Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC


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Appendix B84-33. Subheading 8466.93.85 is deleted.84-34. Subheadings 8466.94.55 through 8466.94.85 and the superior text between subheadings8466.94.40 and 8466.94.55 are superseded by the following:[Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or...:][Other:][For machines of heading 8462 or 8463:]“8466.94.70 Other: ......................... 4.7% Free (A,AU,CA,CL,E, 35%”IL,J,JO,MA,MX,P,SG)84-35. Heading 8469 and subheadings 8469.11.00 through 8469.30.00 are superseded by the following:“8469.00.00 Typewriters other than printers of heading 8443;word processing machines:..................... Free 35%”84-36. (a) Subheading 8470.40.00 is deleted.(b) Subheading 8470.90.00 is renumbered as 8470.90.01.84-37. Subheading 8471.10.00 is deleted.84-38. Subheading 8471.30.00 is superseded by the following:[Automatic data processing machines and units...:]“8471.30.01 Portable automatic data processing machines,weighing not more than 10 kg, consisting ofat least a central processing unit, a keyboardand a display ............................ Free 35%”84-39. The superior text immediately preceding subheading 8471.41.00 and subheading 8471.41.00 aresuperseded by the following:[Automatic data processing machines and units...:]“Other automatic data processing machines:8471.41.01 Comprising in the same housing at leasta central processing unit and an inputand output unit, whether or not combined . Free 35%”84-40. Subheadings 8471.49 through 8471.49.95 are superseded by the following:[Automatic data processing machines and units...:][Other automatic data processing machines:]‘8471.49.00 Other, entered in the form of systems ..... Free 35%”84-41. Subheading 8471.50.00 is superseded by the following:[Automatic data processing machines and units...:]“8471.50.01 Processing units other than those ofsubheading 8471.41 or 8471.49, whether ornot containing in the same housing one ortwo of the following types of unit: storageB-106

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