African Indaba Articles - wildlife-baldus.com

African Indaba Articles - wildlife-baldus.com

African Indaba Articles - wildlife-baldus.com


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Scoring of TrophiesBy A B BubenikEditor’s Note: The following lines are an extract from “Socio-Biological Versus Hunter’s Viewpointson Antlers and Horns”; published as supplement to The Big Game of the World, Werner Trense 1989,Paul Parey Hamburg, Page 378In dealing with [the assessment of trophies] I have to question the legitimacy of the present assessmentformulas. … Unfortunately, the designers of all these formulas were more experienced as hunters, ratherthan as biologically minded sportsmen or naturalists.From a historical point of view, most of the inadequacies of the formulas are understandable. [Nothing]was known about the sociobiological significance of antlers and horns. [] When scoring formulas weredeveloped the morphometry of organs was only in the beginnings. Therefore, it is no wonder that the basicsof trophy evaluation were disregarded. However, it is difficult to understand why the authors of theseformulas neglected all the principles of geometry and statistics. Due to this negligence, the differencesbetween trophy scores represent neither the actual difference in the dimensions of the trophy, nor the actualsociobiological value and metabolic achievement. Only for those reasons is it possible that trophies – notfalling within the sociobiological range – are sometimes scored amongst the best and some socio-biologicallycorrect trophies are put into the category “non-typical”.The lack of interest in sociobiological formulas is hard to understand, considering the fact that the firststudies done on this subject proved the validity of the concept.[The guidelines for scoring] disregard the morphometrical background and have the subjectiveanthropomorphistic aftertaste of the “ideal” appealing to the human eye. That is why it is possible that the“aesthetics” points play such an important role in [CIC] scoring and are often the reason for unpleasantcontroversies.Hunters, who are concerned with the fate of the eupecoran on the one hand, and the fate of hunting onthe other, should also give thought to the scoring formulas. Hunters cannot <strong>com</strong>pete in harvesting worldrecord trophies for the improvement of personal status without losing face before the public. Sociobiologicalformulas are designed to undercut such efforts. The trophy should be once more regarded as a statussymbol of the game itself (and not that of the hunter) as a species-specific feature. Under such conditions,trophy-shows [and record books, Ed] will be unique educational aids, presenting evidence as to how hunterscan improve the welfare of the game.The largest antlers and horns are carried at the transitional age between the prime and the post-primestages. Males of that age can be harvested as the best trophy bearers, and as a reward for the conservationof the primes.Addendum: Bubenik also deals with the optimum infrastructure of deer populations in this article. Seealso Professor Klaus Hackländer’s article about red deer management in Europe in <strong>African</strong> <strong>Indaba</strong> Vol5/3.Hunters Shoot Themselves in the FootBy Ian ParkerI know all about shooting myself in the foot. As a young soldier, I did it. Coming off sentry duty I unloadedmy ·303, counting nine rounds out of the ten-shot magazine. The tenth seemed to be missing, so I workedthe bolt several times to no avail.“Why do you do that so many times?” asked a <strong>com</strong>rade sitting by the fire.“For safety,” I had replied and, thinking that the tenth round must have fallen to the ground during theinitial unloading, I pulled the trigger. The tenth round had been hiding in the magazine all along and enteredthe chamber on the bolt’s last movement. There was a loud bang and as the muzzle was resting on my foot –well, the rest is history. As I said, I know all about shooting myself in the foot.130

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