Volume 4 - Loctite.ph

Volume 4 - Loctite.ph

Volume 4 - Loctite.ph


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Polyethersulfone (PES)ThermoplasticTrade Names• Ultrason• Victrex PESManufacturerBASFVictrex, USAGeneral DescriptionPES is an amor<strong>ph</strong>ous thermoplastic whose backbone is composed ofalternating aromatic groups linked with alternating oxygen and sulfurdioxide groups. PES is primarily used for high temperature applications.Specialty grades available include glass, carbon, stainless steel, andfluorocarbon filled. In 2004, the price of PES ranged approximately from$3.31 to $4.55 per pound at truckload quantities.General PropertiesThe most notable properties of PES are its transparency, goodmechanical properties, and outstanding thermal stability. Unfilled PEShas a useful life of 4 to 5 years at 390°F (199°C) and approximately20 years at 356°F (180°C). Moreover, the mechanical and electricalproperties of PES show a low sensitivity to temperature change andload. In addition, the mechanical properties of PES at elevatedtemperatures can be significantly increased by annealing. PES has alow smoke emission and can withstand long-term exposure to bothair and water at elevated temperatures. PES is chemically resistant tomost inorganic chemicals, greases, ali<strong>ph</strong>atic hydrocarbons, and bothleaded and unleaded gasoline. However, PES is attacked by esters,ketones, methylene chloride, and polar aromatic solvents. Thechemical resistance of PES is lessened by internal stress, but this canbe alleviated by annealing the polymer. Typical of the polysulfonefamily, PES has a low resistance to weathering and is degraded by UVlight, making unfilled PES inappropriate for outdoor use. The majordisadvantage to adhesively joining PES is that PES is extremelysensitive to stress cracking. However, the addition of glass fillers, theuse of adhesive accelerators and/or annealing PES greatly increasesits resistance to stress cracking.Typical Properties of Polyethersulfone (PES)American EngineeringProcessing Temperature 675°F to 700°F 357°C to 371°CLinear Mold Shrinkage 0.001 to 0.006 in./in. 0.001 to 0.006 cm/cmMelting Point 440°F to 460°F 227°C to 238°CDensity 91.8 to 99.9 lb./ft. 3 1.47 to 1.60 g/cm 3Tensile Strength, Yield 13.0 to 21.0 lb./in. 2 x 10 3 9.1 to 14.8 kg/cm 2 x 10 2Tensile Strength, Break 11.9 to 23.6 lb./in. 2 x 10 3 8.4 to 16.6 kg/cm 2 x 10 2Elongation, Break 2.0 to 4.3% 2.0 to 4.3%Tensile Modulus 5.9 to 13.5 lb./in. 2 x 10 5 4.1 to 9.5 kg/cm 2 x 10 4Flexural Strength, Yield 17.9 to 29.5 lb./in. 2 x 10 3 12.6 to 20.7 kg/cm 2 x 10 2Flexural Modulus 3.4 to 13.0 lb./in. 2 x 10 5 2.4 to 9.1 kg/cm 2 x 10 4Compressive Strength 15.9 to 21.3 lb./in. 2 x 10 3 11.2 to 15.0 kg/cm 2 x 10 2Izod Notched, R.T. 1.0 to 1.6 ft.-lb./in. 5.3 to 8.6 kg cm/cmHardness R120 - R123 Rockwell R120 - R123 RockwellThermal Conductivity 1.3 to 2.9 BTU-in./hr.-ft. 2 -°F 0.19 to 0.42 W/m-°KLinear ThermalExpansionDeflection Temperature@ 264 psiDeflection Temperature@ 66 psiContinuousService Temperature1.2 to 3.3 in./in.-°F x 10 -5 2.2 to 5.9 cm/cm-°C x10 -5400°F to 460°F 204°C to 238°C420°F to 460°F 216°C to 238°C350°F to 390°F 177°C to 199°CDielectric Strength 370 to 600 V/10 -3 in. 1.5 to 2.4 V/mm x 10 4Dielectric Constant@ 1 MHzDissipation Factor@ 1 MHzWater Absorption,24 hr.SI3.5 to 4.2 3.5 to 4.20.006 to 0.010 0.006 to 0.0100.29 to 0.41% 0.29 to 0.41%Typical Applications• Electrical – Multipin connectors, coil formers,printed circuit boards• Miscellaneous – Radomes, pump housings, bearing cages,hot combs, medical trays48The <strong>Loctite</strong> ® Design Guide for Bonding Plastics, <strong>Volume</strong> 4

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