Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC


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Appendix B[Other footwear with outer soles and uppers...:][Other footwear:]Other:Incorporating a protective metaltoe-cap:6402.99.04 Having uppers of which over90 percent of the externalsurface area (including anyaccessories or reinforcementssuch as those mentioned innote 4(a) to this chapter) isrubber or plastics (exceptfootwear having a foxing or afoxing-like band applied ormolded at the sole andoverlapping the upper andexcept footwear designed tobe worn over, or in lieu of,other footwear as aprotection against water, oil,grease or chemicals or coldor inclement weather) ......... 6% Free (AU,CA,CL,D, 35%IL,J+,JO,MA,MX,P,R,SG)Other:6402.99.08 Footwear designed to beworn over, or in lieu of,other footwear as aprotection against water,oil, grease or chemicalsor cold or inclementweather ................ 37.5% Free (CA,D,IL) 66%2.5% (MX,R)7.2% (P)11.2% (JO)22.5% (SG)26.2% (AU)29.1% (MA)30% (CL)Other:6402.99.12 Valued not over$3/pair ............. 24% Free (AU,CA,CL,D, 84%IL,J+,MA,MX,P,R)7.2% (JO)14.4% (SG)6402.99.16 Valued over $3 butnot over $6.50/pair . . . 90¢/pr. + Free (CA,D,IL) $1.58/pr. +37.5% 6¢/pr. + 66%2.5% (MX,R)17.2¢/pr. + 7.2% (P)27¢/pr. +11.2% (JO)54¢/pr. +22.5% (SG)63¢/pr. +26.2% (AU)69.9¢/pr. +29.1% (MA)72¢/pr. + 30% (CL)B-78

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