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MATLAB-Code V ToolkitGSC-15140-1This toolkit is a set of MATLAB scripts and functions that enable rapid transfer of optical system and performancedata from Code V optical software into the MATLAB environment. Typical applications include:extracting prescription data into MATLAB to confirm consistency of various delivered models; perturbing themodels and performing various analyses such as ray tracing or generation of point-spread functions in supportof integrated modeling activities; and enabling a MATLAB-driven optical model for integrated system-levelmodeling of wavefront sensing and control. The toolkit can be downloaded at: Open SourceMATLAB-Oslo ToolkitGSC-15138-1This toolkit is a set of MATLAB scripts and functions that enable rapid transfer of optical system andperformance data from Oslo optical software into the MATLAB environment. Typical applications include:extracting prescription data into MATLAB to confirm consistency of various delivered models; perturbingthe models and performing various analyses in support of integrated modeling activities; and enablinga MATLAB-driven optical model for integrated system-level modeling of wavefront sensing and control.The toolkit can be downloaded at Open SourceMATLAB-Zemax ToolkitGSC-15151-1The MATLAB-Zemax toolkit is a set of MATLAB scripts and functions that enable rapid transfer of opticalsystem and performance data from Zemax optical software into the MATLAB environment. Typicalapplications include: extracting prescription data into MATLAB to confirm consistency of various deliveredmodels; perturbing the models and performing various analyses in support of integrated modelingactivities; and enabling a MATLAB-driven optical model for integrated system-level modeling of wavefrontsensing and control. The toolkit can be downloaded at: Open SourceMemory-Efficient Serial Implementation of Recursive Hierarchical SegmentationGSC-15198-1This new sequential implementation of the recursive hierarchical segmentation (RHSEG) algorithm significantlydecreases the algorithm’s processing time requirements due to reduced disk swapping during theexecution of the program. The technology also makes it possible to process very large images with thesequential implementation of RHSEG, which in previous versions of RHSEG could cause computer systemsto crash by exceeding RAM and swap memory resources.U.S. Government Purpose Release14. Data and Image ProcessingMethod for Recursive Hierarchical Segmentation by Region Growingand Spectral Clustering with a Natural Convergence CriterionGSC-14328-1This hierarchical segmentation algorithm (HSEG) is a hybrid of region growing and spectral clusteringthat produces a hierarchical set of image segmentations based on detected natural convergence points.This recursive, divide-and-conquer implementation of HSEG is more computationally efficient than thetraditional algorithm.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseMethod for Recursive Hierarchical SegmentationThat Eliminates Processing Window ArtifactsGSC-14681-1This software performs recursive hierarchical data segmentation for large data sets. The technology’sapproach avoids the creation of processing window artifacts altogether, and it compares favorably toprevious recursive approaches and to a non-recursive, coarse-to-fine processing approach.U.S. Government Purpose Release138<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014

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