DEFENCE SERVICE REGULATIONS - Military Engineer Services

DEFENCE SERVICE REGULATIONS - Military Engineer Services

DEFENCE SERVICE REGULATIONS - Military Engineer Services


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Sub–Head C– Maintenance and<br />

Operations – Installations.<br />

254. The budget provision under this head covers the expenditure incurred by the M.E.S. on the<br />

maintenance and operation of installations for the supply of water and electricity, and payments made by<br />

them to municipalities, etc., for the supply of water and electricity at stations where there are no separate<br />

M.E.S. installations. Expenditure on the maintenance and operation of ice plant, refrigeration, air–<br />

conditioning, mechanical sewage disposal and other E/M installations is also provided for under this head (see<br />

also para 927).<br />

The responsibility of the M.E.S. in respect of these installations is given in Chapter XI.<br />

255. The following items of expenditure are chargeable to sub–Head C– Maintenance and Operation<br />

of Installations :<br />

(a) Maintenance of buildings, including accommodation for installation staff, and other structures<br />

which form part of and E/M installation or workshop.<br />

(b) Petty repairs to workshops, installations and supply system (para 258)<br />

(c) E/M Renewals (para 259).<br />

(d) All stores, minor spare parts, expendible tools, fuel lubricants, jointing and packing materials,<br />

charts for recording meters, cleaning materials and other consumable stores, required for the daily running and<br />

maintenance of an installation (para 274)<br />

(e) Pay and allowances of personnel, whether permanent, temporary or casual, employed in<br />

maintaining and operating an installation (para 909).<br />

(f) Payments made for water and electricity obtained from outside sources.<br />

(g) Telephones for all E/M installations and workshops (para 117).<br />

256. The following charges are not debitable to the works services budget :<br />

(a) The cost of drawin water from springs, wells, etc., by animal or manual labour and distribution<br />

other than by pipes or ducts.<br />

(b) Charges connected with water supply to troops on the line of march or in training camps other<br />

than at camping grounds in M.E.S. charge.<br />

257. Charges on account of maintenance and operation of sewage disposal installations, disinfectors,<br />

boilers, stand by sets, lifts etc., and expenditure on telephones in E/M installations will be booked against<br />

Detailed Head (e) – Miscellaneous.<br />

258. Petty repairs cover all repairs, irrespective of cost which may be necessary to maintain an<br />

installation (including supply system) or workshop in good working condition. Replacement and supply of<br />

monor spare parts necessary for the normal maintenance of a plant will also be classified in this category.<br />

259. An E/M renewal may be defined as th replacement of a complete installation, or whole of a<br />

definite portion of an installation or of a complete unit forming part of an installation.<br />

The following will also be treated as renewals :-fa) Extensive reconstruction of a supply system.<br />

(b) Increased capacity of plant or accommodation for the installation.<br />

(c) The substitution of superior for an inferior class of work. When however the portion replaced is<br />

still serviceable, it will be classed as an original work.<br />

(d) Replacement and supply of major spare parts.<br />

In case of any dispute, the CWE’s descision as to whether a particular work shall be classified as an<br />

original work, renewal or petty repair, shall be final.<br />

260. Replacements & renewals costing up to Rs. 50,0007- will be treated as ordinary repairs and<br />

charged to the appropriate installation under Sub-Head C. Those exceeding Rs. 50,0007- will be financed<br />

from Detailed Head (d)—Special Repairs (see para 125 of sub head B).<br />

All alterations to the capital cost arising out of renewals of whatever value will be entered in the Plant<br />

Record Book (IAFW- 2208) maintained for each installation (see para 903 et seq.)<br />

Sub-head D-General Charges<br />

261. The detailed heads under this sub-head are delated in Appx C. The descriptions of these<br />

detailed heads indicate the nature of the items that are property chargeable to them.<br />

262. The following items are chargeable to Detailed Head (f)–miscellaneous<br />

(a) Law charges incidental to a work or to the hiring of accommodation or resumption of sites.<br />

(b) Chowkidars employed on the care of vacant buildings and property.<br />

(c) Compensation paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Act (para 96).<br />


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