2009-10 Annual Report - SPML

2009-10 Annual Report - SPML

2009-10 Annual Report - SPML


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<strong>SPML</strong> INFRA LIMITED<strong>SPML</strong> INFRA LIMITED (formerly Subhash Projects and Marketing Limited)SCHEDULES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET31st March 20<strong>10</strong>(Rs. In “000”)31st March <strong>2009</strong>(Rs. In “000”)SCHEDULE 11 : LOANS AND ADVANCES(Unsecured, Considered good)Loans (including Interest) 1,267,765 979,439Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for Value to be received 569,840 843,936Balance with Excise, Customs, Port Trust and other government authorities 45,197 157,181Advance Tax (net of provisions) 358,223 149,870Trade & Other Deposits 195,867 255,379VAT Credit Input Receivable 224,941 169,767Advance towards Share Application Money 137,593 163,9192,799,426 2,719,491Add : Proportionate Share in Joint Ventures 188,561 21,1832,987,987 2,740,674SCHEDULE 12 : CURRENT LIABILITIES & PROVISIONSCURRENT LIABILITIESAcceptances 704,768 1,947,<strong>10</strong>3Sundry Creditors for Goods, Services, Expenses etc.- Dues to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Refer Note No. 8 on Schedule 20B) 15,439 8,160- Dues to Other Creditors 2,688,541 2,178,407“Advance against sale of Fixed Assets (Refer note no 11 on Schedule 20B)“ 99,000 <strong>10</strong>3,421Mobilisation advance from Customers (Partly bearing interest) 1,555,547 1,875,345Other Liabilities 307,670 182,672Investor Education and Protection Fund:Unpaid Dividend (Payable when due) 651 326Temporary Book Overdraft in current account with banks 41,475 33,223Interest Accrued but Not Due on loans 9,816 –5,422,907 6,328,657Add : Proportionate Share in Joint Ventures 488,758 339,1275,911,665 6,667,784PROVISIONSGratuity 32,380 26,408Earned Leave 9,142 12,738Proposed Dividend 29,320 43,980Tax on Proposed Dividend 5,<strong>10</strong>1 7,47475,943 90,600Add : Proportionate Share in Joint Ventures 19,449 11,<strong>2009</strong>5,392 <strong>10</strong>1,8006,007,057 6,769,58480

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