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faxes via a traditional fax machine can beproblematic. Waiting in line to send afax is time wasted. Then, if you are waitingfor an urgent incoming fax, you mayfind yourself waiting as other faxes finishprinting. With an Internet fax service,though, you can send <strong>and</strong> receive faxesanywhere you can get an Internet connection– even if you’re away from the<strong>of</strong>fice on client calls. In today’s age <strong>of</strong> themobile worker, that alone might make itworth it.In addition, you can store all your faxeson your laptop or other mobile device, allowingyou to keep those important documentsat your fingertips. Some serviceseven allow you to store faxes online foras long as a year, letting you access themeven if you forget your mobile device.• No (or at least less) paper. Fax machinescreate paper documents. Papercosts money <strong>and</strong> can get lost, misplacedor destroyed. It also takes up a lot <strong>of</strong> spacein filing cabinets when there is a lot <strong>of</strong> it.Because documents faxed via an Internetfax service are electronic, they’re mucheasier to h<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong> manage. The onlytime you’ll need paper is if you chooseto print a particular fax. That’s better forthe environment <strong>and</strong> better for your bottomline too.• Lower cost. To operate a fax machine,first, <strong>of</strong> course, you need to buy themachine itself. Then you have to pay toinstall another phone line. Each monthyou have the cost <strong>of</strong> paper, toner, electricityto keep it ready to use 24 x 7, <strong>and</strong>ongoing phone line charges. Maybe evena maintenance fee for the machine. Withan Internet fax service, the only expenseis the cost <strong>of</strong> the service itself – whichis lower than just about any one <strong>of</strong> theabove expenditures.• Increased privacy/security. Faxmachines tend to be placed in commonareas for the sake <strong>of</strong> convenience. Theproblem with common areas is that anyonecan go there, which means that theconfidential fax you’re sending or receivingis potentially left open to prying eyes.This scenario is not exactly what youwould call tight security, which is criticalin an insurance agency, where nearly allinformation is confidential.Since Internet fax services deliverfaxes directly to the user’s desktop, thechances <strong>of</strong> unauthorized eyes seeing aparticular fax are reduced by an order <strong>of</strong>magnitude. It certainly keeps the amateurs<strong>and</strong> busybodies away. For thosedealing with medical records, HIPAAlaws do not allow confidential recordsto be sent via email due to security risks.But they do allow faxes. A good Internetfax service will have built-in encryption<strong>of</strong> all faxes, increasing the security whilecomplying with the law.• No more lost faxes. As mentionedearlier, fax machines generate paperfaxes. Paper faxes can be misfiled, blown<strong>of</strong>f desks by a breeze, become stuck toanother piece <strong>of</strong> paper, accidentally gettossed in the trash or suffer other calamitousfates. Should that happen, the contentsare lost, sometimes forever. Electronicdocuments generated by Internetfax services not only are immune to allthat, they can also be backed up <strong>and</strong> restoredin case <strong>of</strong> a catastrophic loss. Thisis extremely important if the contents aremission-critical, such as a contract for anew piece <strong>of</strong> business. Finally, you canrun a desktop search to help you find anelectronic fax from six months ago that issuddenly important again. With a paperfax you’ll be hunting through the filingcabinets – hoping it was filed correctlyway back then.• No extra cost for a toll-free number.If you want to look big in the eyes<strong>of</strong> your customers by having a toll-freephone number, you’re going to pay extrafor it if you’re using a fax machine. Andevery time one <strong>of</strong> those customers usesyour toll-free number you’ll pay again.Most Internet fax services allow you tochoose between local <strong>and</strong> toll-free numbersfor the same cost.• No extra space required. A fax machinetakes up space, pure <strong>and</strong> simple. Sodo the filing cabinets required to storepaper faxes. An Internet fax service freesup that space. Use it to put in extra desks,or maybe even a few nice plants to dressup the <strong>of</strong>fice.The bottom line is there’s simply nogood reason to keep a fax machine in the<strong>of</strong>fice anymore. Sign up for an Internetfax service <strong>and</strong> you can finally banishyour old machine to the Isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> ObsoleteOffice Equipment. Don’t feel badabout it, though. It can always turn tothe steno machine for company.Steve Adams is Vice President <strong>of</strong> Marketingfor MyFax (www.myfax.com), a provider<strong>of</strong> Internet faxing services for individualhome users, small businesses, <strong>and</strong> large corporations.MyFax has won a number <strong>of</strong>awards in head-to-head competitions forease <strong>of</strong> use, reliability <strong>and</strong> best overall value.He can be reached at sadams@protus.com.Summer 2009 Exclusivefocus — 53

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