02020602 - Cafet Innova

02020602 - Cafet Innova

02020602 - Cafet Innova


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484 International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498<br />

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya<br />

Region, Eastern Ethiopia<br />


Department of Earth Science, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Mekelle<br />

University, P.O. Box 1604, Mekelle, Ethiopia<br />

Email: tafesse24603@yahoo.com, amennata@gmail.com<br />

Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to conduct the water balance of Haromaya<br />

watershed, located in Oromiya Regional State, eastern part of Ethiopia, having an area of<br />

about 53.8 km 2 . The hydrology of the area was characterized based on land use, soil,<br />

rainfall, temperature, evapotranspiration, runoff and infiltration. In order to determine the<br />

basic hydrologic parameters, meteorological data was collected from a station inside the<br />

watershed. The rainfall coefficient method was used to determine the monthly distribution<br />

of rainfall and then to distinguish between rainy and dry months. The Thornthwaite and<br />

modified Penman methods were used to compute the potential evapotranspiration. Water<br />

balance model was used for determination of the actual evapotranspiration. The catchment<br />

is characterized by one rainy season and two dry seasons during the year. The rainy season<br />

has eight months whereas the dry seasons have four months. The mean annual rainfall of<br />

the catchment is 770.5 mm. Rains in the rainy season accounts for 93% of the mean annual<br />

rainfall whereas the amount of rainfall that occurs during the dry seasons accounts only 7<br />

%. The mean annual actual evapotranspiration of the watershed is 693.14 mm. Haromaya<br />

watershed is a closed basin and the actual evapotranspiration is the only outflow<br />

component. The net total amount of water which is actually available to recharge the<br />

groundwater circulation within the watershed is 2.01 million cubic meter. In general, the<br />

watershed has very good groundwater potential, and needs proper development and<br />

utilization under a controlled scientific manner.<br />

Keywords: Evapotranspiration, Ethiopia, groundwater, rainfall, surplus, water budget.<br />

1. Introduction:<br />

1.1. General:<br />

The demand of water in developing<br />

countries like Ethiopia is ever increasing day<br />

by day with rapid population growth.<br />

Supplying adequate water with a reasonable<br />

quality is a major constraint in both local<br />

and regional planning for urban and rural<br />

areas. Domestic consumptions, industrial<br />

and irrigation activities mainly relay on<br />

water. In most cases, in Ethiopia, the<br />

demand for water exceeds the supply from<br />

various resources such as surface waters<br />

and groundwater. This is not due to lack of<br />

water resources but due to inefficient water<br />

resources utilization practices. Meaningful<br />

planning to utilize and conserve water<br />

resources in a particular area, should be<br />

based on the assessment of its available<br />

water resources. Ethiopia has abundant<br />

water resources with estimated 111 billion<br />

cubic meters of mean annual runoff from its<br />

major river basins, and preliminary studies<br />

and professional estimates indicate that the<br />

country has a yearly refreshing groundwater<br />

of 2.56 billion cubic meters (Ministry of<br />

Water Resource, 2001). However, the<br />

country is known by famine and drought.<br />

Assessment of available water resources can<br />

be done through a means of water balance<br />

analyses. The water balance is an<br />

accounting of the inputs and outputs of<br />

water (Ritter, 2006). In other words, the<br />

study of the water balance is the application<br />

in hydrology of the principle of conservation<br />

of mass, often referred to as the continuity<br />

equation. This states that, for any arbitrary<br />

volume and during any period of time, the<br />

difference between total input and output<br />

will be balanced by the change of water<br />

storage within the volume. In general,<br />

therefore, use of a water-balance technique<br />

implies measurements of both storages and<br />

#<strong>02020602</strong> Copyright © 2009 CAFET-INNOVA TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved.

.<br />

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

485<br />

fluxes (rates of flow) of water, though by<br />

appropriate selection of the volume and<br />

period of time for which the balance will be<br />

applied, some measurements may be<br />

eliminated (UNESCO, 1974).<br />

The water balance equation for any natural<br />

area (such as a river basin) or water body<br />

indicates the relative values of inflow,<br />

outflow and change in water storage for the<br />

area or water body. In general, the inflow<br />

part of the water balance equation<br />

comprises precipitation (P) as rainfall and<br />

snow actually received at the ground<br />

surface, and surface and subsurface water<br />

inflow into the basin or water body from<br />

outside (Q si and Q ux ). The outflow part of the<br />

equation includes evaporation from the<br />

surface of the water body (E) and surface<br />

and subsurface outflow from the basin or<br />

water body (Q so and Q up ). When the inflow<br />

exceeds the outflow, the total water storage<br />

in the body (Δs) increases; an inflow is less<br />

than the outflow resulting in decreased<br />

storage. Consequently the water balance for<br />

any water body and any time interval in its<br />

general form may be represented by the<br />

following equation (UNESCO, 1974): P + Q si<br />

+ Q ux - E - Q so - Q up - Δs = 0 (1)<br />

For application to a variety of water-balance<br />

computations Eq. 1 may be simplified or<br />

made more complex, depending on the<br />

available initial data, the purpose of the<br />

computation, the type of body (river basin<br />

or artificially separated administrative<br />

district, lake or reservoir, etc.), and the<br />

dimensions of the water body, its<br />

hydrographic and hydrologic features, the<br />

duration of the balance time interval, and<br />

the phase of the hydrological regime (flood,<br />

low flow) for which the water balance is<br />

computed.<br />

On the other hand, depending on the<br />

specific problem, the terms of Eq. 1 may be<br />

subdivided also. For example, in the<br />

compilation of water balance for short time<br />

intervals, the change in total water storage<br />

(Δs) in a small river basin may be<br />

subdivided into changes of moisture storage<br />

in the soil (ΔM), in aquifers (ΔG), in lakes<br />

and reservoirs (Δs l ), in river channels (Δs ch ),<br />

in glaciers (Δs gl ) and in snow cover (Δs sn ).<br />

Thus in this case the water balance equation<br />

becomes;<br />

P + Q si + Q ux - E - Q so - Q up - ΔM - ΔG - Δs l -<br />

Δs ch - Δs gl - Δs sn = 0 (2)<br />

where Q si represents the net surface water<br />

diversion from other basins.<br />

Determining the components of the water<br />

balance has a great contribution in the<br />

water budgeting of an area. A water<br />

resource development which is carried out<br />

on the basis of water budget information will<br />

definitely minimize and/or avoid the<br />

wastage of water resources that are going to<br />

be exposed to risk and mismanagement,<br />

and hence will led to a proper utilization of<br />

this precious resource.<br />

In Ethiopia, water balance study was<br />

conducted only in few areas (Kebede et. al.,<br />

2006; Kebede and Travi, 2004; Johnson and<br />

Curtis, 1994; Nata, 2006; Shahin, 1988;<br />

Valet-Coulomb et. al., 2001). Most of these<br />

studies were conducted for purpose of<br />

academic achievement rather than being<br />

utilized for the proper development of water<br />

resource of the country.<br />

The Haromaya watershed is a source of<br />

water supply for three major towns (Harar,<br />

Alemaya and Awaday) and also to one main<br />

University of the country called Haromaya<br />

University. Currently the groundwater is<br />

extracted through twenty boreholes and<br />

more than 180 hand dug wells that are<br />

drilled and dugged in different parts of the<br />

watershed. The boreholes were drilled to<br />

supply water to the three towns and the<br />

university, whereas the hand dug wells were<br />

constructed by the farmers for the domestic,<br />

irrigation and livestock purposes.<br />

Even though such a huge exploitation of<br />

groundwater is going on there, the water<br />

balance which accounts the whole Haromaya<br />

watershed has not yet been established so<br />

far. Consequently, the total amount of water<br />

which is actually available to recharge the<br />

groundwater circulation in the watershed is<br />

not yet been determined. This research work<br />

is designed to fill such a gap and by then<br />

give quantitative information about the<br />

water budget components and its analyses<br />

that can be used for further development<br />

and utilization plan for this precious<br />

resource in the area.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498


1.2 Objective:<br />

The major objective of the research was to<br />

conduct the water balance of the Haromaya<br />

watershed.<br />

2. Methodology:<br />

2.1 Description of the Study Area:<br />

2.1.1 Location:<br />

The study area, Haromaya watershed, is<br />

located in Oromiya Regional State, eastern<br />

part of Ethiopia, about 505 km east of Addis<br />

Ababa, which is the capital city of country.<br />

Geographically, it is bounded between 9° 21'<br />

40'' to 9° 27' 13'' E and 42° 05' 16'' to 43°<br />

55' 12'' N. The Haromaya watershed is a<br />

closed basin, and has an aerial coverage of<br />

about 53.8 sq. km (Fig. 1).<br />


Red<br />

Sea<br />

N<br />

UGANDA<br />

Mekelle<br />

Tan a<br />

Gulf of<br />

H ayk DJIBOUTI<br />

Aden<br />

B lu e N ile<br />


Addis Ababa<br />


L ake R u d o lf<br />

KENYA<br />

0 200 KM<br />


Indian<br />

Ocean<br />

TIG RAY<br />

AMHARA<br />

AFAR<br />





S.N.N.P.R.S.<br />

SOMALI<br />

O RO M I YA<br />

N<br />

1044000<br />

1041000<br />

1038000<br />

165000 168000 171000 174000 177000 180000<br />

Legend<br />

0 4 Kilometer<br />

Swampy area<br />

Watershed boundary<br />

Intermittent Streams<br />

Figure 1: Location map of the Haromaya watershed (After Nata et. al, 2006).<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

487<br />

2.1.2 Physiography and Drainage:<br />

The Haromaya watershed is located in the<br />

Harerghe plateau in the southeastern<br />

highlands and lowlands physiographic unit of<br />

the country. The watershed consists of vast<br />

depressed area bounded by adjacent<br />

highlands. The surrounding mountains are<br />

characterized by gentle to steep slopes<br />

covered with scattered bushes. The<br />

elevation of the area ranges from 2420 m<br />

above sea level at extreme northeastern<br />

parts to 2020 m above sea level near to the<br />

central depressed area. Steep to very steep<br />

slope, hilly and mountainous area, which<br />

covers 18% of the total area, characterizes<br />

the eastern and northeastern parts of the<br />

watershed. Flat to gentle slopes, which<br />

cover 82% of the total area and has a slope<br />

ranging 0-15%, characterizes the remaining<br />

parts of the watershed. The watershed<br />

includes a swampy area that lies in its<br />

southwestern parts. The slope of the<br />

watershed rises slowly in all directions away<br />

from the swampy area. The slopes, hills and<br />

mountains surrounding the study area have<br />

created a drainage network, which takes the<br />

surface flow towards the swampy area (Fig.<br />

1). All the streams that drained the<br />

watershed are intermittent, and the<br />

drainage pattern of the area is dendritic type<br />

(Fig. 1)<br />

2.1.3 Geology:<br />

The geology of the watershed is constituted<br />

by the rocks ranging in age from<br />

Precambrian to Recent. Stratigraphically,<br />

from the bottom to the top are the<br />

Precambrian basement rock (Granite),<br />

Mesozoic sedimentary rocks (Sandstone and<br />

Limestone) and Recent Quaternary<br />

sediments. The Precambrian basement rock<br />

of the watershed is granite, which is an<br />

Archean intrusive volcanic rock that<br />

penetrates the gneissic rocks. The fresh<br />

granite is light pinkish, massive, and coarse<br />

grained, having a batholithic size. It is<br />

characterized by well developed white<br />

colored quartz crystals and pinkish colored<br />

angular orthoclase crystal. It covers 46.3%<br />

of the total area of watershed, having a<br />

maximum thickness of more than 100m in<br />

the southeastern parts (Nata et. al, 2006).<br />

The Mesozoic sedimentary successions of<br />

the watershed consist of two formations, the<br />

sandstone and limestone.The sandstone,<br />

which occupies 14.3% of the total area, is a<br />

yellowish to pink, fine to medium grained<br />

quartz sandstone with well sorted, rounded<br />

grains weathering to red on the surface. It is<br />

non-calcareous except at the top near the<br />

contact with the overlying limestone, where<br />

thin beds of limestone have developed. The<br />

thickness of the sandstone ranges from 20<br />

to 200 meters, and shows deep vertical<br />

jointing (Nata et. al, 2006). The limestone,<br />

which occupies 5.1% of the mapped area<br />

having a maximum thickness of 180m, is<br />

fossiliferous, micritic limestone having very<br />

fine grain calcite crystals containing thin<br />

beds of light brownish marl bands having a<br />

thickness ranging from 3-5m (Nata et. al,<br />

2006). It has gray color when fresh and light<br />

yellowish to black color after weathering.<br />

Alluvium occurs in the central part of the<br />

watershed and as thin strip along the<br />

margins of the major rivers and their<br />

tributaries, and constitutes about 16.7% of<br />

the total area (Nata et. al, 2006).The lake<br />

deposits are found occupying the dried and<br />

disappeared Haromaya lake position in the<br />

current swampy area in the depressed part<br />

of the watershed, and constitute about<br />

17.7% of the total area (Nata et. al, 2006).<br />

Compositionally the deposits are comprised<br />

of clay, silty clay and silt in different<br />

proportion.<br />

2.1.4 Soil:<br />

On the basis of USDA soil textural<br />

classification scheme, the soil in the<br />

watershed was grouped in to four different<br />

classes: clay, clay-loam, sandy clay loam<br />

and sandy-loam. In addition to these soil<br />

covers swampy area is found at the central<br />

part of the area. The spatial distribution and<br />

areal coverage of these soil types is given in<br />

Table 1 and Fig. 2.<br />

Table 1: Types of soil and their<br />

corresponding area coverage.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498


1044000 N<br />

1041000<br />

1038000<br />

165000 168000 171000 174000 177000 180000<br />

Legend<br />

Clay<br />

Clay loam<br />

Sandy clay loam<br />

Sandy loam<br />

0 4 Kilometer<br />

Swampy area<br />

Watershed boundary<br />

2.1.5 Land Use and Vegetation:<br />

Figure 2: Soil map of the watershed (Nata et. al, 2006).<br />

Six major land use types were identified<br />

from the present land use during the field<br />

assessment made on the watershed. These<br />

are cultivated land, grazing land, forest,<br />

settlement (homestead), shrub and swampy<br />

area. The distribution and areal coverage of<br />

each land use is given in Table 2 and Fig. 3.<br />

Table 2: Land use type with their area<br />

proportion.<br />

78.25% of the total area of the watershed is<br />

constituted by cultivated land. The major<br />

crops grown in the area are sorghum and<br />

maize. Moreover, chat, a cash crop<br />

intercropped within sorghum and maize is<br />

also produced by farmers. There is also a<br />

good amount of vegetable production<br />

specifically around the swampy part by<br />

using irrigation water from hand dug wells.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

489<br />

1044000 N<br />

1041000<br />

1038000<br />

165000 168000 171000 174000 177000 180000<br />

Legend<br />

Cultivated land<br />

Grazing land<br />

Forest<br />

Shrub<br />

0 4 Kilometer<br />

Settlement (Homestead)<br />

Swampy area<br />

Watershed boundary<br />

2.2 Data Collection:<br />

Figure 3: Land use map of the watershed (Nata et. al, 2006).<br />

Extensive work was carried out by collecting<br />

pertinent primary data of the area in the<br />

field and secondary data from different<br />

offices.<br />

The topographic map with a scale of<br />

1:50,000 was used as a base map. Different<br />

thematic maps of the area were prepared<br />

using this as a base map. The hydrology of<br />

the catchment was characterized by land<br />

use, soil, rainfall, temperature,<br />

evapotranspiration, runoff and infiltration. In<br />

order to determine the basic hydrologic<br />

parameters, meteorological data was<br />

collected from a meteorological station. Data<br />

for land use, soil, geology and root depth<br />

were collected in the field with the help of<br />

GPS. Using ArcView GIS 3.3 and CorelDRAW<br />

12 software’s, various thematic maps such<br />

as location, soil and land use were<br />

produced.<br />

Meteorological data were collected from<br />

Haromaya meteorological station, which is<br />

located in the study area. The Haromaya<br />

meteorological station, which is owned by<br />

the National Meteorological Service Agency,<br />

is the first class station.<br />

2.3 Data Processing:<br />

For textural analyses nineteen disturbed soil<br />

samples were collected and analyses was<br />

made by Pipette method. The analyses were<br />

carried out at the soil laboratory of the<br />

Haromaya University. The soil classification<br />

was done on the basis of USDA soil texture<br />

classification system. The average depth of<br />

the root zone was measured in the field.<br />

In this study the suggested values of<br />

available water capacities for combinations<br />

of soil texture and vegetation by<br />

Thornthwaite and Mather (1957) was used<br />

to determine the available water capacity of<br />

the different soils in the watershed.<br />

The rainfall coefficient method (Daniel,<br />

1974) was used to determine the monthly<br />

distribution of rainfall in the studied area<br />

and then to distinguish between rainy<br />

months and dry months. This method<br />

involved the calculation of "rainfall<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498


coefficient" for each month at the station,<br />

the coefficient being the ratio between the<br />

mean monthly rainfall and one-twelfth of the<br />

annual mean (the latter referred to as<br />

"rainfall module").<br />

Potential evapotranspiration was estimated<br />

by modified Penman and Thornthwaite<br />

methods.<br />

The Penman equation, which was later<br />

modified by MAFF (Shaw, 1994) and called<br />

modified Penman equation, is given by:<br />

<br />

H T<br />

E at<br />

<br />

<br />

PET<br />

………………. (3)<br />

<br />

1<br />

<br />

Where<br />

PET = Potential evapotranspiration<br />

(mm/day)<br />

Δ = Slope of saturated vapor pressure Vs<br />

temperature curve (mmHg/ O C)<br />

γ = Hygrometric constant (mmHg/ O C)<br />

H 0 .75R<br />

(1 r)<br />

R (4)<br />

T<br />

I<br />

<br />

r 0. R f <br />

<br />

RI 75<br />

a<br />

a<br />

o<br />

n<br />

<br />

N<br />

1 (5)<br />

r = Albedo (for the study area it was taken<br />

to be 0.25)<br />

n <br />

<br />

N <br />

f a<br />

for the study area (within<br />

latitudes south of 54/2 0 N) equals<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

n <br />

.16 0.62 <br />

N <br />

0 (Shaw, 1994)<br />

(6)<br />

0.47<br />

0.075 e (0.17 0.83n<br />

/ )<br />

R<br />

a<br />

<br />

4<br />

0<br />

T<br />

correction N factor.<br />

(7)<br />

= Stefan-Boltzman constant (5.67*10 -8<br />

Wm -2 K -4 )<br />

T = Mean monthly temperature ( O C)<br />

E<br />

at<br />

u2<br />

<br />

0.351<br />

( es<br />

ea<br />

) (8)<br />

100 <br />

U 2 = wind speed at 2 m height (mile/hr)<br />

e a = Actual vapor pressure (mm Hg)<br />

e s = Saturated vapor pressure (mm Hg)<br />

N = Maximum possible sunshine hours (hr)<br />

n = Sunshine hours (hr)<br />

The Thornthwaite method (Thornthwaite and<br />

Mather, 1957) uses air temperature as an<br />

index of the energy available for<br />

evapotranspiration, assuming that air<br />

temperature is correlated with the<br />

integrated effects of net radiation and other<br />

controls of evapotranspiration, and that the<br />

available energy is shared in fixed<br />

proportion between heating the atmosphere<br />

and evapotranspiration. There is no<br />

correction for different vegetation types.<br />

The Thornthwaite's empirical equation is:<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498<br />

E<br />

t<br />

10Tn<br />

<br />

1 .6<br />

J<br />

<br />

<br />

a<br />

(9)<br />

Where<br />

E t = Potential evapotranspiration in<br />

centimeter per month.<br />

T n = Mean monthly air temperature (ºC).<br />

n = 1,2,3,......12 is the number of the<br />

considered months.<br />

J = Annual heat index and it is given by the<br />

equation:<br />

12<br />

<br />

J j<br />

(10)<br />

n1<br />

j = is the monthly heat index and it is<br />

expressed as:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

T n<br />

<br />

5 <br />

1.514<br />

j (11)<br />

a = 0.49 + 0. 0179J - 0.0000771J 2 +<br />

0.000000675J 3 (12)<br />

The computed monthly potential<br />

evapotranspiration in Eq. 9 is for a standard<br />

month with 360 hours of daylight. It must<br />

be corrected for the varying length of day<br />

with latitude using the appropriate<br />

Actual evapotranspiration data are not<br />

available in the stations employed in this<br />

study. Due to the almost complete lack of<br />

field instruments such as lysimeters, the<br />

Thornthwaite water balance model (Leopold<br />

and Dunne, 1978) was used to estimate the<br />

actual evapotranspiration of the watershed.<br />

The required parameters to determine<br />

actual evapotranspiration using this model<br />

are mean monthly precipitation, mean<br />

monthly potential evapotranspiration, water<br />

holding capacity of the dominant soil type<br />

and monthly soil moisture storage. The<br />

actual evapotranspiration, AET, for the

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

491<br />

dominant soil types and the respective land<br />

use in the area was weighted according to<br />

the proportion of the area it represents, and<br />

the weighted AET that is the over all actual<br />

evapotranspiration of the watershed was<br />

calculated as<br />

AET<br />

T<br />

AETi<br />

* a<br />

<br />

A<br />

i<br />

………………<br />

(13)<br />

Where AET T = Total Evapotranspiration;<br />

AET i = Annual evapotranspiration<br />

from each soil type<br />

a i = Area of each soil coverage:<br />

A = Total watershed area<br />

Since the watershed is a closed basin where<br />

the surplus entirely goes to infiltration, the<br />

water balance for the study area was<br />

determined by using the following equation.<br />

P - ET - I = 0 (14)<br />

Where ET = Evapotranspiration<br />

I = Infiltration<br />

P = Precipitation<br />

3. Results and Discussions:<br />

3.1 Hydrology:<br />

The hydrology of the catchment has been<br />

examined in terms of rainfall, temperature,<br />

potential evapotranspiration, actual<br />

evapotranspiration and runoff. Detailed<br />

sections on each of these topics follow.<br />

3.1.1 Rainfall:<br /> Mean Annual Rainfall:<br />

The rainfall data of the study area was taken<br />

from Haromaya University meteorological<br />

station. The data was collected from the last<br />

26 years records (1979-2005), and the<br />

mean is tabulated and presented in the<br />

Table 3. Accordingly, the mean annual<br />

rainfall of the study area is 770.5 mm. The<br />

mean monthly rainfall averaged over the<br />

twenty-six years period of record for the<br />

Haromaya University station is shown in Fig.<br />

4. The highest rainfall of the area is<br />

recorded in April, May, August and<br />

September which accounts above 62.5% of<br />

the total mean annual rainfall of the area<br />

whereas the minimum rainfall is exhibited in<br />

and January, February, November and<br />

December, which only accounts about 7 %<br />

of the total mean annual rainfall.<br /> Seasonality of Rainfall:<br />

The areal pattern of the seasonality of<br />

rainfall in the study area was determined by<br />

analyzing mean monthly rainfall data for one<br />

station in the study area. To compare the<br />

monthly distribution of rainfall at this<br />

station, the method employed here was<br />

adapted from a study of precipitation data<br />

for the Awash River Basin (Daniel, 1974).<br />

This involved the calculation of "rainfall<br />

coefficient" for each month at the station,<br />

the coefficient being the ratio between the<br />

mean monthly rainfall and one-twelfth of the<br />

annual mean (the latter referred to as<br />

"rainfall module"). To distinguish between a<br />

"rainy" month and a "dry" month in the<br />

Awash Basin study, a month is designated<br />

"rainy" when the monthly rainfall coefficient<br />

reaches 0.6 (60 % of the rainfall module),<br />

and distinctly rainy when it exceeds 0.8.<br />

Extremely rainy months have a coefficient of<br />

more than 1 (that is, the rainfall exceeds the<br />

module value) (Daniel, 1974).<br />

In this study, a month was designated<br />

"rainy" if the rainfall coefficient is 0.6 or<br />

over, as in the Awash Basin study. The term<br />

"small rains" is employed to refer to those<br />

months with a rainfall coefficient of 0.6 to<br />

0.9; and the term "big rains" to those<br />

months where the coefficient is 1.0 and<br />

above. The "big" rainy months are further<br />

classified into three groups: those with<br />

"moderate concentration" of rainfall<br />

(coefficient of 1.0 to 1.9); those with "high<br />

concentration" of rainfall (coefficient of 2.0<br />

to 2.9); and those with "very high<br />

concentration" of rainfall (coefficient of 3.0<br />

and above). This scheme of classification is<br />

presented in Table 4.<br />

Table 3: Mean monthly rainfall at Haromaya University station (mm).<br />

Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MAR<br />

MMR 12 20 54 109 108 46 95 151 114 41 15 7.3 771<br />

Where MMR is Mean monthly rainfall: and, MAR is Mean annual rainfall.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Mean Monthly Rainfall (mm)<br />


160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

Monthes<br />

Figure 4: Mean monthly rainfall at Haromaya University station (1979-2005).<br />

Table 4: Classification scheme of monthly rainfall values.<br />

Source: Daniel, 1974.<br />

Table 5: Rainfall coefficient at the Haromaya University station.<br />

On the basis of this classification, as<br />

depicted in Table 5, the watershed is<br />

characterized by one rainy season during<br />

the year, i.e., at this station rainy months<br />

are not separated into more than one group<br />

of rainy months by dry months. There are<br />

two dry seasons during the year. The rainy<br />

season in total have eight months: March,<br />

April, May, June, July, August, September<br />

and October.<br />

The rains in March, June and October are<br />

small rain and accounts 18.14 % of the<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Temperature (ºC)<br />

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

493<br />

average annual rainfall of the watershed.<br />

Big rains with moderate concentration occur<br />

in April, May, July and September and these<br />

accounts 55.24 % of the average annual<br />

rainfall of the watershed. Big rains with a<br />

high concentration occur in August, and this<br />

accounts for 19.57 % of the average annual<br />

rainfall of the watershed.<br />

The watershed is characterized by two dry<br />

seasons. The first dry season starts in<br />

January and ends in February. The second<br />

one starts in November and ends in<br />

December. The amount of rainfall that<br />

occurs during the four months of dry<br />

seasons in total accounts for 7.05% of the<br />

average annual rainfall of the watershed.<br />

The study area has not experienced very<br />

high concentration of rainfall.<br />

3.1.2 Temperature:<br />

Like the rainfall data, temperature data<br />

were taken from Haromaya University<br />

meteorological station. A twenty-six years<br />

(1979-2005) maximum and minimum<br />

temperature data were taken and analyzed.<br />

The mean annual minimum temperature of<br />

the study area is 9.6 ºC and the mean<br />

annual maximum temperature is 23.8 ºC<br />

.The mean annual air temperature of the<br />

area is 16.7 ºC. The mean monthly<br />

maximum and minimum temperature are<br />

observed in March and December, which are<br />

25.2°C and 3.8°C, respectively.<br />

Table 6: Mean monthly temperatures at Haromaya University meteorological station.<br />

Where, MMMxT=Mean monthly maximum temperature (ºC);<br />

MMMnT=Mean monthly minimum temperature (ºC);<br />

MMT=Mean monthly air temperature (ºC); and,<br />

MA: Mean Annual (ºC).<br />

As it is shown in the above table, the minimum air temperature is 13.2ºC in December and<br />

the maximum air temperature is 19.1ºC in June. The annual range of temperature is 5.9ºC.<br />


100<br />

10<br />

1<br />

J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />

Months<br />

Figure 5: Mean temperatures at Haromaya University meteorological station.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

MMR (mm)<br />

Temperature (ºC)<br />


Where, MMMxT=Mean monthly maximum temperature (ºC); MMMnT=Mean monthly<br />

minimum temperature (ºC); and, MMT=Mean monthly air temperature (ºC).<br />

MMR<br />

MMT<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

25<br />

20<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

J F M A M J J A S O N D<br />

Months<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Figure 6: Temperature and rainfall relation at Haromaya University meteorological station.<br />

Where, MMT=Mean monthly air<br />

temperature; and, MMR is Mean Monthly<br />

Rainfall. Figure 6 shows the temperature<br />

and rainfall relations over the period (1979-<br />

2005) for the study area. Even though the<br />

maximum air temperature occurs only in<br />

May and June, high temperature values are<br />

observed during the rainy seasons. Months<br />

in the rainy seasons are warmer than<br />

months in dry seasons. The minimum<br />

temperatures as well as rainfall are also<br />

occurring almost in a similar range of<br />

months.<br />

Table 7: Other important climate data of Haromaya watershed.<br />

Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

WS 1.8 2 2 1.9 2 2.7 2.6 2.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.6<br />

RH 60 61 63 67 72 75 78 77 76 66 62 64<br />

SH 9.4 8.9 8.3 7.2 7.8 7.4 6.9 6.9 6.9 7.8 9.6 9.4<br />

SR 21 22 22 21 21 20 19 20 20 21 22 21<br />

Where<br />

WS is Mean monthly wind speed (m/s);<br />

RH is Mean monthly relative humidity (%);<br />

SH is Mean monthly sunshine hours (Hrs);<br />

and, SR is Mean monthly solar Radiation<br />

(MJ/m 2 /d).<br />

3.1.3 Evapotranspiration:<br />

Evapotranspiration is that portion of the<br />

precipitation which returns back to the<br />

atmosphere through evaporation from a free<br />

water surface, a bare soil or interception on<br />

a vegetal cover and other objects and<br />

transpiration from plants. In this study an<br />

attempt was made to estimate both the<br />

potential evapotranspiration and actual<br />

evapotranspiration for the Haromaya<br />

watershed.<br />

Potential Evapotranspiration:<br />

Both Thornthwaite method (Eq.9) and<br />

modified Penman method (Eq.3) were used<br />

to estimate the potential evapotranspiration<br />

of the watershed.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

495<br />

Thornthwaite Method:<br />

Potential evapotranspiration rates calculated<br />

for the station employed in this study is<br />

given in Table 8. Based on this method the<br />

mean annual potential evapotranspiration of<br />

the study area is 756.3 mm.<br />

Modified Penman Method:<br />

Based on this method (Table 9) the mean<br />

annual potential evapotranspiration of the<br />

study area is 1081.17 mm.<br />

Table 8: Potential evapotranspiration in Haromaya watershed.<br />

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual<br />

T 14 16 18 18 19 19 18 18 18 16 13 13 16.7<br />

j 4.9 5.7 6.9 7.1 7.6 7.6 7 7 6.8 5.6 4.4 4.3 74.9<br />

LCF<br />

at 1 1 1 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

10º N<br />

CPET 46 55 68 74 81 82 74 74 70 54 41 40 756.3<br />

Where T = Mean Monthly Air Temperature<br />

(ºC); j = Monthly Heat Index; LCF at 10º N<br />

= Latitude Correction Factor at 10º N;<br />

CPET = Corrected or Adjusted Potential<br />

Evapotranspiration (mm).<br />

Table 9: Potential evapotranspiration (PET) of Haromaya watershed.<br />

Actual Evapotranspiration:<br />

The actual evapotranspiration was computed<br />

based on water balance method. In this<br />

method, the input variables are precipitation<br />

and temperature; the only parameter is the<br />

available water capacity of the soil. The<br />

available water capacity (AWC) of the soil is<br />

the total amount of water held in the soil<br />

between the -15 bar (wilting point) and 0.33<br />

bar (field capacity) potentials (Stephen,<br />

1999). The available water capacity is<br />

determined per unit depth of soil. The<br />

available water capacity can be measured,<br />

or it can be estimated from figure or table.<br />

The amount of water available to a crop can<br />

be determined from the product of rooting<br />

depth and available water capacity. In this<br />

study the suggested values of available<br />

water capacities for combinations of soil<br />

texture and vegetation by Thornthwaite and<br />

Mather (1957) was used. The different land<br />

use together with their respective soil and<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498


aerial coverage, and available water capacity<br />

of the root zone is summarized and given in<br />

the table below.<br />

The available water capacity for each soil<br />

type and the respective land use in the area<br />

was weighted according to the proportion of<br />

the area they represent, and the weighted<br />

available water capacity was calculated by<br />

utilizing Eq. 15 to determine the available<br />

water capacity of the soil for the entire<br />

watershed. Accordingly, the AWC of the soil<br />

in the watershed is 100 mm.<br />

AWCw = ∑AWCi * ai/A …….(15)<br />

AWCw = AWC of the soil in the watershed<br />

AWCi = AWC of each soil type and its<br />

respective land use<br />

Ai = area of each soil type and its respective<br />

land use<br />

A = area of the watershed (irrespective of<br />

the swampy and settlement areas)<br />

Table 10: Available water capacity of root zone of each land use with the respective soil<br />

type<br />

Land use<br />

Soil type<br />

AWC Root<br />

Area<br />

(Km 2 Depth<br />

) (%)<br />

(mm)<br />

AWCRZ<br />

Cultivated<br />

land<br />

Sandy loom(fine sand) 4.5 10 350 35<br />

Cultivated<br />

land<br />

Clay loom 21.7 25 350 87.5<br />

Cultivated<br />

land<br />

Clay 12.8 30 350 105<br />

Cultivated Sandy clay loom<br />

land<br />

(fine sand loom)<br />

3.2 15 350 52.5<br />

Forest Clay loom 0.3 25 2000 500<br />

Grazing land Clay loom 0.5 25 250 62.5<br />

Grazing land Clay 1.3 30 250 75<br />

Grazing land<br />

Sandy clay loom<br />

(fine sand loom)<br />

2.3 15 250 37.5<br />

Settlement On different soil types 2.4 …. …. …<br />

Shrub Sandy loom(fine sand) 0.01 10 1500 150<br />

Shrub Clay loom 2.4 25 1500 375<br />

Swampy area Sandy clay loom 2.4 … … ….<br />

Total 53.8<br />

Through the calculation of an average water<br />

balance, actual evapotranspiration was<br />

estimated for the watershed irrespective of<br />

the swampy and settlement area. The result<br />

is summarized and is given in Table 11.<br />

Accordingly, the mean annual actual<br />

evapotranspiration of the watershed without<br />

considering the swampy and settlement<br />

area is 659.4 mm.<br />

Table 11: Water balance for Haromaya watershed (without swampy area and settlement).<br />

All values are in millimeter.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

Water Balance of Haromaya Watershed, Oromiya Region,<br />

Eastern Ethiopia<br />

497<br />

Where P = Mean Monthly Precipitation; CPET<br />

= Corrected Potential Evapotranspiration;<br />

P - CPET = is Difference by Subtraction;<br />

ACPWL = Accumulated Potential Water Loss;<br />

SM = Soil Moisture; ΔSM = Change in Soil<br />

Moisture During the Month; AETactual =<br />

Actual Evapotranspiration.<br />

The land uses that are not taken into<br />

consideration through the water balance<br />

calculation are settlement and swampy<br />

areas. It is difficult to quantify the<br />

evapotranspiration from settlement areas.<br />

According to Reichert (2001), the results of<br />

different modeled land use set-ups reveal<br />

that the mean annual evapotranspiration<br />

difference between the extreme-agricultureand<br />

extreme-settlement-scenario is only 16<br />

mm, which is insignificant to affect the over<br />

all results. On the basis of Reichert (2001)<br />

idea, the actual evapotranspiration of the<br />

settlement area, which is 4.46 % of the<br />

total, is considered as negligible. The<br />

swampy area was assumed to have<br />

evapotranspiration at potential rate all over<br />

the year. The actual evapotranspiration for<br />

the entire watershed was computed using<br />

Eq. 13. Accordingly, the mean annual actual<br />

evapotranspiration of the watershed is<br />

693.14 mm<br />

3.1.4 Runoff:<br />

The study area is a closed basin. There is no<br />

runoff that leaves the watershed.<br />

Consequently, the surplus water, which is<br />

readily available for both runoff and<br />

infiltration, entirely goes to the infiltration<br />

component:<br />

3.2 Water Balance:<br />

The main purpose of this computation is to<br />

make a quantitative evaluation of the<br />

amount of water that percolate into the<br />

ground to recharge the groundwater<br />

circulation occurring in the investigated<br />

area. Various assumptions have been made<br />

to derive the water balance equation for the<br />

studied area and these are summarized<br />

below:<br />

1. Since the computations are made on<br />

annual basis, net change of soil moisture<br />

and groundwater storage is assumed to be<br />

zero.<br />

2. Subsurface water exchange with<br />

neighboring basins is assumed to be zero.<br />

3. Assuming no artificial diversion from<br />

other basins.<br />

Since the basin is a closed basin, the main<br />

outflow pathway of the water that comes in<br />

the form of rain is chiefly through<br />

evapotranspiration. Consequently, the water<br />

balance equation for the studied area is<br />

written as follows, which is Eq. 14;<br />

P - ET - I = 0<br />

Where ET = Evapotranspiration;<br />

I = Infiltration; and P = Precipitation.<br />

From the budget equation, Eq. 14, the<br />

amount of water that percolates into the<br />

ground in the Haromaya watershed as a<br />

groundwater accretion has been calculated<br />

as follows:<br />

P = 770.5 mm, ET = 693.14 mm<br />

From Eq. 14 ,<br />

I = P - ET (16)<br />

Therefore,<br />

I = (770.5 – 693.14) mm = 77.36 mm<br />

In terms of water volume measured in cubic<br />

meter, I expressed as:<br />

A s = Area of the watershed = 53.8 x 10 6 m 2<br />

ET = 37.29 x 10 6 m 3<br />

P = 41.45 x 10 6 m 3<br />

Therefore,<br />

I = (41.45 – 37.29) x 10 6 m 3<br />

= 4.16 x 10 6 m 3<br />

Annual discharge of groundwater from<br />

boreholes and hand dug wells for domestic<br />

and non-domestic uses in the watershed is<br />

2149131 cubic meter. Therefore, the net<br />

amount of water that percolates into the<br />

ground, In, is given by:<br />

In = I - 2149131 m 3 (17)<br />

In = 2.01 x 10 6 m 3<br />

Based on the above calculation, therefore, it<br />

is possible to say that the net total amount<br />

of water which is actually available to<br />

recharge the groundwater circulation within<br />

the Haromaya hydrological basin is 2.01<br />

million cubic meter.<br />

4. Conclusion:<br />

The study area receives a mean annual<br />

rainfall of 770.5mm. The mean annual<br />

actual evapotranspiration is 89.96 % of the<br />

mean annual rainfall. Since the watershed is<br />

a closed basin, the main and the only<br />

outflow component is evapotranspiration.<br />

International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498


The mean annual surplus, which is available<br />

only for infiltration is 10.04% of the mean<br />

annul rainfall. The net total amount of water<br />

which is actually available to recharge the<br />

groundwater circulation within the<br />

Haromaya hydrological basin is 2.01 million<br />

cubic meter. In general, the Haromaya<br />

watershed has very good groundwater<br />

potential, if it is developed and utilized in<br />

controlled manner.<br />

5. Acknowledgment:<br />

The Hare Town Water Supply and Sewerage<br />

Authority is duly acknowledged for funding<br />

this research project and also providing the<br />

necessary data. Thanks are also due to all<br />

those friends who helped during field, and<br />

lab and for going through the manuscript<br />

and providing constructive suggestions.<br />

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International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering<br />

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 02, No. 06, December 2009, pp. 484-498

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