Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC


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Appendix B25-4. Subheadings 2516.21.00 and 2516.22.00 and superior text immediately preceding thesesubheadings are superseded by the following:[Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone ...:]“2516.20 Sandstone:2516.20.10 Crude or roughly trimmed ............. Free $5.30/m 32516.20.20 Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, intoblocks or slabs of a rectangular (includingsquare) shape ....................... 3% Free (A,AU,CA,CL, 50%”E,IL,J,JO,MA,MX,P,SG)25-5. Heading 2524.00.00 is superseded by the following:“2524 Asbestos:2524.10.00 Crocidolite (Blue) ........................ Free Free2524.90.00 Other .................................. Free Free”CHAPTER 2626-1. Note 3 to chapter 26 is superseded by the following:“3. Heading 2620 applies only to:(a)(b)Slag, ash and residues of a kind used in industry either for the extraction of metals or as a basis for the manufacture ofchemical compounds of metals, excluding ash and residues from the incineration of municipal waste (heading 2621);andSlag, ash and residues containing arsenic, whether or not containing metals, of a kind used either for the extraction ofarsenic or metals or for the manufacture of their chemical compounds.”26-2. Subheading note 2 to chapter 26 is amended by replacing “Ash” by “Slag, ash”.26-3. The article description of heading 2620 is amended by replacing “Ash” by “Slag, ash”.CHAPTER 2727-1. Subheading note 3 to Chapter 27 is superseded by the following:“3. For the purposes of subheadings 2707.10, 2707.20, 2707.30 and 2707.40, the terms “benzol (benzene)”, “toluol(toluene)”, “xylol (xylenes)” and “naphthalene” apply to products which contain more than 50 percent by weight ofbenzene, toluene, xylenes or naphthalene, respectively.”27-2. (a) Subheadings 2707.60 and 2707.60.05 through 2707.60.90 are deleted.(b) The following new subheadings 2707.99.51, 2707.99.55 and 2707.99.59 are inserted innumerical sequence:B-11

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