Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- JHARKHAND 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- JHARKHAND 1 ... - Diksha

Name of the Scheme: PMGSY STATE:- JHARKHAND 1 ... - Diksha


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5. Online Monitoring:Online management, monitoring and accounting <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> programme is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>important objective envisaged in <strong>the</strong> <strong>PMGSY</strong> guidelines, for which <strong>the</strong> web-based systemOMMAS was launched in 2002. The State is required to keep <strong>the</strong> data updated as only anoutput <strong>of</strong> OMMAS generated accounts duly signed will only be accepted from <strong>the</strong> financialyear 2011-12 onwards.6. Implementation issues:(i) Completion <strong>of</strong> works: As against 4,417 No. <strong>of</strong> roads works including bridges sanctionedtill March, 2013, 2,571 are yet to be constructed. SRRDA should take urgent steps to send<strong>the</strong> completion plan indicating <strong>the</strong> probable time frame for completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se roads.(ii) Quality Monitoring Mechanisms(a) SQM inspection under 2 nd Tier: Against 409 inspections <strong>of</strong> completed road worksby State Quality Monitors during November, 2010 to March, 2013, in 2.69% cases,quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory for which immediate corrective actionis required. Similarly, against 2,006 inspections <strong>of</strong> ongoing road works during thisperiod, in 1.69% cases quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory.(b) NQM inspections under 3 rd Tier: Against 57 inspections <strong>of</strong> completed road worksby National Quality Monitors during November, 2010 to March, 2013, in 12% cases,quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory for which immediate corrective actionis required. Similarly, against 243 inspections <strong>of</strong> ongoing road works during thisperiod, in 25% cases quality <strong>of</strong> works has been found unsatisfactory.SRRDA needs to take corrective action and ensure that <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> roadsconstructed under <strong>the</strong> programme is <strong>of</strong> high standards as envisaged under <strong>the</strong>programme.

Financial Progress (Rs. In Crore)Value <strong>of</strong> Projects 123.92 230.26 135.92 29.15 113.78 499.49 973.13 280.21 598.22 394.12 63.57State Share 3.65 39.14 4.43Amount Released 123.92 230.00 135.92 31.36 113.78 499.48 551.51 100.00 541.81 543.97Expenditure 123.92 195.25 112.98 30.95 99.91 410.98 740.55 190.55 323.79 75.33 11.69* Phase I Reported Expenditure Rs.137.19 Crores but restricted to Rs. 123.92. Crores.

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