Sight and Life Magazine 1/2011

Sight and Life Magazine 1/2011

Sight and Life Magazine 1/2011


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SIGHT AND LIFE | VOL. 25 (1) | <strong>2011</strong>PUBLICATIONS101NutritionBooks Availablefrom TALC Valuablefor NutritionPractitioners <strong>and</strong>TrainersTALC (Teaching Aids at Low Cost) is a unique charity providing<strong>and</strong> developing educational material which promotesthe health of children <strong>and</strong> advanced medical knowledge <strong>and</strong>teaching in the UK <strong>and</strong> throughout the world.The organization was founded in 1965 by David Morleywhen he was lecturer at the Institute of Child Health, in responseto many requests from overseas students for teachingequipment to use in their own countries.TALC believes good health provision should be availableto all – especially those in the poorest communities in Africa,Asia, <strong>and</strong> Latin America – <strong>and</strong> has been working for over40 years to achieve this. They currently supply over 10,000health workers with health materials, ranging from text books<strong>and</strong> videos to CDs <strong>and</strong> weight charts.Below is a list of nutrition books, CD-ROMs <strong>and</strong> accessoriesavailable from TALC, as recommended by Ann Burgess<strong>and</strong> Marko Kerac (* indicates the book is available in otherlanguages besides English).> Community Nutrition: a h<strong>and</strong>book for health <strong>and</strong> developmentworkers; 2009 Burgess, Bijlsma & Ismael; £5.50.> Infant <strong>and</strong> Young Child Feeding – model chapter fortextbooks for medical students <strong>and</strong> allied healthprofessionals; 2009 WHO; £1.30.> Caring for Severely Malnourished Children; 2003Ashworth & Burgess; £4.10 (also available at the same priceas a PDF download).> <strong>Sight</strong> And <strong>Life</strong> Manual on Vitamin A Deficiency Disorders(VADD); (2nd ed 2001) <strong>Sight</strong> And <strong>Life</strong>; £1 (*French, Spanish).> The Politics of Breastfeeding (3rd edition);2009 Palmer; £7.70.> Protein-Energy Malnutrition; 2006 Waterlow; £7.50.> Hospital Care for Children – Guidelines for theManagement of Common Illnesses with LimitedResources; 2005 WHO; £4.50 (*French, Russian).> ABC of Nutrition (4th edition); 2003 BookPower; £6.00.> Nutrition for Developing Countries (2nd edition);1993 Savage King & Burgess; £12.00.> Community Nutrition CD-ROM; TALC 2006. Free to healthprofessionals who have limited access to the internet,Community Nutrition is a new CD-ROMcontaining hundreds of nutrition resources includingmanuals, training courses, academic papers, briefs,practical guidelines, pictures, presentations, <strong>and</strong> a video.> Topics in International Health – Nutrition CD-ROM;2000 Wellcome Trust; £5.00. Twelve interactive tutorialsthat provide an illustrated introduction to the causes,epidemiology, treatment, <strong>and</strong> prevention of malnutritionin developing countries.> e-TALC Health Development CD-ROMs. The e-TALC projectprovides a reliable <strong>and</strong> regular source of free healthinformation, aimed at healthcare workers in developingcountries who have no or limited access to the internet.Small colored insertion tape (MUAC); 115mm; £0.25.> Hemoglobin color scale; £24.00. A simple devicefor estimating hemoglobin, for use when laboratoryhemoglobinometry is not available.TALC is based in the UK. To order any of these items, visithttp://www.talcuk.org/index.htm or e-mail info@talcuk.org or call+44 (0)1727 853869. Prices do not include postageIf you know of any other recent, good value nutritionrelatedbooks that TALC might add to its catalogue, pleaselet them know.

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