SwediSh waSte management |2011 - Avfall Sverige

SwediSh waSte management |2011 - Avfall Sverige

SwediSh waSte management |2011 - Avfall Sverige


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Swedish waste <strong>management</strong> 2011returns nutrients to the soil, including phosphorus,which is a finite resource.Compost is primarily used for soil improvementor in soil mixtures.Facilities that produce compost or digestatefrom separated bio-waste, including food wastefrom the food industry, can undergo certificationto use quality labels on their product.<strong>Avfall</strong> <strong>Sverige</strong> – Swedish Waste Managementdeveloped the certification system about tenyears ago in consultation with the food andagriculture industry, compost and digestatemanufacturers, soil manufacturers, authoritiesand researchers. SP Technical ResearchInstitute of Sweden is the inspection body ofthis certification system.Certification places requirements on theentire waste <strong>management</strong> chain, from incomingwaste to final product. Eleven biogasplants – Bjuv, Falkenberg, Helsingborg,Kalmar, Kristianstad, Laholm, Linköping,Norrköping, Uppsala, Västerås, andVänersborg – as well as three compostingplants – Borlänge, Malmö, and Örebro – haveobtained certificates.<strong>Avfall</strong> <strong>Sverige</strong> – Swedish Waste Managementengaged in a voluntary initiative to minimizeemissions from biogas and upgrading plants.Air emissions may arise from different stagesof biological treatment through anaerobicdigestion of organic material and in biogasupgrading processes in treatment plants.Even though the emissions from biogasplants are low, they should be minimized forseveral reasons. Approximately 30 biogas andupgrading plants have signed up for the voluntaryundertaking.Ton 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Anaerobic digestion 283,730 356,090 405,580 535,930 661,620Composting 452,390 515,290 568,700 630,500 566,210Total biologic treatment 736,120 871,380 974,280 1,166,430 1,229,840food waste 134,990 166,810 162,680 178,770 214,230Total quantity of household waste treated biologically* 469,880 561,300 597,280 617,680 587,170 *Digestate (tons) 272,730 336,100 389,350 498,720 582,750Raw gas (MWh) 181,270 228,810 280,000 317,440 328,110Vehicle gas (MWh) 106,430 149,230 204,720 262,600 264,680Electricity (MWh) 1,680 1,230 700 0 0Heating (MWh) 63,600 67,960 48,740 41,280 50,980Total (MWh) 181,270 218,410 254,160 303,870 315,660* Includes 60,000 tons of home compost.18

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