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ministrY SpotlightMore information available at notesThe vision of <strong>McLean</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong>is to make an impact on secularWashington, DC with the messageof Jesus ChristSTEPHEN MINISTRY TRAININGLearn how to give “distinctively Christian care” to people experiencinglife challenges.Apply by Monday, June 17 for this 6-week course.Begins Saturday, Sept. 7, cost $60.INFO: Pete Rockx, 703-770-4398 or stephenministry@mcleanbible.orgDr. Joe Henriques, Campus Pastormbctysonsblog.commay 18-19, 2013genesis, part 47Homosexuality(Genesis 19)lon solomon, Senior PastorWeekends at MBC Tysons...5th Annual Ride for Jill’s HouseSATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013<strong>Register</strong> <strong>Now</strong> Denise Daffron at or 703.639.5663.Celebrating special children. Renewing their families.WORSHIP ServiceSBlended styles of music in Main AuditoriumSaturdays at 6:30 pmSundays at 9 am, 10:45 am and12:30 pmContemporary band-led music in the Smith CenterSundays at 10:45 am, The Edge CommunitySundays at 5:30 pmLANGUAGE INTERPRETATIONMandarin Sundays at 9 amKorean Sundays at 10:45 amSpanish Sundays at 12:30 pmADULT COMMUNITY GROUPSGroups & locations available at lobby Welcome CentersSundays at 9 am, 10:45 am & 12:30 pmDISABILITY COMMUNITYVisit the Access check-in deskHigh SchoolSundays at 10:45 am in Community Room CJunior HighSundays at 9 & 10:45 am in The RockCHILDREN (Infants–5th grade)Visit the Kid’s Quest Welcome CenterOther Campuses...SEEKING ASL INTERPRETERS!MBC Tysons is looking for qualifiedAmerican Sign Language interpreters to provideservices to deaf and hard-of-hearing personsin a variety of MBC events.INFO: Phyllis Rogers,<strong>Now</strong> you can invite your neighbors and parents to sharein the powerful message given each Sunday.9 am service Mandarin10:45 am service Korean12:30 pm service Spanishmbc loudounSaturdays at 6:30 pmSundays at 9 & 10:45 ammbcloudoun.orgmbc Prince WilliamSundays at 9 &10:45 ammbcprincewilliam.orgMBC BethesdaSundays at 9 & 10:45 ammbcbethesda.orgMBC ArlingtonMondays at 7:30 pmmbcarlington.comMBC SILVER SRINGSundays at 6:30 pmmbcsilverspring.orgINTERNET CAMPUS – Live webcastSundays at 9 am, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm and 5:30 pmmbclive.orgFor more info on missions visit our blog: mbcmissions.orgStephen KatzNorth AmericaAllan & PamelaGardnerNorth AmericaReceivers are available at the Intercultural Connectionbooth in the lobby. Questions? Contact: Sunny Bender703-770-8659 or Solomon, Senior PastorPhysical Address: 8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna VA 22182Mailing Address: PO Box 9300, <strong>McLean</strong> VA 22102Main: 703-639-2000 TTY:
RESPONSE cardmay 18–19, 2013Mr./Mrs./Ms. ____________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________Email ___________________________________________________________________Phone __________________________________________________________________Service Attended: q 6:30 pm q 9 am q 10:45 am q 12:30 pmq I’m new to MBC.q My information has changed. Please update the church database.q I prayed to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior today.I would like to learn more about:q Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.q Cultural/language specific ministries (Asian, Latin, African, others).q Your ministries.FOR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE-New to MBC Tysons?Attend the Newcomers Reception in the main lobby after any service.-A personal concern?See the Ministry Staff at the front of the auditorium after any service.-Volunteering and small group options?Go to the Connect Room on the lower level after any service.-Desire a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?Go to the main lobby “Got Questions?” area after any service.-Request a visit for someone who is ill?Go online at a prayer request?Share prayer requests and praises below or submit them online byvisiting our prayer page at My request is confidential.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________AdultsMEMBERSHIP ORIENTATION – Learn how to become a member of MBC onSunday, May 19 from 2–4:30 pm in the Main Auditorium.INFO: Nancy Taylor, 703-770-4397 or nancy.taylor@mcleanbible.orgMBC BOOKSTORE CLOSING – Everything in the Bookstore will be on clearancesale until the store closes. Christian books, <strong>Bible</strong>s, study guides, resources,cards and Christian gifts. Open Saturdays 5–8 pm and Sundays8:30 am–2:30 pm.INFO: MBC Bookstore, 703-770-3834 or email bookstore@mcleanbible.orgCHILD DEDICATION CLASS – Parents interested in dedicating their childrenare invited to join us Sunday, June 9 from 9:30–10 am in Room 3200. This classis required for child dedication.INFO: Jimmi Nassar,, IRANIAN & TAJIK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP – Visitors welcome! Prayer& Worship in the Farsi language at 12:30 in Community Room A. We also meetfor Sunday <strong>Bible</strong> Study in Farsi at 10:45 am at the third floor balcony table.INFO: Stephanie Tileston, or 703-677-8356THE WINSOME WOMAN – Ladies, an event designed to enrich you featuringauthor and counselor, Leslie Vernick and Cheryl Martin, host of ExcellentLiving. Free, but registration requested. Saturday, June 29 from 9 am–noon inthe Smith Center.INFO/REGISTER: Tanya Nickson, 703-615-6588“COLLEGE READY” – Get ready for one of the biggest adventures of your lifewith Family Life’s high impact, DVD-guided series for students and parents.Sundays, June 2–July 14 from 10:45 am–noon in Room 1410. <strong>Register</strong> online.INFO/REGISTER: Pam Stroup, or 703-770-2997DISCOVERING THE WORD – Join this <strong>Bible</strong> study community as David Tyeteaches on Joshua. Sundays, at 9 am in Community Room A. Any adult,unmarried or married is welcome.INFO: Ed Few, or 703-770-4381WOMEN’S SUMMER SERIES – Find summer refreshment by recapturing seminarhighlights from the 2013 Women’s Conference. Join a multigenerationalcommunity of women Wednesday nights, June 5–July 17 from 7–9pm inCommunity Room B. No registration required. Speaker schedule online.INFO: Terri Edwards, WALL – Are you in need of prayer? Do you have a heart to pray forothers? Please go to our Prayer Wall on the MBC Tysons blog to share yourrequest and pray for others.INFO: Deirdre Frey, or deirdre.frey@mcleanbible.orgMBC COUNSELING CENTER – Christian professional clinicians provide helpwith emotional, behavioral or spiritual problems facing individuals, couples orfamilies. Information on our fee-based counseling is on the information wallor online.INFO: Lauren Brogdon, 703-770-8670 or Disability CommunityFRIENDSHIP CLUB SOUL SISTERS – Ladies (16+ with developmental delays),enjoy a time of canvas painting and lunch at Chick-fil-A with your soul sisterson Saturday, May 25 from noon–3 pm. Cost is $20. <strong>Register</strong> by Sunday, May 5.INFO: Brian Rice,, BE UPLIFTED – Join fellow parents of children with special needs forsupport and encouragement at the parent support group next Sunday,May 26 from 12:30–1:30 in Room 1410. Childcare available by reservationwith Isabelle Brugere, A SUMMER SUB! Enable our year-round volunteers to take a break thissummer by volunteering as an Access classroom assistant for Sunday schoolfor a few weeks. Play a part in changing special children’s lives.INFO: Sheena Austria, 703-639-2000 x3435 or sheena.austria@mcleanbible.orgSAVE THE DATE – The next Access Community Lecture Series will be onMonday, June 3 from 7:30–9 pm in Community Room B. Come hear JamieBassos, Program Director, Continuum Autism Spectrum Alliance, discussmaintaining and enhancing friendships over the summer.INFO: Erin Roundtree, 703-770-2938 or’s questAPPRECIATE YOUR CHILD’S LEADERS? Show your thanks for our faithful Kid’sQuest volunteers by making tasty, bite-sized appetizers or desserts for ourannual volunteer celebration event on Friday, May 31. Contact us to makearrangements for drop off.INFO: Jennifer Myers,, 703-639-2000 x1989ORGANIZERS WANTED – Love sorting and storing? Got a knack for organizingclosets? Like hands-on projects? The Kid’s Quest office needs you! Lookingfor individuals to commit a couple hours a month to keeping our children’sministry supplies tidy and organized.INFO: Caitlin Davis, or 703-770-3831SERVE A CHILD – What are you doing this summer to make an impact forGod? You could have an amazing summer helping children continue togrow spiritually by serving in Kid’s Quest between June–September. All giftsand talents welcome.INFO: Alessandra Prosper, or 703-770-2902rock student ministryHELP TEENS GROW – We’re looking for men and women who have a passionfor Christ and a heart for students. If this is you, we’d love to have you joinour team.INFO: Kristy Barthelson, kristy.barthelson@mcleanbible.orgTHE GAUNTLET – Can you survive an obstacle and endurance racedesigned by a U.S. Navy Seal? Join us for The Rock’s Gauntlet Run Saturday,June 1 – junior high races: 10 am–noon and senior high races: 1–3 pm.INFO: Todd Peters, HIGH LOCAL BALTIMORE, MD MISSION TRIP – For rising 6th–9th gradestudents, parents and volunteers from Thursday–Sunday, July 11–14.Application due online by this Sunday, May 19.INFO: Kristy Barthelson,