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Core Flight System (CFS) Stored Command (SC) ApplicationVersion 1.0Version 2.0GSC-15745-1GSC-16009-1The CFS SC application provides the ability to execute onboard absolute-time and relative-time commandsequences. The technology offers a generic implementation that can be configured by a user to fit theneeds of a specific mission.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseData Trending and Analysis System, Version 4.0GSC-14751-1The client/server-based Data Trending and Analysis System, which can be exported to Excel or to a text file,archives and then analyzes spacecraft health and safety telemetry. The system provides various tools forviewing, plotting, and analyzing engineering data, and it allows for selective sub-setting of data for analyzingspecific points of interest. An optional tool for power system analysis is also provided.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseExperiment in Onboard Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data ProcessingWith Radiation Hardening by <strong>Software</strong> on Tilera Multicore ProcessorGSC-15757-1This standard C-language implementation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data processing is distributedover many cores of a Tilera processor and employs novel Radiation Hardening by <strong>Software</strong> (RHBS)techniques designed to protect component processes and their shared application memory from thesingle-event upsets expected in the space environment. The source code includes calls to Tilera applicationprogramming interfaces and a specialized Tilera compiler for producing a Tilera executable.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseGeneral Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT)GSC-15132-1Fully platform independent, GMAT has been designed for intuitive use from both a graphical user interfaceand a script language similar to MATLAB. The technology’s propagation abilities allow for the coupleddynamics of multiple spacecraft in multiple flight regimes.U.S. Release OnlyInternational Space Station (ISS) Robotics Planning System (RPS) <strong>Software</strong> SuiteMSC-25639-1The RPS suite is used by Robotics Flight Controllers to show graphical representations of ISS robotics armactivities following flights. The technology is also used as an independent graphical simulation for pre-flightrobotics activities.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseLunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Spacecraft Flight <strong>Software</strong>GSC-16103-1LRO Spacecraft Flight <strong>Software</strong> controls and coordinates all aspects of the Orbiter’s operation in nominaland anomalous conditions. It distributes commands to, and collects data from, all spacecraft subsystemsand all seven instruments; communicates with the ground controllers in real time to receive commandsand send housekeeping telemetry data through the S-band RF links; sends science data using the class-2CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) over the Ka-band RF link; and monitors the health of various Orbitersubsystems and takes corrective actions as necessary.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseMagic Bullet Adaptive Intelligent Vehicle Health Management (AIVHM) SystemGSC-15147-1Based on treatment learning and Bayes classification technology, the “Magic Bullet” Adaptive IntelligentVehicle Health Management (AIVHM) system offers a novel adaptive control system for sounding rockets.U.S. Government Purpose Release13. Vehicle Management (Space/Air/Ground)<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014 121

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