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Acoustic Propagation and Emulation Toolset (APET)LAR-17761-1The Acoustic Propagation and Emulation Toolset (APET) is a framework code uniting several acousticmethodologies for the propagation and measurement of source noise audibility at farfield observers,accounting for the effects of the atmosphere, weather, terrain, and spherical spreading. Currently, APETconsists of a modified version of the Rotorcraft Noise Model (RNM, Version 7) coupled with the newlydeveloped Spectral Attenuation Method (SAM) that contains the Ray Tracing Program (RTP) and twoversions of a Greens Function Parabolic Equation (GFPE) code. A third component of APET is an audibilityprediction scheme based on the work of Abrahamson, initially called ICHIN (I Can Hear It Now) and furtherdeveloped by Wyle Labs as AUDIB.U.S. Release OnlyAdvanced Subsonic and Supersonic Propeller InducedNoise (ASSPIN) Input/Output Data Manipulation Tools (ASP_Tools)LAR-17590-1LAR-17591-1ASSPIN is a computer program that predicts the noise generated by propellers operating at subsonic,transonic, or supersonic helical tip speeds in either single-rotation or counter-rotation mode. The format ofblade surface pressure data obtained from aerodynamic codes for ASSPIN input is generally not compatiblewith that required by ASSPIN. The ASP_Tools suite provides the capability to manipulate blade geometryand surface pressure data to produce proper ASSPIN input. In addition, the ability to parse ASSPIN outputfiles and obtain specific output variables is provided.U.S. Release OnlyAdvanced Subsonic and Supersonic PropellerInduced Noise (ASSPIN) Prediction ProgramLAR-17590-1ASSPIN is a computer program that predicts the noise generated by propellers operating at subsonic,transonic, or supersonic helical tip speeds in either single-rotation or counter-rotation mode. The predictionmethod is based on two theoretical time-domain formulations of Farassat. Input to ASSPIN consists ofblade kinematic and geometric quantities and either steady or periodically unsteady blade surface pressure.Program output includes propeller power and thrust coefficients, as well as the periodic acoustic signaturesand acoustic spectra for the thickness, loading, and combined noise.U.S. Release OnlyAirShow 1.1.1LEW-17228The AirShow software package enables 3D visualization of computational meshes and computed flow-fielddata associated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The program displays structured grid blocks andcomputational grid planes.U.S. Release OnlyArbitrary Accuracy Nonlinear Euler SolverThis <strong>NASA</strong>-developed code is the first in the world to solve the nonlinear Euler equations to at least15th-order accuracy in space and time in two dimensions. It is capable of even higher order accuracyif sufficient computer precision is available.U.S. Release OnlyLEW-174654. System TestingAutomated Camera Calibration <strong>Software</strong> (ACCS)JPL-41312Using collected metrology data, the ACCS system significantly increases the efficiency of the entire cameracalibration process, resulting in reduced costs and turnaround time. Even in extreme conditions, the toolperforms calibrations with minimal user input.U.S. Government Purpose Release30<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014

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