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Remembering Dick and Myra Larkin - National Association of ...

Remembering Dick and Myra Larkin - National Association of ...

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agent issuesAccentuating the Positive…The Exclusivefocus Interview withagent Bill GoughExclusivefocus magazine <strong>and</strong> our newsletters,DirectExpress <strong>and</strong> Agent Informer,are the primary sources <strong>of</strong> job-relatednews <strong>and</strong> information for many, if notmost, Allstate agency owners <strong>and</strong> staff.We believe it is our obligation to theagents <strong>of</strong> Allstate to publish truthful <strong>and</strong>newsworthy articles <strong>and</strong> opinions, positiveor negative, about our company. We alsobelieve it is our responsibility to provideour readers with thoughtful analyses <strong>of</strong>company programs <strong>and</strong> how they impactagency owners. Such is the case with ourprevious coverage on the Canadian Experiment,the independent contractor vs.employee controversy, Expected Results<strong>and</strong> now the ALI, none <strong>of</strong> which wouldbe considered “positive” by most agents.But if NAPAA didn’t raise these issues,who would? If you stop <strong>and</strong> think aboutit, if we hadn’t broken the story about theCanadian Experiment, how much wouldagents know about it today?The fact is, we’ve published lots <strong>of</strong>positive articles, including those on technology,motivation, growth strategies,BOB financing, business tips, lead generation<strong>and</strong> more. And in this issue <strong>of</strong> Exclusivefocus,we are introducing the first ina series <strong>of</strong> interviews with award-winningagents <strong>and</strong> other successful business owners.We expect that these interviews willbe both positive <strong>and</strong> informative.Our first interview is with Allstateagent <strong>and</strong> entrepreneur, Bill Gough.During his 25 year career, Bill hasbeen the recipient <strong>of</strong> many companyawards <strong>and</strong> accolades. Following aresome <strong>of</strong> his accomplishments: Rookie <strong>of</strong>the Year, Honor Ring 19 times, Leader’sForum 17 times, Chairman’s Conference12 times, Inner Circle 5 times, <strong>National</strong>Champions 4 times, Alabama Agent <strong>of</strong>the Year twice <strong>and</strong> numerous other Regional,Territorial <strong>and</strong> Market awards.Bill was a charter member <strong>of</strong> the NABwhere he served from 2004-2008 <strong>and</strong> hasserved on both the Southeast RegionalAdvisory Board <strong>and</strong> the Alabama StateAdvisory Boards. He owns three Allstateagencies in Alabama.You would be hard-pressed to findsomeone more uplifting or positive thanBill Gough. We are pleased to bring youthe following interview with one <strong>of</strong> Allstate’sfinest agents:Exclusivefocus: Looking over youraward history, you’ve had an impressive careerat Allstate. How do you manage to keepearning top awards year after year?Bill Gough: It’s like a club; once youget a taste for it, you want more. To bearound the best in a Fortune 500 company– WOW – that motivates me. Andas for RFG, the challenge is greater nowthan ever before.Exclusivefocus: You’ve spent more than25 years with Allstate. You have seen unprecedented<strong>and</strong> constant change duringyour career, yet you seem to have taken itall in stride, adapting to new circumstanceswhenever warranted. Is it your philosophyto always play the h<strong>and</strong> you’re dealt, eventhough the rules <strong>of</strong> the game keep changing?Bill Gough: I have never been oneto moan <strong>and</strong> groan a lot. Emphasis ona lot! My parents taught me early in lifethat I am not entitled to anything in thislife, <strong>and</strong> that I’d be much better <strong>of</strong>f meetingchange in a positive way. They alsotaught me to concentrate on the thingsin life I can control <strong>and</strong> not waste a lot <strong>of</strong>time <strong>and</strong> energy on those things which Ihad little or no control over.Exclusivefocus: Your marketing techniquescontinue to evolve. It would appearthat you try very hard to find new ways topromote your agency. Other than the company’sLeaders Forums, where do you come upwith new ideas?Bill Gough: I study marketing <strong>and</strong>have gone to about five conferences <strong>and</strong>mastermind meetings each year for thepast five years. Lots <strong>of</strong> very smart businesspeople attend these conferences.I started or improved other businesseswith these great learning experiences.Exclusivefocus: Let’s talk a little bitabout attitude. To others, you project the image<strong>of</strong> someone who views life from a “glasshalf full” perspective <strong>and</strong> one who looks for asilver lining even under dire circumstances.Do you think this approach has helped inyour business <strong>and</strong> personal life?Bill Gough: At the end <strong>of</strong> the day itall comes down to attitude. I’ve tried es-Summer 2009 Exclusivefocus — 29

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