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DSMC Analysis Code (DAC) <strong>Software</strong> for SimulatingRarefied Gas Dynamic EnvironmentsMSC-23445-1Innovators at <strong>NASA</strong>’s Johnson Space Center have developed software that is an easy-to-use implementationof the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method that can be applied to a broad base of low-densityflow problems. Its built-in flexibility, automation, and intuitiveness, combined with the potential of its parallelprocessing capabilities, provides an easy-to-use, high-performance solution for analyzing rarefied flows.U.S. Release OnlyEDLFLOW-F: A Next-Generation High-Order High-Fidelity All-SpeedTime-Accurate Flow Solver for Simulating Fluid FlowsARC-16349-1EDLFLOW-F solves the unsteady three-dimensional equations for compressible flow using a fourth-orderRunge-Kutta integration scheme and a sixth- and/or tenth-order compact differencing scheme for spatialderivatives. Deforming geometry simulations can be carried out using this solver. The technology can alsobe used in a low-order mode as a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver. Any flow regime—fromincompressible flow to hypersonic flow about arbitrary geometries—can be simulated using EDLFLOW-F.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseEO-1 Sensor Observation Service (EO-1 SOS)GSC-16272-1The EO-1 sensor web links together ground and space-based instruments to enable autonomous collaborativeobservation collections for any number of phenomena of scientific interest. The EO-1 SensorObservation Service (SOS) provides a method to discover and retrieve EO-1 data sets based on OpenGeoSpatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseEO-1 Sensor Planning Service (EO-1 SPS)GSC-16271-1The EO-1 sensor web links together ground and space-based instruments to enable autonomous collaborativeobservation collections for any number of phenomena of scientific interest. The EO-1 Sensor PlanningService (SPS) provides a method to post a task request for EO-1 and also to obtain tasking feasibilities.U.S. Government Purpose ReleaseeProc Electronic Procedure System for Spacecraft Glass Cockpits (eProc System)MSC-25186-1Crew members have the ability to perform all display tasks manually or with electronic procedures. This electronicprocedure system, referred to as eProc, is designed as a powerful alternative to reduce crew workload.eProc assists crew members by highlighting vehicle states on a display and cueing up appropriate displays,pop-ups, and commands. eProc is also linked to fault messages, so that crew members can quickly accessprocedures to any message that appears on the fault summary or log displays.U.S. Release Only10. Design and Integration ToolsExploration Visualization Environment (EVE)LAR-17782-1The Exploration Visualization Environment (EVE) is a simulation, visualization, and analysis system designedto integrate engineering data with a virtual environment in support of the design and planning of spacebasedmissions. Through the integration of time-dependent data with detailed graphical models within afull-scale three-dimensional solar system, the analyst can gain valuable insight into the correlation of datawith simulation events. EVE provides a rich set of navigation tools (both in time and space) to enable theuser to analyze the data.U.S. Government Purpose Release88<strong>NASA</strong> Technology Transfer Program <strong>Software</strong> <strong>Catalog</strong> 2014

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