Armageddon and the International Sunday Law - God's Holidays

Armageddon and the International Sunday Law - God's Holidays

Armageddon and the International Sunday Law - God's Holidays

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I know, <strong>the</strong>re is no verse which specifies that <strong>Sunday</strong> is <strong>the</strong> dayfor Christians to observe <strong>the</strong> Sabbath.”God’s Yearly Holy DaysLeviticus 23:4 states, "These are <strong>the</strong> feasts of <strong>the</strong> LORD,even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in <strong>the</strong>irseasons." (Lev 23:4 KJV) The word seasons in this passageagain comes from <strong>the</strong> Hebrew word mo’ed, which you mayremember means “an appointment, i.e. a fixed time or season;spec. a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, anassembly (as convened for a definite purpose)”. All of <strong>the</strong>festivals listed after verse four in this chapter occur only on ayearly basis.We strongly suggest that you carefully <strong>and</strong> prayerfully readall of Leviticus chapter 23 to get <strong>the</strong> complete picture. We willonly quote those verses that directly apply to <strong>the</strong> yearly HolyDays. We will briefly point out each of <strong>the</strong> Holy Days in thischapter <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n will point out <strong>the</strong> prophetic significance of<strong>the</strong>se days later on in <strong>the</strong> book.The first month of God’s calendar generally begins on <strong>the</strong>first new moon after <strong>the</strong> spring equinox, which is about March21. The new moon is marked when <strong>the</strong> first sliver can be seen,which is different from <strong>the</strong> new moon on your calendar, whichoccurs during <strong>the</strong> dark part of <strong>the</strong> moon. You can see <strong>the</strong> sliverof <strong>the</strong> new moon low on <strong>the</strong> horizon right at sunset. Fromsundown when you see <strong>the</strong> sliver of <strong>the</strong> new moon untilsundown <strong>the</strong> next day is day one of <strong>the</strong> new month.18

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