Tysons Christmas Eve Services - McLean Bible Church
Tysons Christmas Eve Services - McLean Bible Church
Tysons Christmas Eve Services - McLean Bible Church
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ministrY Spotlight<br />
More information is available online at mbctysons.org<br />
Angel Tree is our annual <strong>Christmas</strong> outreach where we partner with<br />
Children’s Hospital, Daybreak, The House, World Mission Extension Center,<br />
Frontline Hispanic Outreach, MBC’s Clothing Ministry and Caring Ministry to<br />
donate gifts to children in the DC area of low income families. If you<br />
would like to give a gift, stop by the trees in the lobby after the service<br />
to select an ornament. If you’re interested in helping to staff the booths or<br />
sort gifts, email Kristen Flory at angeltree@mcleanbible.org<br />
or call 703-770-2991 or visit www.frontlinedc.com/angeltree<br />
Clothing Ministry Hosts<br />
The Clothing Shop is sponsoring a <strong>Christmas</strong> Outreach for children<br />
in need on December 12. Volunteers are needed for set up on<br />
December 11 and for the event on December 12.<br />
Please go to cityimpactdc.org/clothingshop and click on<br />
the link for detailed information.<br />
Diane Benton at<br />
clothingshop@mcleanbible.org or 703.639.2000 X1026<br />
GET INVESTED – We believe kids need inquisitive parents who know what they<br />
are learning at church and ask questions at home. Stay connected to what<br />
we are teaching through our family blog: blog.mcleanbible.org/kidsquest.<br />
INFO: Romney Short, 703-770-2903 or romney.short@mcleanbible.org<br />
PRAY FOR KID’S QUEST – Partner with us in praying for the ministry. Subscribe<br />
to our weekly Prayer Warriors email for a word from Sue Langlie, Kid’s Quest<br />
Director, and specific prayer requests at mcleanbible.org/prayerwarriors.<br />
INFO: Caitlin Davis, 703-770-3831 or caitlin.davis@mcleanbible.org<br />
ACTOR WANTED – Looking for a 50-60 year-old male to play Grandpa Henry<br />
in our KIDstuff productions. Prior acting experience not required. Details<br />
about KIDstuff at mbctysons.org/kidstuff.<br />
INFO: Abigail Gustine, 703-639-2000 x3150 or abigail.gustine@mcleanbible.org<br />
BACKSTAGE TOURS – Want to serve but not sure where Stop by Volunteer<br />
Central, near the Café, during any service for a tour of Kid’s Quest to learn<br />
all our volunteer opportunities. We have a place for every talent.<br />
INFO: Alessandra Torres, 703-770-2902 or alessandra.torres@mcleanbible.org<br />
NO JUNIOR HIGH REGIONAL GROUPS – Regional groups will not be meeting<br />
on Sunday, November 29 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Make plans to<br />
attend next week on December 6 and again on December 13 for House<br />
Group <strong>Christmas</strong> Parties.<br />
INFO: Keith Seymour, 703-639-2000 x3417 or keith.seymour@mcleanbible.org<br />
JINGLE BELL ROCK – Join us for Jingle Bell Rock, The Rock’s annual <strong>Christmas</strong><br />
Celebration on December 2 from 7:00-9:00 pm. Hear Dave Edwards, a<br />
nationally known youth communicator speak as well as see the LIVE nativity.<br />
INFO: Cory Thurman, 703-639-2000 x3416 or cory.thurman@mcleanbible.org<br />
SUNDAY MORNING TESTIMONY – Susan Entong, who has lived in an<br />
orphanage in the Philippines her entire life, shares her amazing testimony of<br />
undergoing eight operations from being badly burned and how God has<br />
carried her.<br />
INFO: Cory Thurman, 703-639-2000 x3416 or cory.thurman@mcleanbible.org<br />
NEW YEAR’S AID – Registration is available online for New Year’s Aid, The<br />
Rock’s annual New Year’s <strong>Eve</strong> Party. Find out how you can get involved<br />
now to support the New Year’s Aid campaign, “Love (IS) Action.”<br />
INFO: Cory Thurman, 703-639-2000 x3416 or cory.thurman@mcleanbible.org<br />
<strong>Tysons</strong> <strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>Eve</strong> <strong>Services</strong><br />
3:00 pm (family service)<br />
5:00 pm (family service)<br />
7:00 pm<br />
9:00 pm<br />
11:00 pm<br />
Please visit mcleanbible.org for service times<br />
at all MBC Campuses<br />
November 28-29, 2009<br />
People Jesus Met, part 26<br />
The Unmerciful Servant (Forgiving Others)<br />
Lon Solomon, Senior Pastor<br />
Here at MBC <strong>Tysons</strong>...<br />
WORSHIP ServiceS<br />
Blended styles of music<br />
Saturday, 6:30 pm<br />
Main Auditorium – Second floor<br />
Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:45 am and 12:30 pm<br />
Main Auditorium – Second floor<br />
The Edge Community<br />
Contemporary band-led music<br />
Sunday, 10:45 am, Smith Center – First floor<br />
Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:45 am and 12:30 pm<br />
A list of groups is available at the<br />
Welcome Center in the lobby<br />
Other Campuses...<br />
mbc loudoun<br />
Saturday, 6:30 pm<br />
Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:45 am<br />
www.mbcloudoun.org<br />
mbc Prince William<br />
Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:45 am<br />
www.mbcprincewilliam.org<br />
The Gathering – College Students<br />
www.gatheringonline.org<br />
Lon Solomon, Senior Pastor<br />
Physical Address: 8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna VA 22182<br />
Mailing Address: PO Box 9300, <strong>McLean</strong> VA 22102<br />
Main 703-639-2000 TTY 703-770-2939<br />
mcleanbible.org<br />
The visions of Mclean <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />
is to make an impact on secular<br />
Washington with the message of<br />
Jesus Christ<br />
Dr. Joe Henriques, Campus Pastor<br />
Sunday, 9:00 am, 10:45 am and 12:30 pm<br />
Monday, 2:00 pm<br />
www.mbclive.org<br />
Sunday, 5:30 pm<br />
Monday, 12:00 pm<br />
www.frontlinelive.com<br />
mbctysons.org<br />
High School<br />
10:45 am, Community Room A – First floor<br />
Junior High<br />
9:00 am, 10:45 am, The Rock – First floor<br />
Kid’s Quest – Infants through 5th grade<br />
Visit the Kid’s Quest Welcome Center – Second floor<br />
Access Ministry<br />
Visit the Access Check-in desk – First floor<br />
FRONTLINE – Young Adults (20s and 30s)<br />
www.frontlinedc.com<br />
<strong>Tysons</strong> campus Sunday 5:30 pm<br />
Silver spring campus Sunday 7:30 pm<br />
arlington campus Monday 7:30 pm
RESPONSE card<br />
november 28-29, 2009<br />
Welcome! We are so glad you are here with us today. Please allow<br />
us to get to know you better by filling out this card and putting it in the<br />
offering or turning it in to an usher or the Welcome Center.<br />
Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______________________________________________________<br />
Address __________________________________________________________<br />
City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________<br />
Email _____________________________________________________________<br />
Phone ____________________________________________________________<br />
AGE GROUP: q Under 18 q18-23 q 24-35 q 36-45 q 46-54 q 55 and older<br />
MARITAL STATUS: q Single q Married q Separated q Divorced q Widowed<br />
Names / ages of children living at home _______________________________________<br />
_____________________________________________________________________________<br />
q I am new to MBC. q Please subscribe me to the MBC E-Newsletter.<br />
q My information has changed – please update the church database.<br />
looking to get connected at mbc<br />
For information on how to connect to a small group, serving team, or caring community,<br />
please stop by the Connect Room (first floor by the Journey’s Coffee Shop) after any service.<br />
I would like to learn more about:<br />
q starting a relationship with Jesus Christ.<br />
q growing in my relationship with Jesus Christ.<br />
q sharing my faith.<br />
q I prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior today.<br />
q I would like a staff member to contact me.<br />
Reason: ________________________________________________________________<br />
______________________________________________________________________<br />
q I would like to schedule a visit for someone who is ill.<br />
requestor Name _______________________________ Phone # _______________________________<br />
To request a visit online go to http://mcleanbible.org/visitation<br />
Please use the space provided to share your prayer requests and praises which may be<br />
added to our corporate prayer page online at www.mcleanbible.org/prayerandpraise<br />
q My request is confidential, do not post online.<br />
_________________________________________________________________________<br />
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_________________________________________________________________________<br />
_________________________________________________________________________<br />
To view the MBC <strong>Tysons</strong> church calendar, go to mbctysons.org<br />
Adults<br />
GET CONNECTED AT MBC – People need to be connected to a caring<br />
community (MBC Core Value #6). Please stop by the Connect Room (first<br />
floor by the coffee shop) after any service today to find out more about how<br />
to get connected at MBC.<br />
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING – All members of MBC are encouraged to<br />
join us for our next congregational meeting on Wednesday, December 9<br />
at 7:30 pm in the Smith Center. Non-members are also invited to attend.<br />
It’s critical that we have a quorum in order to vote on important issues,<br />
including the 2010 annual budget. A copy of the proposed 2010 Budget is<br />
available at the Welcome Desk for those who are interested in reviewing it<br />
prior to it being voted upon at the Congregational Meeting on Wednesday,<br />
December 9. If you are planning to attend and need childcare, please<br />
register in advance by contacting Janie Cotone at<br />
janie.cotone@mcleanbible.org or 703-639-2000 x1014<br />
MBC CHRISTMAS PROGRAM – Celebrate the glory of <strong>Christmas</strong> through<br />
music, dance and drama on December 17 and 18 at 8:00 pm. Tickets are<br />
$10, available at Ticket Central and online. Children 10 and under free, with<br />
ticket. Dinner packages available for pre-purchase.<br />
INFO: Erin Edwards, 703-770-2981 or mbctysons.org/christmasprogram<br />
THE EDGE COMMUNITY – Looking for an alternative, band-driven worship<br />
experience, but still want to hear the same sermon Check out The Edge<br />
Community at 10:45 am in the Smith Center.<br />
INFO: Stephanie Quick, 703-770-2931 or theedge@mcleanbible.org<br />
MEN OF GOD – Looking for a mentor The mentoring/discipling community<br />
of Frontline and MBC men is hosting an event on Saturday, December 12 at<br />
9:15 am in room 1500 (level 1A).<br />
INFO: Jamie McClay, menofgod@mcleanbible.org or mbctysons.org/menofgod<br />
SINGLES NEW YEARS EVE PARTY – Celebrate New Year’s <strong>Eve</strong> with good<br />
friends at the Fairview Park Marriott on Thursday, December 31 from<br />
8:30 pm to 12:30 am. Black Tie Optional.<br />
INFO: Terri Marone, 703-770-8677 or mbctysons.org/singles<br />
GOING BEYOND WOMEN’S CONFERENCE – Registration is now open for this<br />
national women’s conference featuring Priscilla Shirer at MBC on<br />
February 26-27. Early bird pricing is $35 until December 26. Register online<br />
at mbctysons.org/women.<br />
INFO: Women’s Conference Committee, 703-639-2000 x1006 or<br />
womensconference@mcleanbible.org<br />
THE MARRIAGE COURSE – A marriage enrichment course and date night<br />
in one. This 7-week class teaches skills to strengthen your marriage. Begins<br />
Tuesday, February 9 at 7:30 pm. $60/couple includes materials, dessert and<br />
coffee. Register online.<br />
INFO: Terri Marone, 703-770-8677 or mbctysons.org/marriageandfamily<br />
CHILD DEDICATION CLASS – Parents interested in dedicating their children<br />
are invited to join us Sunday, January 3 from 9:30-10:00 am in the South<br />
Conference Room. This class is required for child dedication.<br />
INFO: Alessandra Polombella, 703-770-2997 or childdedications@mcleanbible.org<br />
SHARING ADVENT WITH TEENS – Celebrate Advent with other parents of Jr.<br />
and Sr. high students and learn how to share the spirit of <strong>Christmas</strong> with your<br />
teens. Sundays, December 6 – 20, at 10:45 am in the Rock Student Lounge.<br />
INFO: Pam Stroup, 703-770-2997 or pam.stroup@mcleanbible.org<br />
HOPE FOR THE SEPARATED – This 8-week course provides tools to keep you<br />
healthy while legally or emotionally separated from your spouse. Begins<br />
Thursday, January 14, from 7:00-8:30 pm. $30/person includes book and<br />
journal. Register online December 1.<br />
INFO: Terri Marone, 703-770-8677 or mbctysons.org/marriageandfamily<br />
PURSUING SEXUAL PURITY If you struggle with lust, pornography, sexual<br />
abuse or same sex attraction, Out of Darkness can support you spiritually<br />
through prayer, and help you find support groups, counseling, healing and<br />
recovery resources. All inquiries are confidential.<br />
INFO: Out of Darkness, 703-639-2000 x1009 or outofdarkness@mcleanbible.org<br />
CAPITAL BIBLE SEMINARY – Join us for an Open House at our Virginia<br />
extension on Wednesday, December 3 at 6:00 pm. Experience a class<br />
session and chapel event, and dialog with our staff and faculty. Receive<br />
more information at the booth after the service today.<br />
INFO: Sarah Robinson, 703-752-1624 or sarah.robinson@mcleanbible.org<br />
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES – If you or someone you know is looking for<br />
career opportunities in the ministry, review available positions online for our<br />
MBC campuses.<br />
INFO: Pearl Hunt, mcleanbible.org/employment or resume@mcleanbible.org<br />
BOOKSTORE VOLUNTEERS – Do you have good organizational skills and<br />
attention to detail With the holidays coming, we need your help in the<br />
MBC BOOKstore on Thursdays, any hours between 11:00 am and 8:00 pm,<br />
to keep greeting cards stocked. No experience necessary.<br />
INFO: Pat Baur, 703-770-3834 or pat.baur@mcleanbible.org<br />
Repair’ Team for upcoming projects supporting homeowners in the DC area.<br />
INFO: Joel Johnson, 443-848-3392 or homerepair@mcleanbible.org<br />
HEBREWS 13:3 PRISONER OUTREACH – Help inmates write to their loved ones<br />
at <strong>Christmas</strong> by donating Christian-themed cards, envelopes and stamps (do<br />
not affix stamps) at the City Impact booth by December 5-6. The Prisoner<br />
Outreach team visits six local jails and distributes the cards and stamps.<br />
INFO: Steve Gillen, 703-639-2000 x3331 or cityimpact@mcleanbible.org<br />
CENTRAL UNION MISSION – Bringing <strong>Christmas</strong> to needy children.<br />
Please join us Saturday, December 12, 9:00 am as we hand out bags of<br />
clothing, educational items and toys to the children at 1350 R Street NW,<br />
Washington, DC.<br />
INFO: Kent Johnson, 703-853-4920 or cityimpact@mcleanbible.org<br />
NEW COMPUTER MINISTRY – What are you doing with that old computer<br />
Donating it Great idea! The City Impact Computer Ministry plans to distribute<br />
free computers to low-income individuals, helping them engage in today’s<br />
hi-tech economy. Call to donate your Pentium 4 or faster system.<br />
INFO: Paul Sherman, 703-464-8000 or cityimpact@mcleanbible.org<br />
ENTERTAIN FOR ETERNITY – Discover how to set yourself free and relax so<br />
you can kick open your door and enjoy sharing the love of Christ in your<br />
own home this season. Featuring author Nan McCullough at 12:30 pm in<br />
Community Room A on December 6.<br />
INFO/REGISTER: Sarah Robinson, 703-770-2978 or gotquestions@mcleanbible.org<br />
PORTUGUESE SPEAKING INTEREST MEETING – Do you or someone you know<br />
speak Portuguese Help spread the Word of God to foreign speakers, and<br />
serve families who need to be connected to the body of Christ. Meeting<br />
Sunday, December 6 at 12:15 pm in Room 3200.<br />
INFO: Sunny Bender, 703-770-8659 or sunny.bender@mcleanbible.org<br />
ACCESS – Disability Community<br />
PARENTS’ SUPPORT GROUP – Find encouragement through fellowship, scripture,<br />
prayer, and support on Sunday, November 29, 12:30-1:30 pm, Room 1410. For<br />
more details, visit mbctysons.org/access. For childcare reservations, contact<br />
Jackie Janssen, 703-770-3438.<br />
INFO: Jackie Mills-Fernald, 703-770-2942 or jackie.millsfernald@mcleanbible.org<br />
ACCESS FAMILY CHRISTMAS PARTY – Join us for our annual <strong>Christmas</strong> Party<br />
on December 5 in Community Room C. Enjoy time with Access families<br />
and volunteers from 12:00-3:00 pm, and bring a favorite dish. See invite at<br />
Upcoming <strong>Eve</strong>nts page on mbctysons.org/access.<br />
INFO: Stephanie Reding, 703-770-8654 or stephanie.reding@mcleanbible.org<br />
FRIENDSHIP CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY (AGE 16+) – Join your friends for this special<br />
<strong>Christmas</strong> dinner celebration in Community Room B, 6:30-9:00 pm, on December 11,<br />
and wear your holiday best. RSVP by December 5. Ask Fran what dish to bring!<br />
INFO/REGISTER: Fran Smith, 703-770-4393 or fran.smith@mcleanbible.org<br />
VOLUNTEER IN ACCESS THIS WINTER – Help make this a wonderful <strong>Christmas</strong><br />
season for children/young adults with special needs! Access needs your help<br />
in respite care or Sunday School whenever you can serve: Friday evenings,<br />
Saturdays, and Sundays. Share the joy!<br />
INFO: Stephanie Reding, 703-770-8654 or stephanie.reding@mcleanbible.org