no liability whatsoever for actions by any person, or that result for any reason,outside <strong>the</strong> direct control <strong>of</strong> HLP Tours, including but not limited to events such as strikes, revolts, terrorist actions,civil unrest, wars, natural disasters, inclement wea<strong>the</strong>r, closures <strong>of</strong> airports or hotels, or <strong>the</strong> breach <strong>of</strong> contract,negligence or misconduct <strong>of</strong> any private carrier used during <strong>the</strong> tour. HLP Tours and <strong>the</strong> tour host are notresponsible for any injury or loss that may occur while you are on board any airplane, bus, boat or o<strong>the</strong>r commercialcarriers provided by HLP Tours under this Tour Agreement.16. Release from Liability For Loss Or Injury Resulting From Ordinary Negligence. Except for <strong>the</strong> gross negligence orintentional wrongdoing <strong>of</strong> HLP Tours, its direct employees, or <strong>the</strong> tour host, HLP Tours assume no liability orresponsibility for any loss, injury, inconvenience, illness, or damage <strong>of</strong> any kind (including general andconsequential damages) occasioned by <strong>the</strong> ordinary negligence <strong>of</strong> such persons or by o<strong>the</strong>r circumstances and risksoutside <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir control.17. Liquidated Damages For Breach Of Tour Agreement. In <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> a breach <strong>of</strong> contract by HLP Tours, HLP Tourswill pay you as liquidated damages (not as a penalty) an amount equal to <strong>the</strong> total price you have paid for <strong>the</strong> tour.In no event will HLP Tours be liable for loss <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>its or any special, incidental, or consequential damages,however caused, even if HLP Tours has been advised <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> possibility <strong>of</strong> such damages. Any action arising underthis Tour Agreement or because <strong>of</strong> its breach must be commenced within one year after <strong>the</strong> cause <strong>of</strong> action accrues.From <strong>the</strong> nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> services to be provided by HLP Tours, it is impracticable and extremely difficult to fix <strong>the</strong>actual damages, if any, that you may incur as a result <strong>of</strong> HLP Tours’s failure to perform any <strong>of</strong> its obligations underthis Agreement. Accordingly, if HLP Tours is found liable for loss or damage arising from breach <strong>of</strong> thisagreement, its liability will be limited to <strong>the</strong> refund to you <strong>of</strong> an amount equal to <strong>the</strong> total amount you paid for <strong>the</strong>tour as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, and this remedy shall be exclusive.PRICE INFORMATIONIsrael Tour Price: $2899* Land-Only—ie, Get To Israel And Back On Your Own: $2399* Single Room (Israel Portion): $895Mt. Sinai Extension: $699* Single Room (Sinai Portion): $395Petra Extension: $399Business Class Upgrade On El Al: $4250 Per Person Roundtrip* This Is Above The Base Price Of $2899***EARLY DEPOSIT DISCOUNT***REGISTER BY March 1, 2012 (POSTMARK DATE) AND RECEIVE A $100DISCOUNT PER PERSON OFF THE ISRAEL PORTION OF THE TOUR.
REGISTRATION FORMFill out & send to: HLP TOURS, 8116 Arlington Boulevard #302, Falls <strong>Church</strong>, VA 22042a<strong>lon</strong>g with $750 deposit per person payable to HLP Toursphone: 703/280-1114 fax: 703/280-1116PLEASE REGISTER ME FOR (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Israel portion only (Oct 15 – 23, 2012) Israel plus Mt. Sinai (Oct 15 - 26, 2012) Israel plus Mt. Sinai & Petra (Oct 15 - 26, 2012)($2899 per person)($2899 + $699 per person)($2899 + $1098 per person)Register By March 1, 2012 (Postmark Date) and Receive A $100 Early Deposit Discount(ON ISRAEL PORTION OF THE TOUR) I prefer to go "<strong>land</strong>-only" I prefer a single room($2399 per person Israel only)($895 per person Israel only; $1290 per person Israel and Sinai) I prefer to fly business class ($4250 additional per person above base tour price <strong>of</strong> $2899) I WOULD LIKE TO USE THE NO INTEREST PAYMENT PLANPLEASE NOTE: The above prices do not include charges for taxes & fees and tips.FINAL PAYMENT DUE JUNE 1, 2012(PAYMENTS BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY)PASSPORT NAME: (Dr. / Rev. / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms) _________________________________________________NAME PREFERENCE FOR NAME TAG: _______________________________________________________ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________CITY:________________________________________________ STATE:________ZIP: _________________AGE:___________ PHONE:______________________________MALE:_________ FEMALE: ____________MY ROOMMATE'S NAME IS: _______________________________________________________________SIGNATURE (REQUIRED FOR EACH PASSENGER):I have read and understand <strong>the</strong> Tour Application and Agreement, including paragraph 5 (cancellation) andparagraphs 15-16 (assumption <strong>of</strong> risk and releases from liability). I agree to all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> terms and conditions setforth <strong>the</strong>rein. I understand that my agreement is with HLP Tours, Mevaseret Zion, Israel exclusively, and anyliability for breach <strong>of</strong> this agreement rests with HLP Tours a<strong>lon</strong>e.Signed:___________________________________________________________ DATE: __________________Signed:___________________________________________________________ DATE: __________________
The Garden Tomb Mosaic at <strong>the</strong> site <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> feeding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 5000Valley <strong>of</strong> Armageddon from <strong>the</strong> top <strong>of</strong> Mt. Carmel(1 Kings 18)Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee
Worshippers at <strong>the</strong> Wailing Wall in JerusalemGarden <strong>of</strong> GethsemaneActual Synagogue where Jesus worshipped inCapernaumThe Mt. <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Beatitudes
Sea <strong>of</strong> Galilee from <strong>the</strong> Mt. <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> BeatitudesPontius Pilate stone from CaesareaTheater at Caesarea from Jesus' dayDamascus Gate in Old City <strong>of</strong> Jerusalem
Lion's Gate where Stephen was martyred (Acts 7)Temple Mount from <strong>the</strong> Mount <strong>of</strong> OlivesFloating in <strong>the</strong> Dead SeaMasada at Sunset with <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea in <strong>the</strong> distance
The Siq--Entryway into PetraPetra ValleyMonastery at PetraTreasury at Petra
St. Ca<strong>the</strong>rine’s Monastery at <strong>the</strong> foot <strong>of</strong> Mount SinaiClimbers on Mount SinaiGreat Isaiah Scroll from <strong>the</strong> Dead Sea ScrollsBaptism in <strong>the</strong> Jordan River