10-19-00 Air Conditioner Heat Pump Service Manual - Bryant RV ...

10-19-00 Air Conditioner Heat Pump Service Manual - Bryant RV ...

10-19-00 Air Conditioner Heat Pump Service Manual - Bryant RV ...


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Section B - Operation, cont’d.Analog Control Electric <strong>Heat</strong> Strip Operation(If unit is equipped with optional electric heat strip.)1. Set the Temperature Set Lever (1) to desired temperaturelevel. See FIG. B3.2. Set the System Switch (3) to heat strip position.3. Move the FAN Auto/On Switch (2):a. Auto Position: Unit fan runs whenever heat isrequired and stops whenever heating is not required.See FIG. B3.b. ON Position: Unit fan runs continuously to circulateair in <strong>RV</strong>. See FIG. B3.4. Select desired fan speed by moving the Fan SpeedSwitch (4) to:a. High Speed: Selected when maximum air flow isrequired. The discharge air will feel cool due to themaximum air flow. It is normally not used for heatstrip operation. See FIG. B3.b. Low Speed: Normally selected for heat strip operation,because less air movement is needed forheat and discharge air is warmer. See FIG. B3.5. Set System Switch (3) to the heat strip position. Theunit’s heat strip will now come “ON” and cycle “OFF”when the temperature level selected is reached.Continuous Blower Operation1. Set the System Switch (3) to any position (including“OFF”). See FIG. B3.2. Move the FAN Auto/On Switch (2) to the ON position,the unit fan will operate continuously at the fan speedselected by the Fan Speed Switch (4). See FIG. B3.B1d. Comfort Control CenterThe Comfort Control Center has been designed for you toeasily operate all the air conditioning and gas heating appliancesfound in your vehicle from one location.In order to familiarize yourself with the operation of theComfort Control Center, the following diagram along withFIG. B4A. Liquid Crystal DisplayB. Fan Speed Selector ButtonC. Mode Selector ButtonD. Temperature Selector ButtonsE. Zone and Stage SelectorF. On/Off Switch16B1d. Comfort Control Centerthe accompanying text will explain all the functional characteristicsof the system.Liquid Crystal Display - The Comfort Control Center isequipped with a liquid crystal display (LCD) that identifiesthe mode of operation, the temperature set-point, the zoneidentification and the fan speed. The Comfort Control Centeris designed to accept and control many varied air conditioningand gas heating appliances. When you begin tofirst operate the Comfort Control Center, you will see thatthe LCD readout will only show the options available basedon the appliances installed on your vehicle. An incandescentlight will illuminate the LCD area when a selector buttonis pushed for easy reading at all times. See FIG. B4.Fan Speeds - Possible available fan speeds are: LOW,MEDIUM, HIGH and AUTO. To select the desired fan speed,momentarily depress the FAN push button. You will needto continue to depress and release the FAN button until thedesired fan speed is shown in the LCD readout area of theComfort Control Center. See FIG. B4.Mode Selector Button - Modes of operation available are:OFF, FAN ONLY, COOL, HEAT PUMP, FURNACE, STAGEand HEAT STRIP. Remember, the LCD readout will onlyshow the options available based on the appliances installedon your vehicle. To select the mode of operation, momentarilydepress the MODE push-button. You will need tocontinue to depress and release the button until the desiredmode is shown in the LCD readout area on the ComfortControl Center. See FIG. B4To determine the Comfort Control Center options availableto you, depress and release the MODE push-button until itgoes through all selections. See FIG. B4Temperature Selector Buttons - The temperature setpointrange is from 40° to 99° Fahrenheit. Determinationof Fahrenheit or Celsius standard is done at the time ofyour manufacturer’s installation of the Comfort ControlCenter. To set the temperature at your comfort level, simplydepress and release the UP or DN push-button until thedesired temperature is shown in the LCD readout area ofthe Comfort Control Center. See FIG. B4Zone and Stage Selector Buttons - A ZONE is also establishedat the time of installation of the Comfort ControlCenter. If you have one air conditioner, you will have oneZONE. If the vehicle has more than one cooling system,depending on the manufacturing installation, you may have2, 3 or 4 ZONES. Zones are defined and preset by themanufacturer. A zone is an area of cooling/heating whichis controlled independently within that area, and regulatedat the Comfort Control Center. A typical example of a twozone application would be a vehicle with two air conditioningsystems, one in the front area (living room, kitchen)and one in the back section (bedroom and bath). The frontarea could be established as ZONE 1 and the back sectionZONE 2. You can select the desired temperature and fanspeeds for each zone independently, thereby keeping yourbedroom cooler than the front portion of the vehicle. Todetermine the number of established zones in the vehicle,simultaneously depress the FAN and MODE push-buttons.ZONE 1 will be the first Zone to appear in the LCD readout.Continue to depress and release these buttons until yousee ZONE 1 reappear. See FIG. B4.

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