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ANNUAL MEETINGThe Annual Meeting of <strong>the</strong> Western Mai-y.,land College Alumni Association this year wasmarked by <strong>the</strong> over-flow crowd which aaaem ,bled in McDaniel Lounge to review <strong>the</strong> buai,ness of <strong>the</strong> year. Possibly <strong>the</strong> main attractionconu-lbutlng to this sell-out attendance (someHi8 members were present) might be abtr-tb;uted to <strong>the</strong> proposed constitution revisionwhich was introduced to <strong>the</strong> floor fui- considm-,at ion.The revised constitution was adopted by aunanimous vote of <strong>the</strong> members present.Ano<strong>the</strong>r novel event of <strong>the</strong> meeting, astaken from <strong>the</strong> minutes, included <strong>the</strong> report of<strong>the</strong> Blanche Ward pot-tr-ait committee as presentedby Mrs. Dorothy McDaniel Herr, chah-,man, which stated that <strong>the</strong> completed portraitwould be unveiled at <strong>the</strong> dinner meeting. Mrs.Ward's portrait now hangs in <strong>the</strong> receptionroom of Blanche WUI'd Hall.At <strong>the</strong> closing of <strong>the</strong> session Dr. William H.Adolph and Ezra B. Williams were welcomedus new Visitors to <strong>the</strong> Board Trustees. ofPreceding <strong>the</strong> formation of <strong>the</strong> ReunioningClass procession to <strong>the</strong> Dining Hall a fewmembers of <strong>the</strong> Board of Governors were pel'-suaded to pose for <strong>the</strong> picture which appeal'Son this page. From left to right <strong>the</strong>y are:Alumni President, Mra. Taylor, '26; Clal'enceT. De Haven, '30; William C. Rein, '31; EzraWilliams, '26; and Mrs. Mal-tin (Lillian Jack.son,'45).AF1'EH THE DAY WAS OVEHWea<strong>the</strong>r - Perfect. Attendance _ Enormous.Alumni Day-Magnificent.If you weren't <strong>the</strong>re you really missed <strong>the</strong>event of <strong>the</strong> year. Me Daniel Lounge, always<strong>the</strong> center of Alumni doings, was beginning tobuzz about nine-thirty. One of <strong>the</strong> first toarrive was Dr. Hugh ward, '22. There's aman you have to look up .to. He has a son attending<strong>college</strong> but <strong>the</strong> son went home and"Pa" held <strong>the</strong> line, just as he used to in hisstarring days on <strong>the</strong> WMC gridiron.Sixty of <strong>the</strong> class of '25 (see p. 5) cameback, for some it was <strong>the</strong>ir first return trip toWMC, tsk, tak. After a luncheon at <strong>the</strong>Charles Car-roll Hotel (lasting until 5 P. M.)<strong>the</strong>y added and spice to <strong>the</strong> ReunionClass with <strong>the</strong>ir gold and g-reenlapel tags flying.Mrs. Grace Hel'hlf! Miller, '92, got in late to<strong>the</strong> Alumni Meeting and seeing such a crowdasked 01". EnSOI"if this was an entertainment.Upon being assured that it was <strong>the</strong> AlumniMeeting remarked, "I've been coming toAlumni meetings for fifty-nine years, and thisis <strong>the</strong> first time I've seen so many." (With <strong>the</strong>Constitution up for revision-no wonder.}Of COUI'se you could count on some of <strong>the</strong>Washington crowd to add zest to <strong>the</strong> meeting,Lyman Long, '24 and "Hill" Chase, '23 keptthings moving, one making a motion, <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rei<strong>the</strong>r seconding 01' making a counter motionVirginia [(a)'OW Fowble, '39 and CharlotteCoppage Young, '38 made reports of all <strong>the</strong>activities of <strong>the</strong> Baltimore Club. There's anup and coming pair if I ever saw one.The Fifty Yea)' Class met out at Doll Baile'sfor luncheon. They're such a good lookingand peppy bunch, and could <strong>the</strong>y yell! Theymade a gift of five hundred dollars to <strong>the</strong> College.That was when President EnSOI' beamed<strong>the</strong> "mostest,"President and Ml·S. Ensor- greeted everyonein <strong>the</strong>ir attractive home during <strong>the</strong> afternoon'sactivities.Robert Br-icker, '38, <strong>the</strong> new President of<strong>the</strong> Philadelphia Club and Mrs. Bricker, Mrs.Strayer, 'f)3 and her son were enthusiasticambassadors from <strong>the</strong> city of "Bro<strong>the</strong>rlyLove." One of our youngest and most ardentsupporters, new President of <strong>the</strong> WashingtonClub, was Mr. Ralph Smith, '49. Clarence W."Frenchie" De Haven '30 looked very distinguishedwith a sma<strong>the</strong>r-ing of gray in his hairand his double breasted white jacket with grayslacks. "Ez" Williams, '2G was his usual debonairself.The parade of <strong>the</strong> Reunioning Classes wasan innovation this year and longer than youwould have thought possible. The 525 whosat down for <strong>the</strong> Alumni banquet all seemedgay, hungry but particularly lively. There

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