Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol V-Rr-edit.pub - Ahobilavalli

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol V-Rr-edit.pub - Ahobilavalli

Vishnu Sahasra Naamam-Vol V-Rr-edit.pub - Ahobilavalli


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a) SrI BhaTTar uses the meaning 'valorous' for the term 'vIra', and explains<br />

the nAma as "One Who is valorous in defending His devotees from their<br />

downfall, and retrieving those who have had a downfall – teshAm vinipAta<br />

pratIkAraH.<br />

SrImad SrImushNam ANDavan explains the nAma as "SobhanaH vIraH yaH<br />

saH su-vIraH" – He Who is a highly desirable vIra is su-vIra.<br />

SrI v.v.rAmAnujan refers us to tiruvAimozhi 3.2.3, where nammAzhvAr praises<br />

the valor of Lord kRshNa in conducting the mahA bhArata war without even<br />

participating directly as a warrior in the war.<br />

kollA mAk-kOl kolai Seidu bhAratap-pOr ellAc-cEnaiyum iru nilattu aLitta<br />

endAi! (tiruvAi. 3.2.3)<br />

BhagavAn uses the stick that He used for directing the horses of the chariot,<br />

and though this stick itself could not kill, He still used it so skillfully that<br />

arjuna was able to finish the task that He wanted to get fulfilled, and reduced<br />

the bhU-bhAram or the load on the earth by destroying the fighters of both<br />

sides.<br />

SrI vAsishTha explains the nAma as SobhanA = saralA, vividhA ca IraH =<br />

gatiH yasya, sa suvIraH – He Who has beautiful, elegant, gait that is displayed<br />

in various forms. Even though SrI vAsishTha does not refer to the different<br />

gati-s of bhagavAn such as the gaja gati, simha gati, vyAghra gati, sarpa gati<br />

etc., one is immediately reminded of these beautiful gati-s that one is given to<br />

enjoy during our temple processions of emperumAn from temple chambers to<br />

the outside and back. SrI vAsishTha gives the example of bhagavAn<br />

manifesting Himself beautifully in various forms such as dakshiNAyana,<br />

uttarAyaNa, etc.<br />

SrI veLukkuDi kRshNan distinguishes between three types of vIra-s: vIra,<br />

SUra, parAkrama. VIra is one who does not get disturbed by the might of the<br />

opposition; Sura is one who gets inside the army of the opposition and destroys<br />

the opposition without a trace; parAkrama is the quality wherein there is no<br />

harm or injury to the fighter in the process of fighting. SrI kRshNan<br />


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