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Fault-Tolerant Digital Signal Processing (DSP)GSC-15050-1This software combines the popular Internet Protocol (IP) with high-speed switching fabrics to create a hardware-independentrouting environment for software radio. The flexible routing provided by this network layerallows signal streams to be dynamically routed (and rerouted) between computational elements, allowingsoftware radio designers to build flexible and fault-tolerant signal processing chains for many applicationsand hardware implementations. Conventional IP implementations cannot meet the performance requirementsof software radio data streams. The innovation in this research stems from the unique combinationof software radio development requirements, advances in network and transport layer designs to supporthigh-speed switching fabrics, and the inherent capabilities provided by IP.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseFFTW-Based Symmetric TransformsGSC-14712-1This software implements 1D and 2D symmetric transforms (sine, cosine, quarter-wave sine, and cosine)using FFTW.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseFilePlottingToolsLAR-18314-1This Excel plugin written in VB.net allows rapid post-processing of thermal analysis data from text files orfrom SINDA-formatted SAV files. The software can be adapted to other data formats as well.Open SourceFinite Element Computer Code for the Analysisof Composite Shell StructuresGSC-14756-1Used to predict the deformation of thin aerospace structures made of isotropic or fiber-reinforced compositematerials, this technology utilizes the finite element method (a numerical technique) as part of the formulation.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseFlow Solver for Incompressible 2D-Driven CavityGSC-15107-1This software solves the Navier-Strokes equations for the incompressible 2D-driven cavity flow problem.The code uses second-order finite differencing on a staggered grid. The equations are solved using theChorin projection method, and the resulting intermediate Poisson equation is efficiently solved using thefast Fourier transform. Time-stepping is done using fourth-order Runge Kutta for stability at high Reynoldsnumbers. Features include check-pointing, periodic field snapshots, ongoing reporting of kinetic energyand changes between time steps, time histories at selected points, and optional streakline generation.U.S. Government Purpose Release14. Data and Image ProcessingFlow Solver for Incompressible 2D Rectangular DomainsGSC-15111-1This software solves the Navier-Strokes equations for the incompressible flow utilizing finite differencing on auniform staggered grid. The domain must be rectangular, but it may have a rectangular walled region withinthe domain. The technology can solve a large variety of classical fluid flow problems: L-shaped cavity, channelflow, or wake flow past a square cylinder, etc. The code uses fourth-order Runge Kutta time-stepping andoverall second-order spatial accuracy.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseFurther Refinement of the Computationally EfficientHierarchical Segmentation (HSEG) AlgorithmGSC-16250-1This innovation is a further refinement of the computationally efficient version of the HSEG algorithm.Version 1.51 allows the number of large regions to exceed spclust_max to keep the number of large regionsgreater than a fixed minimum value equal to spclust_min.U.S. Government Purpose Release132<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014

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