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Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center Architecture ApplicationProgramming Interface (GMSEC API), Version 3.0GSC-15900-1The GMSEC Architecture API isolates the middleware from the components and normalizes middleware behavior.Using the standard messages along with the GMSEC API allows a component to be GMSEC compliant.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseGoddard Satellite Data Simulation UnitGSC-15874-1The Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit (SDSU) is a comprehensive unified system of multi-sensor satelliteinstrumental simulators. Skill of weather forecasting models can be evaluated in terms of satellite-observedmulti-sensor radiance levels. Alternatively, the remote sensing community can more readily utilize atmosphericmodel simulations to develop and test their retrieval algorithms for application of Earth science.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseGoddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS), Release 2001.01GSC-14639-1The Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS) is a collection of related computer programs thatprovide operational support for Earth, lunar, and interplanetary missions and serve as a research anddevelopment tool.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseGrid Sequencing <strong>Software</strong> for Structured ComputationalFluid Dynamics (CFD) Grids, Version 1.0SSC-00167-1This software enables a user with a structured grid to generate any number of refined and/or coarsenedgrids. Any grid refinement/coarsening ratio can be used (not just integer ratios), and the user is allowed tospecify the grid ratio to use. The software can also generate restart files on any of the original, coarsened,or refined grids from any existing restart file/grid file pair. A graphical user interface is included.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseGTM_Polysim—Nonlinear GTM Aircraft PolynomialSimulation in MATLAB, Version 2.0LAR-17595-1The GTM_POLYSIM is a nonlinear simulation of the Generic Transport Model (GTM) aircraft at a 5.5-percentscale. The simulation software is a collection of scripts and programs written and executed in the MATLABcomputing environment.U.S. Release OnlyImplicit Finite-Difference Code for a Two-Equation TurbulenceModel for Three-Dimensional Flows (KEM)ARC-16271-1This semi-implicit finite-difference code solves the transport equations for the turbulence kinetic energy andits dissipation rate in generalized curvilinear coordinates in three dimensions. The finite difference equationsare solved using the Beam-Warming approximate factorization algorithm.U.S. Government Purpose Release10. Design and Integration ToolsIntegrated Lunar Information Architecture for Decision Support (ILIADS)GSC-15339-1ILIADS is a lunar data system providing support related to <strong>NASA</strong>’s Exploration Initiative. ILIADS includesthree primary components: (1) The ILIADS Spatial Database houses a mosaiced subset of lunar datafor rapid access and a spatial reference to primary lunar archives. (2) The ILIADS Lunar Exploration andAnalysis Portal (LEAP) is a Web portal to facilitate collaboration between scientists and engineers regardinglunar exploration. Finally, (3) the ILIADS XGIS (or eXploration Geographical Information System) provideslunar data visualization and analytical tools and models.U.S. Government Purpose Release92<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014

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