2009-10 Annual Report - SPML

2009-10 Annual Report - SPML

2009-10 Annual Report - SPML


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ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2009</strong>-<strong>10</strong><strong>SPML</strong> INFRA LIMITED & ITS SUBSIDIARIES (formerly Subhash Projects and Marketing Limited)CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 20<strong>10</strong><strong>2009</strong>-<strong>10</strong>Rs in “000”2008-09Rs in “000”A. Cash flow from operating activitiesNet profit before taxation 524,982 800,224Adjustments for:Depreciation 247,349 206,206Loss on sale of fixed assets 14,379 711Interest Expense (Net) 825,558 954,026Provision for Diminution in Value of investments - 17Loss on Sale of Current Investments 1,950 -Provision for doubtful debts - 24,503Bad Debts/Sundry Balances written off 16,032 9,840Sundry Balances/Liabilities Written back (2,<strong>10</strong>2) (46,891)1,<strong>10</strong>3,166 1,148,413Operating profit before working capital changes 1,628,148 1,948,637Movements in working capital :Decrease / (Increase) in sundry debtors 424,178 (598,011)Decrease / (Increase) in inventories 429,563 1,009,726Decrease / (Increase) in Loan & Advances (685,390) (1,647,767)Increase / (Decrease) in Current liabilities (768,465) 89,531Increase / (Decrease) in Provisions <strong>10</strong>,624 8,357(589,490) (1,138,164)Cash generated from / (used in) operations 1,038,658 8<strong>10</strong>,473Direct taxes paid (net of refunds) (303,754) (217,527)Net cash from / (used in) operating activities 734,904 592,946B. Cash flows from investing activitiesPurchase of fixed assets (770,257) (1,201,443)Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 41,813 15,220Sales/(Purchase) of investments (Net) (219,179) 36,885Loans Given (Net) (288,326) (835,459)Advance Against Share Application Money 26,326 (137,670)Interest received 66,738 64,856Investment in Bank Fixed Deposit (92,264) (11,476)Net cash from / (used in) investing activities (1,235,148) (2,069,087)C. Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from contribution by Minorities 21,671 <strong>10</strong>2,981Repayment of long term loan (334,630) (2<strong>10</strong>,920)<strong>10</strong>7

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