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AcknowledgmentsI'm indebted to many people who assisted me in various ways while I was workingon <strong>Hackers</strong>. First, to the people who agreed to be interviewed for the book. Somewere veterans of this sort of journalistic exchange; others had only spoken tointerviewers on technical matters, and hadn't spoken of the personal orphilosophical nature of hacking before; others just hadn't spoken to people likeme. Almost all spoke freely and candidly; I think it not coincidental that hackersare as free in conversation, once they get started, as they are with sharingcomputer code. Many of the following consented to multiple interviews, and oftenfollow-up calls to verify facts or clarify technical details.My conversations with them were the backbone of the book, and I would like tothank, in alphabetical order, Arthur Abraham, Roe Adams, Bob Albrecht, DennisAJlison, Larry Bain, Alan Baum, Mike Beeler, Dorothy Bender, Bill Bennett,Chuck Benton, Bob and Carolyn Box, Keith Britton, Lois Britton, Bill Budge,Chuck Bueche, David Bunnell, Doug Carlston, Gary Carlston, Marie Cavin, MaryAnn Cleary, Bob Clements, Tracy Coats, David Crane, Edward Currie, RickDavidson, Bob Davis, Jack Dennis, Peter Deutsch, Steve Dompier, John Draper,Dan Drew, Mark Duchaineau, Les Earnest, Don Eastlake, Doug Englebart, ChrisEspinosa, Lee Felsenstein, LeRoy Finkel, Howard Franklin, Bob Frankston, EdFredkin, Gordon French, Martin Garetz, Harry Garland, Richard Garriott, LouGary, Bill Gates, Bill Godbout, Vincent Golden, Dave Gordon, Ralph Gorin, DanGorlin, Bill Gosper, Richard Greenblatt, Margaret Hamilton, Eric Hammond, JohnHarris, Brian Harvey, Ted Hoff, Kevin Hunt, Chris Iden, Jerry Jewell, RobertKahn, David Kidwell, Gary Kildall, Tom Knight, Joanne Koltnow, Alan Kotok,Marc LeBrun, Bob Leff, Mike Levitt, Efrem Lipkin, David Lubar, Olaf Lubeck,John McCarthy, John McKenzie, Robert Maas, Patricia Mariott, Bob Marsh,Roger Melen, Jude Milhon, Marvin Minsky, Fred Moore, Stewart Nelson, TedNelson, Jim Nitchak, Russ Noftsker, Kenneth Nussbacher, Rob O'Neal, PeterOlyphant, Adam Osborne, Bill Pearson, Tom Pittman, Larry Press, MalcolmRayfield, Robert Reiling, Randy Rissman, Ed Roberts, Steve Russell, PeterSamson, Bob Saunders, Warren Schwader, Gil Segal, Vie Sepulveda, DavidSilver, Dan Sokol, Les Solomon, Marty Spergel, Richard Stallman, JeffStephenson, Ivan Strand, Jay Sullivan, Dick Sunderland, Gerry Sussman, TomTatum, Dick Taylor, Robert Taylor, Dan Thompson, Al Tommervik, MargotTommervik, Mark Turmell, Robert Wagner, Jim Warren, Howard Warshaw,

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