Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdur Rasheed RZ - Khalifatullah Mehdi (AHS)

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdur Rasheed RZ - Khalifatullah Mehdi (AHS)

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdur Rasheed RZ - Khalifatullah Mehdi (AHS)


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79<br />

were with him. They had said to their people, ‘Verily, we are clear<br />

of you and what ye worship beside Allah; we renounce you; and<br />

there has arisen between you and us enmity and hatred which shall<br />

last till ye believe in Allah alone…” 55 Bandagi <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>RZ</strong> recited<br />

many other Quranic Verses and explained them for nearly a pahr<br />

(three hours) in a threatening and wrathful tone. After this, the<br />

brothers of the daira repented and confessed their fault and recalled<br />

their family members from the houses of their relatives outside the<br />

daira.<br />

101. It is narrated that once Bandagi Malik Ilahdad <strong>RZ</strong> had come<br />

from Jalore and stayed near Nahrvala for a few days. He had issued<br />

orders that none should go to meet their relatives, but if the relatives<br />

themselves came to the daira, they could be met. The orders further<br />

said that if the inmates of the daira went to meet their relatives they<br />

should not come back to the daira; they could live wherever they<br />

wanted.<br />

102. It is narrated that Malik Maaroof <strong>RZ</strong> told Imam Mahdi AS , “A<br />

letter has arrived from my mother asking me to go over to meet her<br />

at least once. I would go if permitted.” Imam Mahdi AS said, “Write<br />

to your mother that Malik Maaroof is dead.”<br />

103. <strong>Miyan</strong> Nemat <strong>RZ</strong> is narrated to have given the journey<br />

expenses and expelled those inmates who had gone to the houses of<br />

the conformists (muafiqin) outside the daira.<br />

104. When some of the companions returned from Kahaa (in<br />

Sindh to Gujarat), <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> also went with them<br />

with the permission of Imam Mahdi AS . Some companions told the<br />

Imam AS , “Miranji! Do not allow <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> to go<br />

because his relatives are wealthy and they would not allow him to<br />

return.” The Imam AS replied, “This servant (of Allah) has permitted<br />

him to go. Sending him is expedient; Allah Most High will cause<br />

development of His religion by his going.”<br />

55 (S. 60: 3 and 4 SAL).<br />

80<br />

105. <strong>Miyan</strong> Dilawar <strong>RZ</strong> has narrated that Imam Mahdi AS had<br />

called hypocrites and apostates people who had gone towards<br />

Gujarat. <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> and <strong>Miyan</strong> Nemat <strong>RZ</strong> started<br />

saying to each other, “We too had gone to Gujarat. What would be<br />

our fate?” <strong>Miyan</strong> Nemat <strong>RZ</strong> told the Imam AS about his conversation<br />

with <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> and their apprehensions. The Imam AS<br />

thought over the matter and went into meditation (muraqaba). A<br />

moment later, he said, “The divine command comes that these are<br />

our accepted (maqbul) people.” Some time later, the people, Imam<br />

Mahdi AS had called hypocrites, returned (ruju’) to the daira of<br />

<strong>Miyan</strong> Syed Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> and remained steadfast after that. They<br />

died too in the daira. Some of the companions asked <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed<br />

Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> , “What do you say about these people?” The <strong>Miyan</strong> <strong>RZ</strong><br />

said, “How dare I say anything! Since they have returned (ruju’),<br />

lamented (at their indiscretion) and remained steadfast till the end,<br />

there is hope of their being accepted (maqbul). But since friendship<br />

and meeting the non-disabled squatters are not allowed, they do not<br />

have the right to inheritance as Imam Mahdi AS has called them the<br />

hypocrites.”<br />

106. A person is narrated to have died in the daira of <strong>Miyan</strong><br />

Nemat <strong>RZ</strong> at Nagaur. The deceased had left fifty fairozi as his legacy.<br />

Some of his relatives (legatees) were living at Dholkha village. But<br />

<strong>Miyan</strong> Nemat <strong>RZ</strong> ordered that the money should be distributed<br />

among the inmates of the daira. He recited the Quranic Verse:<br />

“Surely those who believed and migrated and strove hard in the<br />

way of Allah, with their riches and lives; and those who gave refuge<br />

and succored: those shall be heirs one unto other. And those who<br />

believed and did not emigrate, you have naught of inheritance to do<br />

with them unless they migrate…” 56<br />

107. Bandagi <strong>Miyan</strong> Nizam <strong>RZ</strong> once gave what a faqir of the daira<br />

had left to such of the deceased’s legatees who were staying outside<br />

the daira. Hearing the news of the incident, <strong>Miyan</strong> Syed<br />

Khundmir <strong>RZ</strong> said, “This deed was not good, because this was the<br />

56 (S. 8: 72 AMD).

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