Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA State â Punjab - Diksha
Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA State â Punjab - Diksha
Name of the Scheme: MGNREGA State â Punjab - Diksha
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(As on 30.6.2013)<strong>Name</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong>: <strong>MGNREGA</strong>1. Financial and Physical Progress for 2011-12 and 2012-13<strong>State</strong> – <strong>Punjab</strong>2011-12 2012-13Release (Rs. In Cr.)Release (Rs. In Cr.)Total Central Share 114.29 114.212011-12 2012-13Projection Achievement Projection Achievement(as per MIS)Number <strong>of</strong>persondays (In lakh)84 64.51 71.92 64.762. Achievement in Financial Year 2013-14LB for FY 2013-14 (Projected Person-days in Lakh) 67.32LB upto June, 2013 (Projected Person-days in Lakh) 13.26Actual Persondays generated up to June, 2013 (lakh)(as per MIS)9.91OB on 01.04.13 (Rs. Cr.) as per UC 13.89Amount Released by Central Government (Rs. Cr.) 73.811. Issues in releaseThe opening balance <strong>of</strong> Rs. 13.89 crore as on 01.04.2013 given by <strong>the</strong> <strong>State</strong> Government (UCprovisional) may be reconciled with that <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> MIS data ( Rs. 15.34 crore, closing balance asopening balance and Rs. 16.54 crore entered as Opening Balance by <strong>State</strong> Govt.) as on3.6.2013.Fur<strong>the</strong>r fund would be released on receipt <strong>of</strong> (i) Submission <strong>of</strong> updated status <strong>of</strong> disposal <strong>of</strong>complaints (ii) Submission <strong>of</strong> physical progress <strong>of</strong> work in <strong>the</strong> prescribed format. (iii) ATRson <strong>the</strong> observations <strong>of</strong> NLM, if any.2. Institutional Issuesi. <strong>State</strong> was yet to frame unemployment allowance Rules.ii. <strong>State</strong> yet to set up independent social audit directorate.iii. Out <strong>of</strong> 22, Ombudsmen appointed for 18 districts only. All processes relating toappointment <strong>of</strong> Ombudsmen under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> should be completed for remaining 4districts.Seeding <strong>of</strong> Aadhar numbers :3 Districts (Fatehgarh Sahib, Gurdaspur and Nawanshahr) have been selected for rollout <strong>of</strong>Aadhar (UID) enabled e-disbursement under <strong>MGNREGA</strong>. The <strong>State</strong> was to complete seeding<strong>of</strong> aadhar number <strong>of</strong> <strong>MGNREGA</strong> workers in <strong>the</strong>se Districts by 30.10.2012. Status <strong>of</strong> Aadhar(UID) enabled e-disbursement under <strong>MGNREGA</strong> Workers is as under :-Out <strong>of</strong> 144239 registered workers, 26795 (18.57%) Aadhar numbers have been seeded in toMIS and 81.43% yet to be seeded in <strong>the</strong> MIS.
e-FMS implementation Status :S.No.DistrictACCOUNT FREEZEDTARGET FREEZED GAP1 FATEHGARH SAHIB 14163 8961 52022 GURDASPUR 55931 18662 372693 NAWANSHAHR 10690 5952 4738Total 80784 33575 47209‣ The total number <strong>of</strong> Bank/Post Office accounts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> beneficiaries in identified districtsunder <strong>MGNREGA</strong> are 80784. Out <strong>of</strong> this, 33575 information in respect <strong>of</strong> Accounts only havebeen verified and frozen in <strong>the</strong> MIS. 58.44% account information is yet to be verified andfrozen in MIS.Complaints : Action Taken reports in respect <strong>of</strong> 2 VIP are awaited. Out <strong>of</strong> 17 General complaints, ATRin one case has been received and under examination. ATR on 16 complaints are awaited.