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Remembering Dick and Myra Larkin - National Association of ...

Remembering Dick and Myra Larkin - National Association of ...

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usiness tipsThe Internet Insurance Market:Friend <strong>and</strong> Foe?BY LORI REEDInternet ShoppersThe Internet has changed most <strong>of</strong> theways we operate our daily lives. Yes, westill may go to sporting or musical events,but now we can buy those tickets online,<strong>and</strong> if we miss the event, we can immediatelycheck out the results on some newsWebsite. However, the biggest impacthas been in how people gain informationabout almost anything: the weather,word spellings, symptoms <strong>of</strong> an illness,what friends are doing, degrees a college<strong>of</strong>fers <strong>and</strong>…shopping for insurance. Andthis Internet-gained information is beingused to influence all sorts <strong>of</strong> buyingdecisions. In fact, in a recent comScorereport, 65% <strong>of</strong> the people surveyed saidthey used the Internet to make buyingdecisions.And who would have thought 32 millionpeople would submit online quoterequests for auto insurance? Until thepast few years, most <strong>of</strong> the insuranceselling process was through referrals <strong>and</strong>personal meetings. But in recent years,except for last year, the number <strong>of</strong> peopleshopping online for insurance has beenincreasing at a 15% annual rate accordingto comScore. This means that when consumersrealize they need to reassess theirinsurance coverage, millions turn to theInternet first. And insurance agents don’twant to miss these millions <strong>of</strong> potentialcustomers.Too Many ChoicesWhen consumers go online, they typicallydon’t type in a specific insuranceagent’s name, they go to a search enginesuch as Google <strong>and</strong> type in the keyword“‘insurance.” According to Google, inApril the keyword “auto insurance” wasused as a search phrase 30 million times.“Auto insurance quote” <strong>and</strong> “auto insurancequotes” were shown to compriseanother 6 million or so searches. Thesestatistics fluctuate <strong>and</strong> aren’t 100% accurate,but suffice it to say, there are a hugenumber <strong>of</strong> potentially interested consumerschecking out insurance throughthe search engines.The problem is, if someone enters thesearch words “auto insurance” in Google,there are over 90 million matches or linksto Web pages. So in essence, there are 90million sources <strong>of</strong> information for thepeople researching insurance <strong>of</strong>ferings.The Internet has become congested withinformation – so much so that it is increasinglydifficult for consumers to findwhat they are looking for. But it is evenworse for small businesses, includinginsurance agencies, to get noticed whenthere are so many distractions.A few years ago, people were moreinclined to go directly to a Website bytyping in the address, or URL, <strong>of</strong> theWeb page they wanted to visit. But thehabit <strong>of</strong> most users now is to just entersome <strong>of</strong> the words into a Google search.According to a Yahoo survey, 72% <strong>of</strong> therespondents don’t remember the URLsthey see advertised on TV; they use asearch engine instead. Unfortunately, thesearch engines make it much easier forthe insurance shopper to be distracted bythe competition. A full 79% <strong>of</strong> the autoinsurance shoppers questioned ended upbeing introduced to a new auto insuranceSummer 2009 Exclusivefocus — 21

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