Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley

Maurice Merleau-Ponty: The World of Perception - Timothy R. Quigley


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matter, or smoke, or breath (consistent, in this regard, withprimitive peoples), Descartes showed admirably that spirit issomething altogether different. He demonstrated that itsnature is quite other, for smoke and breath are, in their way,things – even if very subtle ones – whereas spirit is not athing at all, does not occupy space, is not spread over a certainextension as all things are, but on the contrary is entirely compactand indivisible – a being – the essence <strong>of</strong> which is noneother than to commune with, collect and know itself. Thisgave rise to the concepts <strong>of</strong> pure spirit and pure matter, orthings. Yet it is clear that I can only find and, so to speak,touch this absolutely pure spirit in myself. Other humanbeings are never pure spirit for me: I only know them throughtheir glances, their gestures, their speech – in other words,through their bodies. Of course another human being is certainlymore than simply a body to me: rather, this other is a bodyanimated by all manner <strong>of</strong> intentions, the origin <strong>of</strong> numerousactions and words. <strong>The</strong>se I remember and they go to make upmy sketch <strong>of</strong> their moral character. Yet I cannot detach someonefrom their silhouette, the tone <strong>of</strong> their voice and itsaccent. If I see them for even a moment, I can reconnect withthem instantaneously and far more thoroughly than if I wereto go through a list <strong>of</strong> everything I know about them fromexperience or hearsay. Another person, for us, is a spirit whichman seen from the outside

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