Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC


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Appendix B29-30. Subheadings 2925.20 and 2925.20.10 through 2925.20.90 are superseded by the following:[Carboxyimide-function compunds (including...:]“Imines and their derivatives; salts thereof:2925.21.00 Chlordimeform (ISO) ................. 6.5% Free (A+,AU,CA,CL, 15.4¢/kg +D,E,IL,J,JO,MA, 61%MX,P)4.1% (SG)2925.29 Other:Aromatic:2925.29.10 N’-(4-Chloro-o-tolyl)-N,Ndiemthylformamidine;Bunamidine hydrochloride; andPentamidine ................ 6.5% Free (A+,AU,CA,CL, 15.4¢/kg +D,E,IL,J,JO,K,MA, 41%MX,P,SG)2925.29.18 N,N’-Diphenylguanidine;3-Dimethylaminomethyleneiminophenolhydrochloride;1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine; andN,N-Dimethyl-N’-[3-[[(methyl-amino)carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-methanimidamide monohydrochloride............... Free 15.4¢/kg +61%Other:2925.29.20 Drugs .................. 6.5% Free (A+,AU,CA,CL, 15.4¢/kg +D,E,IL,J,JO,K,MA, 67.5%MX,P,SG)2925.29.60 Other .................. 6.5% Free (A+,AU,CA,CL, 15.4¢/kg +D,E,IL,J,JO,K,MA, 61%MX,P)4.1% (SG)Other:2925.29.70 Tetramethylguanidine ......... Free 25%2925.29.90 Other ...................... 3.7% Free (A*,AU,CA,CL, 25%”E,IL,J,JO,K,MA,MX,P,SG)29-31. (a) Subheading 2930.10.00 is deleted.(b) Subheading 2930.90.90 is renumbered as 2930.90.91.29-32. (a) The following new subheading 2930.50.00 is inserted in numerical sequence:[Organo-sulfur compounds:]“2930.50.00 Captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO)) .... 6.5% Free (A*,AU,CA,CL, 30.5%”E,IL,J,JO,MA,MX,P,SG)(b) Subheading 2930.90.44 is renumbered as 2930.90.43.B-27

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