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Joseph We-izenbaum, Randy Wigginton, John Williams, Ken Williams, RobertaWilliams, Terry Winograd, Donald Woods, Steve Woz-niak, and Fred Wright.I would like to particularly thank those of the above who gave me extraordinaryamounts of attention, people who include (but are not limited to) Lee Felsenstein,Bill Gosper, Richard Greenblatt, Peter Samson, Ken Williams, and RobertaWilliams.During the course of my research I was benefited by the hospitality of institutionsthat included the MIT <strong>Computer</strong> Science Library, the Stanford Library, the<strong>Computer</strong> Museum, the Lawrence Hall of Science, and the University ofCalifornia Library.On my travels to California and Cambridge, I benefited from the hospitality ofPhyllis Coven, Art Kleiner, Bill Mandel, and John Williams. Lori Camey andothers typed up thousands of pages of transcripts. Viera Morse's exacting copyediting kept me linguistically honest. Magazine editors David Rosenthal and RichFried-man gave me work that kept me going. Good advice was given by fellowcomputer scribes Doug Garr, John Markoff, Deborah Wise, and members of theLunch Group. Support and cheerieading came from my parents, my sister Diane<strong>Levy</strong>, friends Larry Barth, Bruce Buschel, Ed Kaplan, William Mooney, RandallRothenberg, David Weinberg, and many others they know who they are who willhave to accept this insufficient mention.The book was also a product of the enthusiasm and patience of my agent, PatBerens, and my editor, James Raimes, who encouraged me mightily. Those termsalso apply to Teresa Carpenter, who coped magnificently with the book and itsauthor through the long process of research and writing.Finally, thanks to Steve Wozniak for designing that Apple II on which I wrote thebook. Had it not been for the revolution which I address in <strong>Hackers</strong>, my laborsmight have continued for another year, just to get a clean draft out of mytypewriter.

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