Methods Applying AHRQ Quality Indicators to Healthcare ... - HCUP

Methods Applying AHRQ Quality Indicators to Healthcare ... - HCUP

Methods Applying AHRQ Quality Indicators to Healthcare ... - HCUP


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For the discharge-based PDIs, risk adjustments were made for age, gender, DRG andMDC clusters, and comorbidity using the regression-based standardization that is part ofthe <strong>AHRQ</strong> PDI software. Measure-specific stratification by risk group, clinical category,and procedure type was also applied, with the following exceptions. When reporting byage, the risk adjustment includes all of the above except age. When reporting bygender, the risk adjustment includes all of the above except gender.Standard Errors and Hypothesis Tests. Standard error calculations for the rates werebased on the <strong>HCUP</strong> report entitled Calculating Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)Variances (Houchens, et al., 2005). There is no sampling error associated with Claritascensus population counts; therefore, appropriate statistics were obtained through theStatistical Analysis System (SAS) procedure called PROC SURVEYMEANS.Masking Rates for Statistical Reliability, Data <strong>Quality</strong>, and Confidentiality. QI estimateswere included in the NHQR and NHDR if they reached a threshold defined by a relativestandard error less than 30% and at least 11 unweighted cases in the denomina<strong>to</strong>r.Estimates that did not satisfy these criteria were set <strong>to</strong> missing. Statistical calculationsare explained in Appendix C <strong>to</strong> this report.SPECIAL ANALYSESCalculating Costs Associated with <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Indica<strong>to</strong>rs</strong>The NHQR includes trends in <strong>to</strong>tal national costs from 2000 <strong>to</strong> 2008 for the three PQI compositemeasures – for overall, acute, and chronic conditions. Total national costs associated withpotentially avoidable hospitalizations were calculated overall for the U.S., by income quartile,and by race/ethnicity.Total charges were converted <strong>to</strong> costs using the hospital-level <strong>HCUP</strong> Cost-<strong>to</strong>-Charge Ratiosbased on Hospital Cost Report data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS). 2 Costs reflect the actual costs of production, while charges represent what the hospitalbilled for the stay. Hospital charges reflect the amount the hospital charged for the entirehospital stay and do not include professional (physician) fees. The <strong>to</strong>tal cost is the product ofthe number of stays for each QI measure and the mean cost for each QI measure. Thisapproach compensates for stays for which charges (and thus estimated costs) are not available.Costs were adjusted <strong>to</strong> 2008 dollars for all years using the price indexes for the gross domesticproduct (downloaded from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce,June 1, 2010).Calculating IQI and PSI Summary MeasuresTo examine national and state-level trends in inpatient mortality and patient safety events, riskadjustedrates for select Inpatient <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Indica<strong>to</strong>rs</strong> (IQIs) and Patient Safety <strong>Indica<strong>to</strong>rs</strong> (PSIs)were summarized. The three NHQR/NHDR summary measures include: (1) Mortality forselected conditions based on select IQIs; (2) Mortality for selected procedures based on selectIQIs; and (3) Patient Safety based on select PSIs. These summary measures were calculatedas a weighted sum of risk-adjusted rates for individual IQIs and PSIs. Additional information onthe calculation of IQI and PSI Summary Measures is provided in Appendix D.2 <strong>HCUP</strong> Cost-<strong>to</strong>-Charge Ratio Files. <strong>Healthcare</strong> Cost and Utilization Project (<strong>HCUP</strong>). August 2011.Agency for <strong>Healthcare</strong> Research and <strong>Quality</strong>, Rockville, MD. www.hcupus.ahrq.gov/db/state/cost<strong>to</strong>charge.jsp.<strong>Methods</strong> for <strong>HCUP</strong> Data in 2011 NHQR and NHDR 5December 9, 2011

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