Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC

Full report Pub3851 - USITC


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Appendix B47-2. Subheadings 4706.92.00 and 4706.93.00 are renumbered as 4706.92.01 and 4706.93.01,respectively.CHAPTER 4848-1. Note 2(n) to chapter 48 is amended by replacing the expression “(Section XV)” by “(generallySection XIV or XV)”.48-2. Note 4 to chapter 48 is amended by deleting the expression “of which not less than 65%” andsubstituting “of which not less than 50%”.48-3. Note 9(a)(i) to chapter 48 is amended by replacing “e.g.,” by “for example,”.48-4. The last paragraph of note 9 to chapter 48 is superseded by the following:“Products on a base of paper or paperboard, suitable for use both as floor coverings and as wall coverings, are to beclassified in heading 4823.”48-5. Subheadings 4802.30 through 4802.30.70 are deleted.48-6. Subheadings 4802.54.30 and 4802.54.60 are renumbered as 4802.54.31 and 4802.54.61,respectively.48-7. Subheading 4809.10 through 4809.10.40 are deleted.48-8. Subheading 4809.90.70 is renumbered as 4809.90.71.48-9 Subheading 4814.30.00 is deleted.48-10. Subheading 4814.90.00 is renumbered as 4814.90.01.48-11 Heading 4815.00.00 is deleted.48-12. Subheadings 4811.10.10, 4811.10.20 and 4823.90.66 are renumbered as 4811.10.11, 4811.10.21and 4823.90.67, respectively.48-13. Subheadings 4816.10.00 and 4816.30.00 are deleted.48-14. Subheading 4816.90.00 is renumbered as 4816.90.01.48-15. Subheadings 4823.12.00 and 4823.19.01 and the superior text immediately preceding thesesubheadings are deleted.48-16. Subheadings 4811.41.20 and 4811.49.20 are renumbered as 4811.41.21 and 4811.49.21,respectively.B-52

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