Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley


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children and the sick was held back, kept at a rudimentarystage, by the same assumptions: the questions which the doctoror researcher asked <strong>of</strong> them were the questions <strong>of</strong> an adult ora healthy person. Little attempt was made to understand theway that they themselves lived; instead, the emphasis fell ontrying to measure how far their efforts fell short <strong>of</strong> what theaverage adult or healthy person was capable <strong>of</strong> accomplishing.As for primitive people, they were either looked to for a model<strong>of</strong> a more attractive form <strong>of</strong> civilisation, or else, as in Voltaire’sEssay on Morals, their customs and beliefs were seen as no morethan a series <strong>of</strong> inexplicable absurdities. 2 Which all goes to suggestthat classical thought was caught in a dilemma: either thebeing that stands before us may be likened to a human being, inwhich case it can be given, by analogy, the usual human attributes<strong>of</strong> the healthy adult. Alternatively, it is no more than ablind mechanism – living chaos – in which case meaning cannotpossibly be ascribed to its behaviour.But why were so many classical authors indifferent to animals,children, madmen and primitive peoples? Because theybelieved that there is such a thing as a fully-formed man whosevocation it is to be ‘lord and master’ <strong>of</strong> nature, as Descartesput it. 3 Such a man can accordingly, in principle, see throughto the very being <strong>of</strong> things and establish a sovereign knowledge;he can decipher the meaning <strong>of</strong> every phenomenon (not71

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