What a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ Looks Like , Part 1

What a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ Looks Like , Part 1

What a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ Looks Like , Part 1


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<strong>What</strong> a <strong>Fully</strong>-<strong>Devoted</strong> <strong>Follower</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jesus <strong>Christ</strong> <strong>Looks</strong> <strong>Like</strong>, , part 1Lon Solomon - - September 17/18, 2005Picture <strong>of</strong> Washington post logo; Picture <strong>of</strong> Howdy Doody; Picture <strong>of</strong> the Grand Canyon“<strong>What</strong> a <strong>Fully</strong>-<strong>Devoted</strong> <strong>Follower</strong> <strong>of</strong> Jesus <strong>Looks</strong> <strong>Like</strong>.”MBC Core Value #3 – Our goal is to transform people into fully-devoted followers <strong>of</strong> Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.A fully-devoted follower <strong>of</strong> Jesus is a person who is growing in their relationship with Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.When we accept Jesus <strong>Christ</strong> as our personal Lord and Savior, we enter into an actual “relationship” withthe risen Lord.Because Jesus is alive, he can enter into personal relationships with people.As followers <strong>of</strong> Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>, we enter into a “family” relationship with God – we become God’s adoptedchildren and he becomes our personal heavenly Father.“To every person who believes in Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>, to them God gives the right to become children <strong>of</strong> God.”John 1:12“For you are all children <strong>of</strong> God through faith in Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.” Galatians 3:26A fully-devoted follower <strong>of</strong> Jesus <strong>Christ</strong> doesn’t just have a “relationship” with Jesus <strong>Christ</strong> - - they have ahealthy relationship with Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.“But grow in the grace and knowledge <strong>of</strong> our Lord and Savior Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.” 2 Peter 3:18<strong>Fully</strong>-devoted followers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> are people who are constantly seeking to grow deeper and go deeper intheir relationship with Him.In order to have an intimate relationship with God, three things are necessary.#1 - - We have to realize that such a relationship with God is possible.There are enormous segments <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>ianity where this truth - -• that God is a person• and that you/I can have an intimate relationship with Him . . .• just like we can have with any person . . .• (Where this truth) is not taught or encouraged or even believed.“ . . . that I may know Him . . .” Philippians 3:10“Sound Bible teaching is an imperative in the church. But it can be carried on wrongly. The Bible is not anend in itself, but rather, it is a ‘means to an end.’And that end is to bring us into an intimate and satisfying knowledge <strong>of</strong> God• that we might enter into Him• that we might delight in His presence• that we might taste and know the inner sweetness <strong>of</strong> God Himself at the center and core <strong>of</strong> ourbeing.Until and unless we find God in this kind <strong>of</strong> personal experience, we are not any the better for simplyhaving ‘heard’ the Bible.” A.W. Tozer - - The Pursuit <strong>of</strong> God#2 - - We have to hunger and thirst for such a relationship with God.“Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” Matthew 5:6“As the deer pants for the waterbrook, so my soul pants for You, O God.” Psalm 42:1

“O God, earnestly I seek You. My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You, as in a dry and weary landwhere there is no water.” Psalm 63:1“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>. Morethan that, I count all things to be loss in view <strong>of</strong> the surpassing value <strong>of</strong> knowing Jesus <strong>Christ</strong> my Lord.”Philippians 3:8ff“Our heads ached; our eyes became bloodshot and dim in the blinding glare. Our tongues began to swell.Our lips turned purplish-black and burst open. Those who dropped out <strong>of</strong> the column were never seenagain, but we desperately battled on toward Sheria. There were wells at Sheria. We fought on as menfight for their lives. We entered Sheria on the heels <strong>of</strong> the retreating Turks. The first objects that met ourview were the great stone cisterns full <strong>of</strong> cold, clear water. We clamored, we crawled, we scratched ourway to those cisterns. Men fell down and drank on their hands and knees - - on their bellies. It took fourhours before the last man was filled. I learned my first real Bible lesson on that march. If such were ourthirst for God, for His presence in our lives - - how rich the fruit <strong>of</strong> the Spirit would be.” The Romance <strong>of</strong>the Last Crusade with Allenby to Jerusalem by Major Vivian Gilbert#3 - - We must be willing to pay the price for such a relationship.Personal relationships are “living things” - - and like all “living things,” these relationships must becultivated if they’re to remain healthy.This kind <strong>of</strong> cultivation must be intentional, deliberate - - and it’s going to always cost us something.Spiritual Habit #1 - - Reading, , studying, and meditating on God’s word“Long for the pure milk <strong>of</strong> God’s word so that, by means <strong>of</strong> it, you may grow.” I Peter 2:2Picture <strong>of</strong> Lon’s original Bible and a picture <strong>of</strong> a page from it.No one can grow deep in their relationship with God without being a “man/woman <strong>of</strong> the Book.”Spiritual Habit #2 - - Memorizing scripture“Your word I have hidden in my heart.” Psalm 119:11“Your word is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8Spiritual Habit #3 - - Time spent with God in prayer“Pour out your heart before God.” Psalm 62:8“I have poured out my soul before the LORD. 1 Samuel 1:15“Casting all your cares on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7“Call unto Me and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not.” Jeremiah 33:3Spiritual Habit #4 - - Obedience“To obey is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22“For when I brought your forefathers out <strong>of</strong> Egypt, I did not give them commands about burnt <strong>of</strong>ferings, butrather I said to them, ‘Obey Me, and I will be your God and you will be my people.’” Jeremiah 7:22“Be doers <strong>of</strong> God’s word and not merely hearers.” James 1:22Disobedience disrupts our relationship with God.We cannot grow a healthy relationship with God in the “petrie dish” <strong>of</strong> disobedience.

A fully-devoted follower <strong>of</strong> <strong>Christ</strong> is a person who is growing in their relationship with Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>.• They’re passionate about getting to know God better• And they’re willing to practice the spiritual habits it requires• Studying God’s word• Memorizing God’s word• Prayer• ObediencePicture <strong>of</strong> self-assessment sheet in bulletin<strong>Christ</strong>ianity 101 – Knowing God in a Personal Way<strong>Christ</strong>ianity 201 – Growing in Your Relationship with Jesus <strong>Christ</strong>Classes begin September 25/26 - - Register at Ticket CentralMore information is available at McLean University Booth

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