WASTE-TO-ENERGY IN SWEDEN - Cleantech Östergötland

WASTE-TO-ENERGY IN SWEDEN - Cleantech Östergötland

WASTE-TO-ENERGY IN SWEDEN - Cleantech Östergötland


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3prefaceThe Swedish Energy Agency is a governmentauthority for national energy policy issues. TheAgency’s mission is to promote the developmentof the Swedish energy system in order to makeit socially, ecologically and economically sustainable.International collaboration and disseminationof Swedish experience and environmentaltechnology are important aspects in this work.The Energy Agency’s efforts to strengtheninternational collaboration in the field ofwaste-to-energy began in 2009 when a delegationfrom Sweden visited India with thespecific interest to discuss ‘Biogas for UrbanInfrastructure’. Since then the Agency’s internationalwork in this field has intensified andtoday it reflects in several bilateral initiatives.By communicating Swedish experiencewithin the waste-to-energy sector, this bookletserves as the basis for further knowledgesharing and joint creation of sustainable wastemanagement systems. Sweden has a long historyof sustainable waste management backedby decades of gradual structural changes tostimulate the use of waste in the productionof heat, power and vehicle fuel as well as capturingthe potential in so many other residualsfrom society including waste water and surplusheat from industries.Erik BrandsmaDirector General,Swedish Energy Agency

4Main supporting partners ofthe Waste-to-Energy initiativeThe information in the booklet is a result of a combined effort between theSwedish Energy Agency and Environment and Energy clusters in Sweden as follows;SwediSh government officeSThe Government Offices form a single, integrated publicauthority comprising the Prime Minister’s Office, the GovernmentMinistries and the Office for Administrative Affairs.In collaboration with other government organisations andthe Swedish Embassies around the world, an important aimof the Government Offices is to build international relationsand increase Swedish export of environmental technology,energy efficiency and infrastructure for sustainable urbandevelopment.Sida – the SwediSh internationaldevelopment cooperation agencySida is a government organization under the Swedish ForeignMinistry. Sida administers approximately half of Sweden’sbudget for development aid. Swedish developmentaid follows three thematic priorities; democracy and humanrights, environment and climate change and gender equalityand women’s rights.ASSET, The Association of Swedish EnvironmentalTechnology Industries – a network organisation for regionaland national associations of environmental technologyindustries in Sweden. ASSETS:s mission it to leveragethe work of the member organisations by creating businessdriven collaboration arenas and common projects.Avfall Sverige - Swedish Waste Management.Is a stakeholder and trade association in the field of wastemanagement and recycling with 400 members from boththe public and the private waste management and recyclingsectors. 99 per cent of the Swedish population are representedthrough Avfall Sverige. Avfall Sverige represents itsmembers in dealings with politicians, other decision makers,authorities and media, both in Sweden and internationally.Within the framework of Avfall Sverige a new platformfor export of Swedish know-how and technology regardingwaste management is being developed. A number of playerswithin the public and private waste management sectorin Sweden are affiliated with this platform. Together theyform a strong alliance for export of Swedish waste managementknowledge and technology with a unique combinationof competences.The following consultancy companies have alsobeen closely connected with the project;<strong>Cleantech</strong> Östergötland – holds the Chairmanship of AS-SET and is responsible for promoting sustainable developmentand regional growth. <strong>Cleantech</strong> Östergötland is thelead-partner and manager of the production of this cataloguein cooperation with MAKSUS, ASSET, Avfall Sverigeand ÅF Group.ÅF Group – a leader in technical consulting with expertisefounded on more than a century of experience. The companiesin the ÅF Group offer highly qualified services andsolutions for industrial processes, infrastructure projects andthe development of products and IT systems. The ÅF Grouphas extensive international experience and operations in thefield of waste-to-energy providing engineering services inall phases of development projectsMAKSUS – a consultancy firm specialised in internationalbusiness development support with focus on sustainable urbandevelopment, clean technologies, and renewable energy.footnote:The facts and data found in this booklet are to a high extentbased on information from the following public websites;www.swedishenergyagency.sewww.biogasportalen.sewww.avfallsverige.sewww.swedenvirotech.sewww.symbiocity.org

6The systematic approachThe holistic and systematic approach to sustainableurban development is one of the keyfactors that has gained Sweden its position asa world leader in efficient use of renewable energy.Solutions are found by seeking synergiesbetween urban functions which unlock bothefficiency and ultimately profitability.Combine urban functions -and prosperThere are many ways to make urban functionsefficient. But focusing on them separately willresult in a sub-optimised system. It is the holisticapproach that is the key to lessened energydemand and reduced environmental impact.Take water – a scarcer resource than ever.Modern cleaning technology can producedrinking water from household wastewater.Along with household bio-waste, this wastewatercould serve as a resource for the productionof bio-methane and bio-fertilizer. Byaddressing these issues together it becomespossible to secure potable water, vehicle fueland sustainable farming with the same system.Another example is surplus heat fromindustries. This excess heat is often found tobe ventilated in cooling towers or in rivers orlakes. Instead, by linking the industrial systemto a city, households and other processes canhave cost efficient heating, cooling or evenpower that thereby substitutes other fossilbased sources.It’s important to recognise that a systemsapproach is not only a question of technology.Much more so, it’s a question of collaborationbetween public and private sectors and cooperationbetween different municipal departmentsenabling synergies to develop.

7<strong>WASTE</strong> FROM:• Households• Industry• Agriculture• Forestry• Waste WaterTreatment PlantsSEWAGE TREATMENTSEPARATION AT SOURCESEPARATIONAT SOURCERECYCL<strong>IN</strong>GOtherfuelsBiomassfuelWastebasedfuelMIXED <strong>WASTE</strong>PresortingSOLID <strong>WASTE</strong>IncinerationResidual wasteLandfill biocellsDegradableorganic wasteSludgeDIGESTABLE <strong>WASTE</strong>Landfill gasRecyclablesIndustryCHP-PlantCombined Heat andPower productionElectricityDistrictheatingor coolingBiogasproductionthroughdigestionCleaningand purificationof the biogasRawmaterialConstructionmaterialReuseFlue gascondensationSurplusheatSurplussteamSteamindustrial useCompressed biogas (CBG)Liquid biogas (LBG)BiofertilizerSoil conditionerPublicgasgridPublicfilling stationBuseslocal trspHeavy duty vehiclesLong dist. trspBENEFICIARIES:ManufacturingindustryBuildingsectorConsumersectorIndustrialsectorPublicsectorAgriculturalsectorIndustrialsectorPublicsectorTransportationsectorThe illustration shows how urban functions can be connected in order to enable efficient use of energy flows. As shown above, solid waste andsewage water from different sources are handled in an integrated system; ultimately the residuals may be recycled, incinerated, gasified, digestedor otherwise purified for various uses. Incineration of waste provides heat and power to the end-users – both for domestic and industrialuse. Excess heat and steam from industrial processes are recovered enabling usage in other public or industrial functions. Both compressed andliquid biogas is produced from biodegradable waste and after upgrading it can be used as vehicle fuel. Through this systems approach a varietyof residuals are successfully used to replace considerable amounts of fossil fuels.In a modern, efficient and sustainable society, everything is connected.

8Waste-to-Energy definition in this booklet:Recovery of wasted energy!Inefficient use of residuals in society can be found everywhere. For example surplus steam cooled of in cooling towers, agricultural waste dumped on unusedland or municipal and industrial solid waste dumped on landfills etc. Swedish experience shows that it is often both financially and environmentally viable torecover these sources of energy. Over the past decades numerous initiatives and projects have been introduced in Sweden enabling such energy recovery.Recovery of wasted energy sources is divided into four different themes in this booklet.10 3460 84waStewater treatmentand Sludge managementExamples include systems and processes thatenable the utilization of energy in wastewaterboth in terms of thermal energy but alsoin terms of the extraction of energy from thematter content in the sewage through digestionwith bio-methane and bio-fertiliser output.municipal Solid waSte managementExamples include systems and processes thatenable the recovery of energy in solid wastethrough incineration or gasification with bothheat and power output or with the help oflandfill gas extraction techniques where the gascan be used to produce either heat and poweror alternatively bio-methane for vehicle fuel.the biogaS SyStemExamples include systems and facilities formanaging biodegradable waste with efficientproduction and innovative use of biogas. Apartfrom biogas generation, this theme also includeselements such as biogas upgrading tosubstitute compressed natural gas (CNG) anddesigning vehicle filling stations.energy SyStemS for efficientutiliZation of SurpluS energy(induStry related)This theme includes examples of systems andprocesses for recovery of surplus energy fromindustrial processes mainly in the form ofexcess hot water and surplus steam that canbe used to produce heat and power for externaluse. Other energy recovery systems includeflue gas condensation from heat and powerplants but also efficient use of biomass originatingfrom waste by innovative fuel preparationmethods

9Table of contents1 - <strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT 3 - THE BIOGAS SYSTEM1.1 - SUCCESS CASE 3.1 - SUCCESS CASE1.2 - ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS 3.2 - ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS1.3 - TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS 3.3 - TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS11 6912 6218 6826 741.4 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR PROCUREMENT, OPERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE 3.4 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR PROCUREMENT, OPERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE1.5 - DEVELOPERS 3.5 - DEVELOPERS10 6030 7832 821.6 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEHOLDERS 3.6 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEHOLDERS2 - MUNICIPAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT4 - <strong>ENERGY</strong> SYSTEM FOR EFFICIENTUTILIZATION OF SURPLUS <strong>ENERGY</strong> (<strong>IN</strong>DUSTRY RELATED)34 842.1 - SUCCESS CASE 4.1 - SUCCESS CASE2.2 - ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS 4.2 - ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS2.3 - TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS 4.3 - TECHNOLOGY SUPPLIERS37 8536 8642 922.4 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR PROCUREMENT, OPERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE484.4 - DEVELOPERS962.5 - DEVELOPERS524.5 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEHOLDERS982.6 - CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEHOLDERS56

101From<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT ANDSLUDGE MANAGEMENTa situation in the early 1970s, whena significant part of urban and industrialwastewater was discharged in altogetheruntreated form, today virtually all householdsin urban areas are connected tomunicipal sewage networks and roughly95% of urban wastewater undergoesboth biological and chemical treatment.This situation has been reached with thehelp of large government grants to improvewastewater treatment alongsidemajor steps taken by industry to reducetheir effluents to nature. These extensivemeasures taken during the last 40 yearshave made lakes and watercourses noticeablycleaner. Previously closed beacheshave re-opened and conditions for waterfauna have improved significantly. Majorindustrial facilities, such as mines andairports nowadays carry out their ownwastewater treatment or pre-treatment.Sludge – a reSourceDuring development of Swedish wastewatertreatment facilities, sludge was considereda resource early on. The materialcan be used either as fertilizers or for civilworks purposes and also in the productionof biogas – all of which are better thandisposal on landfill. In Sweden biogas productionis a common element in sludgemanagement, where the biogas producedcan be used as vehicle fuel or to produceheat and power. Residues from the digestionprocess can be used as fertilizer or ascovering material.induStry triggerS innovationSThe combination of an early start in theconstruction of wastewater treatmentinfrastructure and relatively strict environmentallegislation has resulted in bothpublic and private sectors gaining experiencein this sector. Furthermore, Swedishwastewater treatment technology is alsostrong in areas where Swedish industry isstrong; i.e. forestry, pulp and paper, steeland iron industry, mining, engineering andmanufacturing industry as well as in thepharmaceutical industry. Innovative technologiesand methods to optimise sludgemanagement and biogas production arecontinuously being introduced by Swedishcompanies.BENEFICIARIES:ManufacturingindustrySEPARATIONATIONATSOURCERECYCL<strong>IN</strong>GRecyclablesRawConstructionmaterialmaterialBuildingsectorReuseProducedbiofuelOtherfuelsWastebasedfuelConsumersectorFlue gasSurpluscondensatio<strong>ENERGY</strong>RECOVERYIndustrySurplusIndustrialsector<strong>WASTE</strong> FROM:• Households• Industry• Agriculture• Forestry• Waste WaterTreatment PlantsMIXED <strong>WASTE</strong>PresortingCombined Heat andPower PlantSteamindustrial useSOLID <strong>WASTE</strong>IncinerationSEWAGE TREATMENTSEPARATION AT SOURCEResidual wasteLandfill biocellsDistrictElectricityheatingor coolingPublicsectorLandfill gasDegradableorganic wasteBiofertilizerAgriculturalsectorBiogasproductionthroughdigestionSludgeSoil conditionerDIGESTABLE<strong>WASTE</strong>IndustrialsectorPublicsectorPurificationand Upgradingof the biogasTransportationsectorthe dotted line provideS an indicationof proceSSeS covered by thiS theme.See alSo main illuStration in page 7.

111.1SUCCESS CASE “RyAVERKET”.ThE RyA WWTp <strong>IN</strong> GOThENBURG- ThE GOThENBURG REGIONALSEWAGE AND BIOGAS pLANTBuilt in 1972 the Rya wastewater treatmentplant (WWTP) treats wastewater from the entireGothenburg region. The plant, operatedby Gryaab AB, has steadily expanded and nowhandles an average of 4.000 litres of wastewaterper second from nearly 700.000 inhabitants.innovative conStructionThe Rya WWTP has a very limited geographicalfootprint and therefore Gryaab has found innovativesolutions so it can grow despite this.Nitrification in trickling filters instead of conventionalbasins and compact disc filters instead ofconventional sand filters are two ways the plantsaves on space.from Sludge to fertiliZer and topSoilThe Rya WWTP generates some 55.000 tonnesof sludge each year. The bulk of it is compostedand used as topsoil. Some is stored for sixmonths to allow harmful bacteria to die out andthen used as fertilizer on farmland.from Sludge to biogaSAnaerobic digestion of sewage sludge createsbiogas, which is an excellent energy source. TheRya WWTP produces over 60 GWh of biogas peryear and receives fats and organic waste fromrestaurants, schools and food producers acrossthe region to boost biogas production. GryaabAB sells the raw biogas to the power company,Göteborg Energi AB where it is upgraded andthen sold to Fordonsgas Sverige AB who in turnsells it to consumers as a vehicle fuel.heat from waStewaterBefore being discharged into the Göta river,some of the treated effluent from the plant ispumped to the nearby Göteborg Energi AB heatpump plant where heat exchangers extract heatfrom the wastewater and transfer it to the districtheating system. This, otherwise wasted energy,accounts for about 7% of Gothenburg’sdistrict heating.

121.2ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

13COWIcontacte-mailwebAnders Lidqvist, Hans Elmekloanli@cowi.se, haeo@cowi.sewww.cowi.comoffer:COWI provides consultancy services on the treatment and handling of municipaland industrial wastewater internationally. Detailed knowledge of wastewatertreatment processes, combined with automatic on-line control, improves thepossibility to increase efficiency of treatment processes.COWI’s services include all facets of handling and treatment of wastewater andsludge including:• Planning and legislation• Preliminary and detailed design• Preparation of tender documents and tender procedures• Construction supervision• Operation and training of operational staffreference proJect:AgroEtanol AB, Norrköping, SwedenNew upgraded ethanol plant, 2005- 2008Basic and detailed design of a new fuel-ethanol production line with a capacityof 150000 m³/year. The existing production line includes a grain loading andhandling facility, starch conversion, fermentation, distillation and dehydration,DDGS (Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles) drying and unloading of ethanoland DDGS.The upgrading involved implementation of a new wastewater treatment system.COWI’s tasks, among others, were to prepare wastewater and clean waterspecifications, integration with the ethanol plant, technical specifications, selectionof technology and subsequent suppliers, construction supervision etc.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

14Urban Watercontacte-mailwebErik Kärrmanerik.karrman@urbanwater.sewww.urbanwater.seoffer:The mission of Urban Water is to provide research-based decision support for strategicplanning and development of urban water and wastewater systems. We viewwater and wastewater systems not only as infrastructure, but include also aspectsof organizational responsibilities, management, and public involvement in our approach.In this way we work to assure that future water and wastewater systems willcontribute to a more sustainable urban environment.reference proJect:The vision for the township Stockholm Royal Seaport is that it will serve as an internationalexample for sustainable urban development. As part of the planningprocess, Urban Water investigated seven different system configurations for managementof wastewater and organic waste. The alternatives were evaluated in termsof criteria for: plant nutrient and energy resources management, emissions to water,soil and atmosphere, economy, organizational and user aspects, and technical function.Urban Water has carried out similar projects in other cities. These projects areoften finalized with a multi-criteria analysis, where stakeholders are invited to discussweighting of the different criteria in order to provide a ranking of the investigatedsystem configurations.Source: city of Stockholm and dynagraph<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

15Swecocontacte-mailwebPatrik Marckertpatrik.marckert@sweco.sewww.sweco.seoffer:Sweco supplies all kinds of consulting and engineering services for municipal wastewatertreatment – including planning, process design, engineering, procurement, supervision,start-up and process optimization. We cover the whole process – including pre-treatment,biological, chemical and further tertiary treatment, as well as sludge management, digestion,dewatering and recycling/final disposal. Energy aspects are accounted for in allrelevant aspects – including minimized energy consumption in the treatment process andpumping stages, as well as energy generation from sludge digestion. Our working area isworld-wide – focusing on Europe and Asia.reference proJect:The new As-Samra wastewater treatment plant in Amman, Jordan, a BOT project, (Build- Operate - Transfer) was designed for 3.3 million persons and 420 000 m3/day, and wasstarted up in 2009. The plant includes primary and biological treatment, sludge digestionfor biogas generation, and utilizing treated wastewater for irrigation. Energy optimizationincludes hydroelectric power generation from influent and effluent wastewater (utilizingexisting level differences), and CHP (Combined Heat and Power) plant burning biogas, torender the plant self-supporting in terms of electrical power. Sweco, as consultant to theMinistry of Water and Irrigation, provided services such as preliminary design and technicalspecifications, preparation of procurement and contract documents for the BOT project,evaluation of pre-qualifications and tenders, as well as supervision and administration duringconstruction.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

16ÅFcontacte-mailwebSten-Åke Barrsten-ake.barr@afconsult.comwww.afconsult.comoffer:ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise based on morethan a century of experience.ÅF is one of the largest independent international companies in energy& environmental consulting and a world leader in nuclear power.ÅF offers a wide range of consulting, engineering and project servicesfor water, wastewater and sludge management, mainly for industries.reference proJect:ÅF has been involved in feasibility studies for new eco-cities in China,where infrastructure, water, wastewater and waste handling systemshave been proposed by ÅF. ÅF’s main customer was a Finnish designcompany, DigiEcoCity. In the project, also other consulting companies,Chinese Universities and two Chinese cities were involved<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

181.3technology suppliers

19Aqua-Qcontacte-mailwebUlla och Sudhir Chowduryulla@aqua-q.se, sudhir@aqua-q.sewww.aqua-q.seoffer:Aqua-Q provides real-time, online, innovative and cost effective solutions to monitor the qualityof re-circulated industrial wastewater and municipal drinking water. Aqua-Q also offers consultancyservices regarding monitoring of water quality.The founders of Aqua-Q’s have more than 20 years of experience in the field of water management.Aqua-Q’s real-time monitoring system is a result of long-term collaboration between thecompany founders and the Royal institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) and the SwedishEnvironmental Research Institute (IVL).reference proJect:Aqua-Q’s innovative real-time monitoring system WQM-100 and AQS water sampler is usedat the research test-bed at Hammarby Sjöstadsverk, an R&D wastewater treatment facility inStockholm which is owned by IVL and KTH. This system registers and reports the deviation inthe water quality in real-time.This reference project is of high importance as clean and safe water is a scarce commodity andthe reuse of wastewater is essential to meet the demand of the growing population. Treatedreused wastewater requires real time on-line stringent quality control.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

20GlobeWatercontacte-mailwebPontus Schwalbepontus.schwalbe@globe-water.sewww.globe-water.seoffer:Globe Water offers special eco-technical technologies based on own patented methods for purificationof water and soil – Ecosoil®, Sorbus Stormwater® and Sorbus Leachate®Technologies and methods include trapping and reusing nutrients and metals from human activities.These eco-technology methods are cost- and resource effective and are proven by threeEU-projects and Universities in Sweden, Germany, Poland, Russia and UkrainaPatented technologies and methods are offered for• treatment of water from small industries.• on-site decontaminating of soil from harmful substances.• treatment of storm water from urban areas and motorways.reference proJect:Globe Water managed the development of a treatment plant for landfill leachate on theTveta landfill site near Stockholm. The site had a total land area of approximately 2.000 m2,comprising eight compact wetland dams, as well as a chemical precipitation stage for heavymetals. The project captured 85-95% of all heavy metals, 60% of the estimated Nitrogen and90% of the estimated Phosphorus.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

21KONSEBcontacte-mailwebEddie Bjeltoninfo@konseb.comwww.konseb.comoffer:KONSEB delivers modern, very specific and custom-made technologiessolving difficult problems within sludge handling and resource recovery.Relevant technologies offered are• dab, representing an efficient but simple, cost effective and robusttechnology for thickening or dewatering any sludge regardless ofwhether it is municipal or industrial. The DAB technology is suitablefor small and medium units.• dabSuS (DAB Sludge Utilization System) turns septic sludge, whichis classified as hazardous waste, into an useful and valuable organicfertilizer. The technology makes people healthier and richer.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

22Sorubincontacte-mailwebStefan Sandströmstefan.sandstrom@sorubin.sewww.sorubin.comoffer:Sorubin offers energy and cost effective, sturdy aerators for industrial applications. This includesprocess water, effluent, wastewater, landfill leachate and similar for the 1.5 – 6m depth rangefor activated sludge and similar dams.Sorubin also offers OptusFlow Floating Baffles System for optimizing retention time and watertreatment. In 2014 Sorubin will launch its new product line in non-clogging wastewater pumps.Sorubin is looking for strategic partners.reference proJect:Apart from 20+ Swedish municipalities and municipal companies, Sorubin’s energy effectiveaerators are found at food process plants: Abba Seafood (fish), Dafgårds (meat) and Nestlé(juices). Scottish Water and a paper plant also save money and energy with Sorubin’s aerators.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

23Envic Sensecontacte-mailwebPeter Gårdhagen, Eva-Lena Gårdhagenpeter.gardhagen@envic-sense.com,evalena.gardhagen@envic-sense.comwww.envic-sense.comoffer:Screening of process material, wastewater and landfills for energy production is crucial to beable to reduce environmental impact. Environmental impact may cause severe health problemsto humans, animals and crops. Envic Sense provides a rapid test called FREEDD. This test detectsheavy metals and other toxic substances in different types of wastewater including waste disposalleachate and run-off water. The method and technology is very useful when extremely toxicsubstances are suspected and there is no time for delay and costs must be kept down.The technology provides rapid test results at low cost per sample and is very user friendly.reference proJect:FREEDD has been proven in a large remediation project. The project task was to secure freshwater supply for Gothenburg City in the river Göta Älv.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

24EcoLoo ABcontacte-mailwebImad Agimail@ecoloo.euwww.ecoloo.euoffer:EcoLoo AB is a Swedish GREEN innovation company. We develop, build and market unique& patented innovations and Environmental solutions.Our patent-pending toilet solution is affordable, sustainable, odour-free, maintenance-free,consumes no energy or water, and the end product is fertilizer. It is biological and needsno further investment for end users, nor any expenses related to energy, water, transport,treatment or any other costs.Our goal is not only to establish a profitable business, but an effective, long-term andsustainable one based on an “Inclusive Business Model” and Sustainability in order to createjob and business opportunities locally starting at production, distribution, installation &support to the collection and reuse/sales of the fertilizer generated in the system.The sanitation solution we offer has a huge potential (outdoors & indoors), and will havea domino positive impact on Environment, poverty, health, water, energy, women, organicagriculture, food security & quality, society, well being & stability in many ways; especially ifwe engage CSR companies, NGO’s, NPO’s, help organizations, UN, development programsand banks in the process.reference proJect:Sweden – Ekenäs Hotel – Koster Islands (National Park) – Strömstad’s Municipality.Sweden – Bassholmen Natural Reserve Island – Uddevalla Municipality.Sweden – Susedalen Rest Area – Falkenberg’s Municipality: Zero Cost. All the facility’smaintenance is financed by the sale of the natural fertilizer produced during the process.Local farmers buy and use the organic fertilizer for their organic agriculture.Portugal – Boom Festival 2010 – Installation of 160 composting toilet units for 24.000 visitorsduring the 10 days of the festival.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

25Järven Ecotechcontacte-mailwebFredrik Agerhemfredrik.agerhem@jarven.sewww.jarven.se/ecotechoffer:Järven Ecotech is a leading provider of floating baffles/walls and energyefficient aeration products for industrial level water treatment, includingwastewater, storm water and landfill leachate. We provide key solutions forindustries and public water distributors (municipalities and water utilities) withwastewater treatment requirements.reference proJect:Tekniska Verken, the regional waste-to-energy company in Linköping, hasinstalled our AIRTURBO-aerators and Järven floating baffles. With our systemthe costumer can create anaerobic and aerobic zones within the same leachatepond. With our Järven floating baffles we also create superior hydraulicconditions with excellent sedimentation properties.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS


27Umevacontacte-mailwebTomas Blomqvist, Simone Anderssontomas.blomqvist@umeva.se,simone.andersson@umeva.sewww.umeva.se and www.umeaenergi.seoffer:The municipally owned company, Umeva, is responsible for water, sewage, waste and recyclingwithin Umeå municipality. Umeva´s assignment is to provide the citizens in Umeå municipalitywith high quality drinking water, to manage household waste, to treat the wastewaterand to manage recyclable material; always with the environment as the primary driver. Withmany years of experience concerning wastewater treatment Umeva has a lot to offer.reference proJect:Umeå’s wastewater treatment plant receives approximately 13 million m³ wastewater everyyear. The plant is dimensioned to manage the equivalent of 116.000 people today (Swedishmeasures) and has the capacity to clean 3.600 m³ wastewater every hour. The plant was reconditionedin 2012. The cleaning effect is first class and under normal conditions the processremoves 95% of organic material and phosphorous in the wastewater. The remaining sludgeis digested for biogas production.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE

28Eskilstuna Energy & Environmentcontacte-mailwebMs Audrone Simuleaudrone.simule@eem.sewww.eem.seoffer:Eskilstuna Energy and Environment is the Eskilstuna municipality corporation responsiblefor the city’s management of water, wastewater and solid wastes, distribution and sellingof electricity, district heating and cooling, handling, and IT com- munications. We havea board of directors that is politically appointed and a management team that has purposefullyinvested in a production and handling that is effective and in harmony with theenvironment.Eskilstuna Energy and Environment can offer collaboration enabling transfer of knowledgeand experience regarding municipal management including collection of raw material,organic waste management, sustainable operation and management of biogas productionand purification. We are closely following and actively join research and development inall our field of operation not only covering technology matters but also corporate cultureand development, business development and customer behaviour ensuring cutting edgeservices and technologies.reference proJect:Starting 2009, a collaboration has been developed between Eskilstuna Energy and Environmentand the City of Mysore in Karnataka, India. The collaboration has focussed onthe project ”Organic waste management for biogas production”, funded by ICLD (InternationalCenter for Local Democracy) including support and transfer of knowledge enablingMysore to build a sustainable system for handling organic waste for biogas production. Itis envisaged that the collaboration will continue beyond public support where the ultimategoal of the collaboration is implementation of a biogas plant with operation based onorganic substrates from the municipality.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE


to develop appropriate plans, technology solutions andimplementation routines.Renetech• Renetech develops projects in collaboration withtechnology providers, contractors, equity partners andlocal stakeholders.31contacte-mailwebTom Walshtom.walsh@renetech.netwww.renetech.netoffer:• Renetech is focussed on optimising the value andrecovering the nutrients from sludges and organicresidues.• Renetech achieves this by assisting local residue ownersto develop appropriate plans, technology solutions andimplementation routines.• Renetech develops projects in collaboration withtechnology providers, contractors, equity partners andlocal stakeholders.reference proJect:• Renetech is engaged in a EU FP7 funded project called REFERTILwhich is focussed on “Reducing mineral fertilisers and chemicalsuse in agriculture by recycling treated organic waste as compost andbiochar products”.• The project mission is to contribute to the transformation of urbanorganic waste, food industrial by-products and farm organic residuesfrom a costly disposal process into an income generating activity.• The improved output products will be safe, economical andstandardized compost and biochar products containing phosphorousand nitrogen that can be economically and beneficially used inagriculture. http://refertil.info/<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.5 DEVELOpERS


33IVLcontacte-mailwebÖsten Ekengrenosten.ekengren@ivl.sewww.ivl.seoffer:IVL has long experience on how to optimise the use of ordinary activated sludge fromwastewater treatment plants. IVL operates Sjöstadsverken, Sweden’s largest pilot plant forthe treatment of sewage from wastewater treatment plants.reference proJect:IVL has experience on how to upgrade the outfall by preparing the sludge in a propermanner and also on how to minimise the Nitrogen content with ANAMMOX technology.Furthermore, IVL also has experience on how to upgrade biogas and how to evaluateoptimal end use.<strong>WASTE</strong>WATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE MANAGEMENT1.6 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

342Sweden’sMUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENTfirst priority in its waste managementstrategy is to prevent wastegeneration and that the maximum possibleuse should be made of the resourcesthat waste represents. Strong political willand commitment, together with publicsupport, are key elements in achievingthis goal. Because waste management inSweden is the responsibility of local governmentsa great deal of competence istied in with these governments as well.Centralised waste incineration was introducedas early as the 1950s in Sweden,with extensive development during the oilcrisis in the 1970s. This gave Sweden anadvantage in the development of wasteincineration know-how and technologyinternationally. In the mid 1980s knowledgewas gained about the extent of dioxinemissions from these processes. Thislead to a moratorium on new incinerationplants which in turn lead to the developmentof advanced and secure flue gastreatment technologies to reduce dioxinsand other environmentally hazardoussubstances to a fraction of previous levels.With a unified political ambition to eliminatelandfilling of waste, the disposal ofcombustible and organic waste on landfillwas prohibited in 2002 and 2005 respectively.This further triggered the introductionof alternative systems and methodsfor waste treatment.waSte – a reSourceToday more than 20% of the domesticheat demand in Sweden is covered by incinerationof MSW and waste-to-energyhas been recognised as a renewable energyresource. Carbon taxes, high landfill disposaltaxes and also tough recycling andrecovery targets have been widely acceptedby the public. Also, large-scale sustainablesource separation of waste in almostevery municipality has been introduced. Asa result, as much as 99% of the householdwaste is recovered in one way or another;recycled waste gives new products,biodegradable waste is converted into biogasand fertilizer and the energy contentin combustible waste is recovered to heatand power. At the same time, a number ofold landfills continue to produce methanegas and in order to include these into thesustainable waste management systemthey have been equipped with technologyfor recovering the biogas to be used forheat and power production.collaboration for progreSSSuccess factors leading to today’s achievementsare both technical and institutional.Some of these success factors are:• a clear division of roles and responsibilitiesenabling necessary investments,• the enforcement of long-term regulationsand economic incentives,• the cooperation between municipalitiesand collaboration betweenpublic and private sectorsBENEFICIARIES:ManufacturingindustrySEPARATIONATIONATSOURCERECYCL<strong>IN</strong>GRecyclablesRaw Constructionmaterial materialBuildingsectorReuseProducedbiofuelOtherfuelsWastebasedfuelConsumersectorFlue gasSurpluscondensationheat<strong>ENERGY</strong>RECOVERYIndustrySurplussteamIndustrialsector<strong>WASTE</strong> FROM:• Households• Industry• Agriculture• Forestry• Waste WaterTreatment PlantsMIXED <strong>WASTE</strong>PresortingCombined Heat andPower PlantSteamindustrial useSOLID <strong>WASTE</strong>IncinerationSEWAGE TREATMENTSEPARATION AT SOURCEResidual wasteLandfill biocellsDistrictElectricity heatingor coolingPublicsectorLandfill gasDegradableorganic wasteBiofertilizerAgriculturalsectorBiogasproductionthroughdigestionSludgeSoil conditionerDIGESTABLE<strong>WASTE</strong>IndustrialsectorPublicsectorPurificationand Upgradingof the biogasLiquid biogas (LBG)Transportationsectorthe dotted line provideS an indicationof proceSSeS covered by thiS theme.See alSo main illuStration in page 7.Also, a business environment encouragingnew innovative technologies and supportingdevelopment of new companiesin the waste management sector hasbeen an important driver.

352.1SUCCESS CASE ’ESKILSTUNA MUNICIpALITy’ThE MOST ENVIRON-MENTALLy FRIENDLy SWEDIShMUNICIpALITy <strong>IN</strong> 2012In 2012, the City of Eskilstuna was awardedthe prize, ‘Most Environmentally Friendly SwedishMunicipality’, a position reached by having abroad and systematic approach to environmentalprotection and sustainable development. TheMunicipality’s goals for sustainability are strategicallyand systematically monitored and reviewedto secure long-term development and results.StrategieS for SuStainabilitybecome a realityIn everyday life these strategies are transformedinto concrete systems and facilities, such as theunique optical sorting of household waste makingsource separation an easy task. Each wastetype is disposed in a type specific coloured bagand can then easily be disposed of in the samerubbish bin. An optical sorting system based onthese coloured bags then enables the productionof a clean organic fraction for the production ofbiogas and also increased levels of recycling.Another example is the public transport systemwhere busses run on biogas fuel only. Eskilstunaalso hosts the largest wetland for wastewatertreatment and more than 95% of the fuel forthe combined heat and power plant is biomass.The majority of these results are the outcome ofprojects initiated by Eskilstuna Energy & Environment,the municipally owned multi-utility company.But even more important, was the commitmentof the citizens who contributed by sortingtheir waste, by choosing to cycle instead of driveand by using less power for domestic purposes.

362.2ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

37Calambio Engineering ABcontacte-mailwebPär Stenberg, Thomas Riedenfalkstenberg@calambio.se, t.r@calambio.sewww.calambio.seoffer:Calambio Engineering AB offers more than 100 years of experience in principal and detail designof all kinds of combustion and cogeneration plants. We specialize in project management forcost effective total solutions. Typical projects include complex fuels and logistics such as biomass,household waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste, animal byproducts etc. We also engineerflue gas scrubbers and rebuild of existing plants.referenceS:Examples of typical projects include: Perstorp Speciality Chemicals AB – Industrial backpressurebased on waste and animal byproducts. 55 MWth, 6 MWel. For the same client 40MWth hazardous liquid waste including tank park. Västervik Miljö & Energi AB. 20 MWth 5MWel based on household and industrial waste, including complete fuel preparation plant.For Perstorp Oxo AB, 90 MWth waste gas combustion.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

38COWIcontacte-mailwebAnders Lidqvist, Hans Elmekloanli@cowi.se, haeo@cowi.sewww.cowi.comoffer:COWI provides multidisciplinary services for environmentally sound thermal treatment ofcombustible waste at waste-to-energy plants and also utilisation of the energy in wasteand biomass.COWI can assist in all aspects of the establishment of modern thermal treatment facilities.We provide all services from environmental and economic assessments through procurementto construction supervision and commissioning as well as project management.COWI’s services include• Feasibility studies, conceptual design, front-end design, EIA, etc.• Planning and design of new waste-to-energy and biomass plants and upgrading ofexisting plants• Upgrading of flue gas cleaning systems• Review of alternative treatment technologies (e.g gasification, pyrolysis, liquefaction)• Benchmarking of a large number of waste-to-energy facilities• Assessment of potential for and benefits from private sector participation (PPP).reference proJect:IL&FS Delhi, IndiaBiogasproduction from organic household waste and slaughterhouse waste 2010-2011Concept study for the integration of a biogas digesting facility in the Ghazipur area inDelhi with existing assets like an open landfill, a slaughterhouse, a wastewater treatmentplant and a waste incineration plant. The study resulted in an integration model, a basicdesign of a biogas digester system, investment cost and profitability calculation. Theproject was financed by Sida. Total scope of the study was 200000.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

39Tengbomcontacte-mailwebMagnus Meyermagnus.meyer@tengbom.sewww.tengbom.seoffer:Tengbom is one of the leading architecture firms in Sweden and the Nordic region,with around 550 employees at eleven offices in Sweden. Tengbom stands forforward-looking architecture that combines humanism with function. Tengbom ischaracterised by an entrepreneurial team spirit that makes us an innovative and effectivepartner, capable of realising our clients’ ideas and visions.reference proJect:Övik Energy’s new power plant at the Torsvik site, SwedenThe new power plant in Örnsköldsvik, designed by Tengbom, is designed to produceheat and power and is fuelled by a variety of biofuels. Generated output is forecastat 200 MW of heat and 60 MW of power. The total investment for the project isapproximately 100MlnThe existing Torsvik CHP-plant generates enough heat and power to supply morethan 15.000 homes. Combustion takes place in a steam boiler, while flue gas iscleaned and released into the air through the tall stack. Emissions are continuouslyand carefully monitored and kept well within legislated parameters. Nominal powergenerated is 16.2 MW.The Torsvik waste-to-energy plant covers approximately half the demand for districtheating in the area on a yearly basis. During the cold season, energy from heatpumps and bio-fuelled boilers is added.Also organic waste is pretreated at Torsvik to be prepared for further processing intobiogas and bio-fertilizer. The plant produces enough biogas to replace 1.6Mln litersof petrol.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

40Swecocontacte-mailwebPatrik Marckertpatrik.marckert@sweco.sewww.sweco.seoffer:Efficient Solid Waste Management is crucial for sustainable development. Wastes are simplyresources handled the wrong way. Sweco has decades of experience from waste managementprojects globally, from feasibility studies to design, supervision of constructionand implementation of waste management facilities and systems. Other important projectcomponents are developing the skills of those who use the systems and the awareness inthe society witch the system is set to serve.reference proJect:The Government of Georgia has identified solid waste disposal as an acute problem andrecently begun reforming the existing waste management system. Sweco Environmentwas in 2012 awarded a project to assist Swedish International Development CooperationAgency and Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in their support of the developmentof a Solid Waste Management Vision and a Waste Management Action Plan for the newState-owned Solid Waste Management (SWM) Company of Georgia aiming to optimisethe waste handling in order to help saving scarce natural resources.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

41ÅFcontacte-mailwebSten-Åke Barrsten-ake.barr@afconsult.comwww.afconsult.comoffer:ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise based on more than acentury of experience.ÅF is one of the largest independent international companies in energy &environmental consulting and a world leader in nuclear power. We offer a widerange of consulting, engineering and project services for clients in power anddistrict heating, energy systems, energy efficiency and environmental issues.With ÅF’s more than 900 energy specialists ÅF can do even the most complicatedprojects all over the world.reference proJect:Donetsk, UkraineWaste to Energy Project, Proletarskij DistrictProject main scopeSwedish company, build own and operate (BOO)WtE plant 450 000 ton/year MSWÅF Services providedProject Management, Technical, legal and commercial support, Preparation oftender documents and EPC turn-key contract negotiations, Owners EngineerMUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

422.3technology suppliers

43Envaccontacte-mailwebJonas Törnblom, Christoffer Eksandhjonas.tornblom@envac.se,christoffer.eksandh@envac.sewww.envac.seoffer:Envac Automated Waste Collection: A revolutionary automated collection system that uses air totransport waste using pneumatic suction. No trucks, no odour and almost no labour to collectwaste in cities and townships in a completely water and airtight system. An absolute solution forwaste management with better segregation up to 4 fractions and compacting of waste beforefinal treatment that has very low cost of maintenance with a short payback period.reference proJect:Wembley City is a development by Quintain Estate and Development PLC of 85 aces of landand 4,200 flats surrounding the new national stadium since 2008. Four waste fractions arecollected: non recyclables, dry recyclables, organic recyclables and cardboard. Envac has threeinstallations underway in India – Vivarea by K Raheja in Mumbai, Atmosphere by Forum Projectsin Kolkata and OFS near T3 terminal in Delhi.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

44ScanArc Plasma Technologiescontacte-mailwebLena Birgerssonlena.birgersson@scanarc.sewww.scanarc.seoffer:ScanArc Plasma Technologies has developed a gasification process called PyroArc. The processrecovers energy and metals from residuals after industrial processes such as electronic scrapwaste and tannery waste.The plasma technology is a cost effective and environmentally sound technique for transferringelectrical energy into high temperatures. ScanArc has developed and used plasma technology incommercial scale metallurgical processes for more than 20 years.reference proJect:ScanArc Plasma Technologies AB manufactures non-transferred, segmented type plasma generatorsin which a gas is heated by an electric arc to high temperature.In 2000 ScanArc Plasma Technologies commissioned a tannery waste gasification plant inOsterøy, Norway. The plant has an annual capacity to treat 7000 tons per year for recovery ofchromium. The energy is recycled to the tannery as power and steam.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

46Biogas Systemscontacte-mailwebTony Zetterfeldttony.zetterfeldt@biogassystems.sewww.biogassystems.comoffer:Biogas Systems designs and constructs landfill gas systems forgreen power production. Biogas Systems is a reliable partnerin creating biogas solutions for environmentally friendly powerproduction.reference proJect:In 2011 and 2012, Biogas Systems commissioned three newlandfill gas plants for power production in Belarus. Other relevantreferences include 6 new landfill gas systems in Swedenduring 2011 and 2012. In 2012, Biogas Systems was also assub-contractor in the development and installation of one ofEurope’s largest biogas plants in Oslo, Norway.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

47Götaverken Miljöcontacte-mailwebLennart Gustafssonlennart.gustafsson@gmab.sewww.gmb.seoffer:Dioxin emissions is a very serious issue, both with regard to the direct threat to floraand fauna, but also in terms of human psychology and attitudes towards the perpetrator.Götaverken Miljö AB offers the ADIOX® technology which is an efficient,safe and cost-effective technology for removing dioxins from flue-gases. The useof ADIOX® for dioxin removal is now introduced into the market as different typesof tower packings or as droplet separators of the knitted mesh type or the lamellatype. The material can be supplied as bulk material to end users for installation inexisting wet scrubbers or as absorber installations in the form of package units tonew flue gas treatment plants or alternatively to limited extensions.Efficient dioxin removal is an essential component in sustainable and environmentallyfriendly waste incineration technology.reference proJect:In May 2010 Entsorgung St. Gallen awarded Götaverken Miljö the contract onupgrading the existing flue-gas treatment system of line 1 and 2 with a dry ADIOX®absorber for dioxin removal. This is the first installation in Switzerland where ADI-OX® is used for dioxin removal.The waste treatment plant was taken into operation in September 2010.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS


49Umeå Energicontacte-mailwebJörgen Carlssonjorgen.carlsson@umeaenergi.sewww.umeaenergi.seoffer:The municipal company, Umeå Energi, has one of the best electricity grids in the world, it alwaysoffers 100% renewable energy and environmentally friendly district heating and districtcooling. Umeå Energy is the municipalities own energy company and works for a sustainablefuture. Due to the long experience of waste incineration Umeå Energi can provide valuableknowledge and experience. Umeå Energi can also carry out feasibility studies within the areaof waste-to-energy.reference proJect:Dåva CHP is one of the world’s most energy efficient and environmentally friendly plants withwaste as its main fuel. Dåva has two lines, Dåva 1 and Dåva 2. The Dåva facility produces bothheat and power with a total output of 170 MW. In Dåva 1, incineration capacity is 20 tonsper hour and waste is the primary fuel. Production takes place in a way that is gentle on theenvironment and minimizes emissions through a highly advanced filtration system. In Dåva 2bio-fuels such as logging-residuals, wood chips, bark, sawdust and peat are used as fuels.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE

50Renovacontacte-mailwebKarin Lindrothkarin.lindroth@renova.sewww.renova.seoffer:Renova’s waste-fuelled district heating power plant is packed with worldleading energy efficient technology. Energy recovery provides powerequivalent to the annual consumption of 60.000 apartments and theenergy equivalent to more than 120.000 tons of oil per year – while stillpresenting a sharp, continuous reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.Renova offers in-depth knowledge in waste management, such as feasibilitystudies, planning, analyses and training.reference proJect:The European Union selected Renova’s waste-fuelled district heatingpower plant at Sävenäs as one of twelve good examples of an ecoefficienteconomy.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE

51NSR – Municipal Waste Managementcontacte-mailwebMs Åsa Winklerasa.winkler@nsr.sewww.nsr.seoffer:NSR is the Public Utility Company specialized in Waste to Energy in south of Sweden.Serving 9 municipalities and 225 000 inhabitants, the total amount of waste treated reachmore than 470 000 tonnes/year. Of this amount more than 56% is recycled, 20% incineratedand 20% biologically treated. Only 2-4% ends up at the landfill.NSR provides services in the field of Waste Management to industries, commercial establishmentsand households. The services include collection, treatment and recovery ofsegregated waste at the doorstep to households and establishments in the region.reference proJect:Having one of the most modern waste management facility in Sweden together withefficient waste collection system, NSR as a company very well represents cutting edgeknowledge and competence for planning, establishment and development of modern sustainablewaste management systems. With this capacity, NSR participates in internationalcooperation offering knowledge and competence exchange for development of a modernsustainable solid waste management.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE


to develop appropriate plans, technology solutions andimplementation routines.Renetech• Renetech develops projects in collaboration withtechnology providers, contractors, equity partners andlocal stakeholders.53contacte-mailwebTom Walshtom.walsh@renetech.netwww.renetech.netoffer:• Renetech is focussed on optimising the value andrecovering the energy and recyclables from municipalsolid waste.• Renetech achieves this by assisting local MSW ownersto develop appropriate plans, technology solutions andimplementation routines for their local environment.• Renetech develops projects in collaboration withtechnology providers, contractors, equity partners andlocal stakeholders.reference proJect:• Renetech has signed a consortia agreement with Metsana Groupand Panther Investment Holdings of South Africa to address thewaste to energy area as part of the South African Department ofEnergy “request for Qualification and Proposals for New GenerationCapacity under the IPP Procurement”.• The projects will focus on landfill gas capture and MSW Waste toEnergy development in terms of anaerobic digestion, MSWcombustion and/or gasification MSW plant development.• The project development will take place in a series of SPV’s(Special Purpose Vehicle’s) which will cover the Design, Build andOperation and Management of the Waste to Energy facilities.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.5 DEVELOpERS

54PollyPower ABcontacte-mailRichard Ljungbergrichard@gett.seoffer:The Swedish company PollyPower (Polly) develops systems for generationof multiple energy types and water cleaning processes, based on variablecombinations of renewable energy sources. A modularized product offersflexible energy systems that are installed in a standardized container andthat can be tailored to any specific location, fuel supply or load profile.Polly´s solutions supply power, heat and cooling as well as clean water anddry air from locally exploitable renewable energy sources. All componentsare produced in a sustainable way. Biogas feeding the container is producedfrom waste.PollyPower is a Swedish company active in the energy solutions sector. Thecompany is a spin out from the Royal School of Technology, the departmentof energy technology. Thorugh its owners, the company represents60+ years of experience from the Swedish and US based companies;TranSiC, Gett, Compower, SenSiC, Scint-X.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.5 DEVELOpERS


57Sipu Internationalcontacte-mailwebCecilia Nordgren, Josua Falckcecilia.norgren@sipu.se, josua.falck@sipu.sewww.sipu.se/internationaloffer:SIPU International specialises in capacity building for the public sector such as municipal authoritiesand departments. SIPU supports these organisations as a decision-makers guide in the movetowards sustainability and adaptation to the impacts of climate change. SIPU works with allforms of institutional capacity strengthening and human resource development in participativeand collaborative ways, across organisational boundaries, disciplines and between hierarchicallevels.reference proJect:SIPU undertook a sustainability review of Visakhapatnam, India, working with the GreaterVisakhapatnam Municipal Corporation. This led to numerous recommendations on the developmentof synergies between the waste management sector, the energy sector and the transportsector as well as highlighting management issues related to the physical environment andimpacts of climate change that need to be addressed.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.6 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

58Atkins Sverigecontacte-mailwebLeif Lundinleif.lundin@atkinsglobal.comwww.atkins.seoffer:We help our clients to meet the challenges of increasing regulatory drivers, recyclingtargets and rising disposal costs through devising more effective and sustainable wastemanagement solutions. We work with our clients to eliminate or reduce waste at source,to increase ability to recover, reuse and recycle waste as well as reduce hazardous content.Our projects range from waste strategy work to the locating, environmental impact assessment,planning and detailed design of major waste recycling facilities.reference proJect:Action plan for recycling in Vallentuna municipality, including legislation, fundraising, information,design and location. Atkins conducted a survey in order to increase the recyclingof packaging and paper in Vallentuna municipality in Sweden.MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.6 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

59IVLcontacte-mailwebÖsten Ekengrenosten.ekengren@ivl.sewww.ivl.seoffer:IVL has experience on how to treat household waste including the collectionand sorting mechanism as well as the balance between recovery of materialsand recovery of energy. The company has long experience in plant operationand on how to minimise dioxin emissions.reference proJect:A waste-to-energy project focussing on waste incineration included a feasibilitystudy in Santiago de Chile (2.5mln tons/year) and a feasibility study inChisinau Moldova (0.5mln tons/year).MUNICIpAL SOLID <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENT2.6 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

603BiogasThE BIOGASSySTEMtechnology enables long-term,sustainable waste management thatturns a variety of organic waste types intoa carbon-neutral energy resource. Biogasis easily integrated wherever there is naturalgas infrastructure. Both isolated solutionsas well as systems integrated intoan existing fossil based system contributetowards enhancing the energy security inany society.biogaS uSe in Sweden todayThe total amount of biogas produced inSweden amounts to approximately 1,5TWh. The majority of the productioncomes from large scale facilities. Smallscaleunits only represent 1% of the totalproduction. The main portion, 45%,of the biogas produced originates fromsewage treatment plants. Landfill gasrepresents 25%, and co-digestion plantsrepresent 20%. Biogas production fromindustry related processes represents 9%.In Sweden biogas is used mainly asa vehicle fuel, more than 50% with agrowth-rate of approximately 20% peryear. The gas is also used for local heating,district heating and industrial heatingprocesses and to generate power.Vehicle gas is made up of naturalgas (CNG), biogas (CBG) or a mix of thetwo and is frequently used to substitutepetrol or diesel. In addition to reducingemissions of carbon dioxide, vehicle gascuts emissions of nitrous oxides, sulphuroxides, carcinogenic substances and particulates.Because natural gas produces 25%less carbon dioxide emissions relative topetrol or diesel, it is also considered, bythe legislators, to be an ‘alternative vehiclefuel’, although not renewable. As a resultof Sweden’s long-term strategy morethan 65% of the sold volume of vehiclegas is CBG, a higher percentage than anyother country in the world.innovative SolutionSfor biogaS uSageSweden has an unmatched, holistic perspectiveregarding the biogas system andit is thanks to this holistic perspective thatwe can offer cutting edge solutions - especiallywhen it comes to gas purificationbut also in applications regarding heatand power.BENEFICIARIES:<strong>WASTE</strong> FROM:• Households• IndustrySEWAGE TREATMENT• Agriculture• Forestry• Waste WaterTreatment PlantsSEPARATION AT SOURCEProducedbiofuelMIXED <strong>WASTE</strong>SEPARATIONATIONResidual wasteOtherATSOURCEfuelsSOLID <strong>WASTE</strong>WastebasedIncinerationfuelRECYCL<strong>IN</strong>GPresortingLandfill biocells<strong>ENERGY</strong>RECOVERYLandfill gasCombined Heat andPower PlantRecyclablesIndustryDistrictElectricityheatingor coolingRawConstructionReuseFlue gasSurplusSurplusSteammaterialmaterialcondensatioindustrial useManufacturingBuildingConsumerIndustrialPublicindustrysectorsectorsectorsectorDegradableorganic wasteBiofertilizerAgriculturalsectorBiogasproductionthroughdigestionSludgeSoil conditionerDIGESTABLE<strong>WASTE</strong>IndustrialsectorCompressed biogas (CBG)PublicsectorPurificationand Upgradingof the biogasLiquid biogas (LBG)Transportationsectorthe dotted line provideS an indicationof proceSSeS covered by thiS theme.See alSo main illuStration in page 7.

613.1SUCCESS CASE ‘hELS<strong>IN</strong>GBORG REGION’.ORGANIC <strong>WASTE</strong> <strong>TO</strong> VEhICLEFUEL AT ONE OF ThE MOSTMODERN <strong>WASTE</strong> MANAGEMENTFACILITIES <strong>IN</strong> <strong>SWEDEN</strong>In the region of Helsingborg in the south ofSweden, all waste management is provided byNSR, a company fully owned by the participatingmunicipalities. The company’s main wastemanagement facility is one of the most modernin Sweden, with leading competence in the areaof organic waste treatment.The raw material for the biogas productionfacility originates from the food processing industry.It also includes pig manure and sourceseparated organic household waste. After receptionthe material is pasteurised before itreaches the mesophilic digester (37°C) with anaverage residence time of approximately 30days. All biogas is upgraded to CBG, equivalentto CNG quality, with a methane content of98%. In 2011 a total of 36.000 MWh CBG wasproduced.The upgraded biogas is stored at 280 barspressure and thereafter distributed as CBG forwaste collection trucks, public transport busesand also for the public. All in all, the producedbiogas satisfies the fuel demand of 100 buses,20 waste collection trucks and a large numberother vehicles.

623.2ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

63BioSystemcontacte-mailwebLeif Lindowleif.lindow@biosystem.sewww.biosystem.seoffer:Biosystems offers consultancy services in the area of biogas production from organic waste andwastewater sludge. Biosystems has experience from biogas projects with a variety of biodegradableresiduals in more than 35 countries. Biosystems’ experience facilitates the conversion ofavailable waste to high-grade energy.reference proJect:Biogas Systems provided engineering services for a biogas production plant in Koto, Ljubjana,Slovenia with an annual treatment capacity of 7.500 tons per year with a total biogas productioncapacity of 4.500 m3 per day. The residuals consisted of 1000 ton/year of liquid manure,1000 ton/year of source sorted organic waste, 5000 ton/year of source sorted kitchen waste,and 500 ton/year of slaughterhouse waste.The biogas is used to produce heat (584kW) and power (526kW).ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

64COWIcontacte-mailwebAnders Lidqvist, Hans Elmekloanli@cowi.se, haeo@cowi.sewww.cowi.comoffer:COWI offers development and design of biogas production and biogas upgrading plants.We offer overall solutions from idea to commissioning.From the customers conditions and challenges regarding for example raw material andlocation in combination with our experience of production processes, COWI performsconcept studies and basis for detailed design where biogas potential and the possibility toreplace fossil fuels is estimated. The investigations cover project risk analyses, where accessto raw material, product demand and technology possibilities are investigated and analysed.Investment cost and profitability is also presented.COWI has experience and competence in upgrading of biogas from both landfills and fromdigestion and biogas delivery in both compressed and liquid form.reference proJect:Sekhutlane, BotswanaCOWI performed a Basic Design Study for a pilot installation in the village Sekhutlane.The study included field trials and inventories of local weather and climate conditions. BPCLesedi has made a survey through interviews, of the specific needs in the village that hasbeen the base for the sizing of the plant.COWI’s commitment also included the design of the pilot plant and also choice of technology.The design work included calculation of electricity consumption, biogas production/consumption and design of digestion chambers.Another relevant reference project is a collaboration from 2011 with Renova AB of Gothernburg,Sweden. This project included a feasibility study for a biogas production plantwith an associated upgrading plant. In the project the economic feasibility was analysedand technical and project related risks where addressed and resolved. The feasibility studyshowed that an annual production of 31 GWh of CBG was possible. A valuable residualfrom the process is bio-fertilizer.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

65Swecocontacte-mailwebPatrik Marckertpatrik.marckert@sweco.sewww.sweco.seoffer:Sweco offers feasibility studies, gas generation estimations, biogas upgrading evaluations,technology comparison, market studies, procurement assistance and due diligence withinthe biogas field. The substrate for biogas production can be solid waste, waste water,industrial and agricultural waste and pure CO2.reference proJect:In Pune, India, Sweco identified and studied environmentally and economically viablewaste management practices suited for the local set-up, in order to accomplish improvementsof the waste management situation. The main focus of the project was to addressorganic waste for digestion and biogas production, both on a small-scale and large-scale.Existing small-scale biogas plants were evaluated and several possible scenarios for largescalebiogas production with different biogas usages as a future alternative were presented.By producing biogas the energy and the nutrients in the organic waste is utilized.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

66ÅFcontacte-mailwebSten-Åke Barrsten-ake.barr@afconsult.comwww.afconsult.comoffer:ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise based on more than acentury of experience.ÅF is one of the largest independent international companies in energy & environmentalconsulting and a world leader in nuclear power. We offer a widerange of consulting, engineering and project services for clients in power anddistrict heating, energy systems, energy efficiency and environmental issues.ÅF has extensive experience and expertise in the field of biogas and CNG. ÅFalso has extensive experience and expertise in feasibility studies, pre-engineering,detailed engineering and procurement.reference proJect:Project manager of the project Biogas Siljan, SwedenThe project is a collaboration between seven municipalities for the explorationof opportunities for joint biogas production. The assignment involves asubstrate inventory, development of potentials for biogas, cost-benefit calculationsfor production of vehicle fuel, risk analysis and environmental consequencesand recommendations. Substrate is sewage sludge, manure, wasteand slaughterhouse waste.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

683.3technology suppliers

69Teroccontacte-mailwebSven Ruinsven.ruin@teroc.sewww.teroc.seoffer:TEROC has developed a modular system mainly for off-grid and grid-backup applications thatsimplifies the task of combining different energy sources for power supply. This comprehensivehybrid system-concept can lower operating expenses significantly by reducing or eliminating theuse of fossil fuel in gensets.TEROC partners with locally based power companies that are active in the area of power generationfrom biogas. The aim is to offer a cost effective joint solution including TEROC modules.reference proJect:In 2012, TEROC installed a grid-backup system in Bolivia, about 4000 meters above sea level.The system provides uninterruptible power supply in combination with solar PV.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

70ED Biogas ABcontacte-mailwebOve Nymanove.nyman@energiutvecklarna.sewww.energiutvecklarna.se/enoffer:ED Biogas AB offers locally produced biogas for locally produced heat and power.ED Biogas offers a biogas reactor which is fed with local organic waste, it produces bio-methanethat can be converted into heat and power. The only residual in the process is nutritious andvaluable bio-fertiliser.Target customers are waste water treatment plants that handle waste from up to 20.000 inhabitants,animal farming starting at 500 animals, slaughterhouses, food industry, greenhouses andfish industry.reference proJect:The main features of the uniqueorganic waste treatment system introducedby ED Biogas is the stable fermentationprocess and the capacity of handling a drymass content of up to 12%, an extremelyefficient process resulting in a high biogas yield.The technology is also compact, mobile andallows for quick installation.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

71Disperatorcontacte-mailwebLars Holmqvistlars.holmqvist@disperator.sewww.disperator.seoffer:Disperator offers market leading source separation equipment for food wastefrom commercial and industrial kitchens. This equipment is a key componentin securing a reliable feedstock for biogas production from biodegradablewaste.Disperator offers a range of products adapted for different types of municipalinfrastructures, such as:• ‘open systems’ which allows comminuted food waste to pass directly intothe municipal sewage system• ‘half open systems’ where comminuted food waste is separated in tanks(sludge trap) and only the flushing water flows into the municipal sewagesystem,• ‘closed systems’ where comminuted food waste (almost without flushingwater) is pumped to a tank or container on wheels without connection tothe municipal sewage system.reference proJect:Together with German Meiko, a worldwide manufacturer of commercial dishwashers,Disperator has produced a video showing one example of a systemthat was built for‘enclosed collection’ of leftovers in a tank. See more at http://youtu.be/bBka3wBPEtgThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

72Pamoja <strong>Cleantech</strong> ABcontacte-mailwebPeik Stenlundpeik.stenlund@pamojacleantech.compamojacleantech.comoffer:Pamoja <strong>Cleantech</strong> AB holds expertise in renewable energy engineering, natural resource management,market and business intelligence, social empowerment and skills training. Pamoja<strong>Cleantech</strong> AB specializes in innovative biomass technologies for off-grid power applications.The company also builds capacity and empowers local energy service companies in maintenanceand operation for power generation and the related feedstock supply chain.Pamoja <strong>Cleantech</strong> AB provides supporting services for the energy supply of smaller industrialand agricultural applications including feasibility studies, business modeling, equipment selection,power plant design, biomass supply implementation, technical training and systeminstallation.reference proJect:Pamoja <strong>Cleantech</strong> AB was founded in 2010. The company has designed a hybrid energysystem that combines solar PV and biomass gasification technologies. Implementation ofthis inclusive energy system in Uganda was supported by the World Bank- Millenium ScienceInitiative and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – InnovationsAgainst Poverty. The project involved the installation and operation of several gasification unitsproducing 10-40 kW of power to cover the demand of rural communities and small industrialapplications.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

73Purac Puregas ABcontacte-mailwebJan Molinjan.molin@purac-puregas.comwww.purac-puregas.comoffer:Biogas upgrading plants with extremely good overall economyAll human activity creates waste. Waste, such as excess agricultural produce, manure,wastewater sludge, household and restaurant waste are perfect raw materials for biogasproduction. The biogas can be upgraded to pure methane, which is used for vehicle fuelor for injection into the natural gas grid.With more than 12 years of experience Purac Puregas designs and delivers biogas upgradingplants using the CApureTM process, which is characterized by low operating costs,due to high quality, modularized design and energy integration solutions as well as highrevenue streams, due to methane losses < 0,1 %.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS


75Umevacontacte-mailwebTomas Blomqvist, Simone Anderssontomas.blomqvist@umeva.se,simone.andersson@umeva.sewww.umeva.se and www.umeaenergi.seoffer:Umeva´s waste water treatment plant in Umeå produces about 1.4mln m³ of biogas everyyear. The biogas is used for heating both the internal processes of the wastewater treatmentplant, including the digestion process but it is also used to heat Umeva´s office spaces. Umevacan offer internships to share experience on how the daily business is conducted at a wastewatertreatment/biogas plant. This is a priceless opportunity for those who plan to take a newplant in operation.reference proJect:As a result of the development and upgrading of the wastewater treatment plant in Umeå,Umeva will increase the production of biogas and further increase the efficiency of the wholeoperation. In the future the biogas will be used for power production which will make theplant almost self- sufficient on both heating and power. The long term objective is that Umevawill be energy neutral, i.e produce as much energy as it uses.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE

76RenovaContactE-mailWebKarin Lindrothkarin.lindroth@renova.sewww.renova.seOffer:Renova strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: fuel and engine technology combinedwith route-planning and eco-driving, paves the way for effective logistics and a betterenvironment. The world’s first fully electric-hybrid waste collection truck was launchedby Renova in 2008. The target is to have a fleet of trucks that run on entirely fossil freefuel by 2015. At Renova we drive our trucks to move sustainable development forward.Renova has hands on experience and can offer client support in the shift from fossil basedwaste hauling to fossil fuel free waste hauling.REFERENCE PROJECT:Our fleet of waste collection trucks is continuouslybeing developed in close cooperation with Volvo Trucksand our 11 owner municipalities in Western Sweden.the biogas system3.4 CAPACITY BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR PROCUREMENT, OPERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE

77Eskilstuna Energy & Environmentcontacte-mailwebMs Audrone Simuleaudrone.simule@eem.sewww.eem.seoffer:Eskilstuna Energy and Environment is the Eskilstuna municipality corporation responsiblefor the city’s management of water, wastewater and solid wastes, distribution and sellingof electricity, district heating and cooling, handling, and IT com- munications. We havea board of directors that is politically appointed and a management team that has purposefullyinvested in a production and handling that is effective and in harmony with theenvironment.Eskilstuna Energy and Environment can offer collaboration enabling transfer of knowledgeand experience regarding municipal management including collection of raw material,organic waste management, sustainable operation and management of biogas productionand purification. We are closely following and actively join research and development inall our field of operation not only covering technology matters but also corporate cultureand development, business development and customer behaviour ensuring cutting edgeservices and technologies.reference proJect:Starting 2009, a collaboration has been developed between Eskilstuna Energy and Environmentand the City of Mysore in Karnataka, India. The collaboration has focussed onthe project ”Organic waste management for biogas production”, funded by ICLD (InternationalCenter for Local Democracy) including support and transfer of knowledge enablingMysore to build a sustainable system for handling organic waste for biogas production. Itis envisaged that the collaboration will continue beyond public support where the ultimategoal of the collaboration is implementation of a biogas plant with operation based onorganic substrates from the municipality.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.4 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR pROCUREMENT, OpERATION & MA<strong>IN</strong>TENANCE


79Sekabcontacte-mailwebJan Lindstedtjan.lindstedt@sekab.comwww.sekab.seoffer:The SEKAB CelluTech Concept offers you an efficient and flexible way of producing biofuelsand a wide range of green products based on agro- and forest residuals. Within the CelluTechConcept we tailor an optimized and feasible process solution for your business needs. Whetheryou have waste in form of biomass, a need for green end-products or want to upgrade thesustainability of your plant, SEKAB has the choice for you.SEKAB’s patented technologies cover the whole production chain, from material handling andpre-treatment down to upgrading as well as the biotechnology areas.With more than 35 000 hours running time in the Biorefinery Demonstration plant SEKAB hasgained hands-on experience and successful results with a variety of raw materials like, wood,straw, bagasse etc.reference proJect:SEKAB have together with Scandinavian Biogas Fuels (SBF) developed a concept for utilizing biomasswaste for biogas generation, The CelluGas ConceptTM. With this concept you can boostexisting biogas production to increased capacity and upgrade the biogas to vehicle fuel.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.5 DEVELOpERS

80Nordic Gascontacte-mailwebHans Kättströmhans.kattstrom@nordicgas.sewww.nordicgas.seoffer:Nordic Gas’ business idea is to build gas upgrading plants and vehicle refuellingstations for biogas and natural gas. Nordic Gas offers both turn key solutionsand partnerships on a BOO basis, providing an upgrading/refuelling service at afixed cost per sold unit.reference proJect:Nordic Gas represents 20 years experience on both gaseous phase and cryogenicliquid phase. As a true engineering company Nordic Gas uses both partner componentsand in-house developed technology.In India Nord Gas has partnered with GREEN Elephant Engineering for provision ofexpert competence to local clients and for production of certain equipment for theNordic market.ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.5 DEVELOpERS

to develop appropriate plans, technology solutions andimplementation routines.Renetech• Renetech develops projects in collaboration withtechnology providers, contractors, equity partners andlocal stakeholders.81contacte-mailwebTom Walshtom.walsh@renetech.netwww.renetech.netoffer:• Renetech is focussed on optimising the value and recovering theenergy and nutrients from organic residues.• Renetech achieves this by assisting local organic residue owners todevelop appropriate plans, technology solutions and implementationroutines for their local environment.• Renetech develops projects in collaboration with technologyproviders, contractors, equity partners and local stakeholders.reference proJect:• Renetech managed the sourcing of feedstock and ethanol off-takefor a 50 M liter biogas plant and a 120 M liter bioethanol plant inKarlskoga, Sweden.• The 12 month interim management assignment included logisticalplanning, substrate analysis and strategies for the AD facility, banknegotiations and the implementation of hedging strategies.• This facility was planned to produce 50 M liters vehicle fuelequivalent of biogas, green electricity and heat, as the first plant ofits kind in the world in terms of biorefining capacity and processcapability. This project had a planned capital investment of 110 M .ThE BIOGAS SySTEM3.5 DEVELOpERS


83Borås Waste Recovery –International Partnership“Waste Recovery partners” contacte-mailwebHans BjörkMohammad Taherzadehhans.bjork@hb.semohammad.taherzadeh@hb.sewww.hb.seoffer:“Waste Recovery - International Partnership”offers partnership on education, research collaboration,master planning, and implementation onwaste management & resource recovery and howto achieve zero landfill.A full partner of waste recovery should containall the actors in a city that act on wastes, such aspolitical instruments, municipalities, companies,NGOs, local universities. It starts with collaborationwith similar actors in Borås (Sweden) withexchange of knowledge, and usually followed bytechnology transfer.Technical Research Ins/tute Collabora/on model of ”Waste Recovery -­‐Interna/onal Partnership” Plus: • Biogas Systems AB • Brunner AB/ÖRECO AB • Bygglant • F.O.V. Fabrics AB City Council • KTH Architecture and the Built Environment • SAKAB hazardous waste Research treatment Inst. Waste Recovery in Sweden • Läckeby Water AB • Metso Power waste combus/on • Navet Science Center ( for children ) • SAAB AB Research & Educa/on Vision Competence • Scandfiltet & Goals development • Scandir AB • SWECO City Council • Uponor • Stena Metal recycling • VA – Teknik ( SP ) • …. Municipality Research Inst. Private University Companies University Laws & Planning Legisla/on Municipality NGOs Private Companies Waste Recovery in other countries Projects & implementa/ons Financial support ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy3.6 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

844TheENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATIONOF SURpLUS ENERGy (<strong>IN</strong>DUSTRy RELATED)main driver behind the substantialreduction of CO2 emissions in Swedensince the 1970s can be found in the nationwideexpansion of efficient districtheating and cooling systems derivedfrom recovery of industrial surplus heat.It accelerated in the 1970s when Swedenwas heavily dependent on fossilfuels. Today, more than 60% of the demandfor household heating in Swedenis met by district heating. During the lastdecade the district cooling systems havebeen growing also and Stockholm currentlyhas the largest district cooling gridin the world.heat no longer waSted!Surplus heat from industrial processesare often seen as waste, however, thefundamental idea behind modern districtheating is recycling of surplus heat thatwould otherwise be lost. Examples of surplusheat are; heat generated in powerstations, fuel refineries, incinerators andmany other industrial processes. Throughinnovative thinking, introduction of systematicprocesses, and the developmentof high-end technologies, expansion ofthe district heating and cooling systems inSweden has created a base for energy recoverycompetence and technology whichis recognized worldwide.Although other countries with warmerclimates may have less need for districtheating, the opportunities in utilising surplusheat and steam for other purposesare extensive. Introducing a holistic approachand technologies for conversionof surplus heat to power or even coolingwill reduce the need for fossil fuel,increase environmentally sound powerproduction and generate new revenues.SolutionS baSed on collaborationTechnologies for recovery of waste-heatare constantly developing. Heat exchangerefficiency has improved, flue gas condensationtechnologies provide increased energyrecovery, innovations allow powerproduction from surplus heat with temperaturesas low as 55°C but it is not onlya matter of technology. A driving forcebehind the Swedish success was a unifiedand strong political will coupled withcollaboration between industries and thepublic sector resulting in holistic cross-bordersolutions. The outcome is that Swedenhas gained knowledge and competenceon how to develop solutions and systemsthat are both technically and financially attractiveall over the worldBENEFICIARIES:ManufacturingindustrySEPARATIONATIONATSOURCERECYCL<strong>IN</strong>GRecyclablesRawConstructionmaterialmaterialBuildingsectorReuseProducedbiofuelOtherfuelsWastebasedfuelConsumersectorFlue gas Surpluscondensation heat<strong>ENERGY</strong>RECOVERYIndustrySurplussteamIndustrialsector<strong>WASTE</strong> FROM:• Households• Industry• Agriculture• Forestry• Waste WaterTreatment PlantsMIXED <strong>WASTE</strong>PresortingCombined Heat andPower PlantSteamindustrial useSOLID <strong>WASTE</strong>IncinerationSEWAGE TREATMENTSEPARATION AT SOURCEResidual wasteLandfill biocellsDistrictElectricity heatingor coolingPublicsectorLandfill gasDegradableorganic wasteBiofertilizerAgriculturalsectorBiogasproductionthroughdigestionSludgeDIGESTABLE<strong>WASTE</strong>IndustrialsectorPublicsectorPurificationand Upgradingof the biogasTransportationsectorthe dotted line provideS an indicationof proceSSeS covered by thiS theme.See alSo main illuStration in page 7.

854.1SUCCESS CASE ‘BORLÄNGE MUNICIpALITy’.BORLÄNGE IS TURN<strong>IN</strong>GOVER A GREEN LEAFFounded on a long industrial tradition of steeland paper production, the municipality of Borlängein central Sweden is turning over a greenleaf. The city recycles 90% of its waste andboasts an innovative district heating systemfuelled by renewable energy and waste-heat.public-private partnerShipwith a Shared viSionHome to major manufacturers like steel producerSSAB and paper company Stora Enso,Borlänge is also the headquarters for the SwedishTransport Administration. Local policymakersare avid sustainability advocates and have linkedup with private businesses to introduce a raft ofgreen initiatives.how to benefit from adowntown Steel millTogether, the municipality and local businesseshave designed an energy system that makesmaximum use of waste-heat. The main partnersare the energy company Borlänge Energi (whichoperates the municipality’s district heating andwaste management systems and supplies greenpower), SSAB Tunnplåt and Stora Enso kvarnsveden.The trio share advanced systems for producingenergy from waste-heat and steam andfor water and air purification.diStrict heatingreduceS carbon emiSSionSRecovering waste-heat and using biofuel topower the district heating grid cuts CO2 emissionsby 115.000 tonnes compared to oil-firedalternatives. Municipal energy company BorlängeEnergi operates the Bäckelund powerplant where district heating is generated fromwaste incineration and industrial waste-heat together.other waSte-to-energyrelated activitieSThe Fågelmyra waste management plant in Borlängeproduces biogas and bio-compost fromwaste and also prepares combustible waste forincineration. It processes food and other compostablewaste from private households, industrialkitchens and restaurants in the surroundingmunicipalities. The plant minimises the amountof waste sent to landfill. It sells bio-compost foruse in gardens and agriculture and also biogasfor heating, power generation and vehicle fuel.

864.2ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

87COWIcontacte-mailwebAnders Lidqvist, Hans Elmekloanli@cowi.se, haeo@cowi.sewww.cowi.comoffer:COWI assists with planning, designing, upgrading and refurbishment of thermalheat and power plants with focus on the environment, technology, operation andeconomy with the best available technology as the basic premises.COWI offers full services ranging from initial investigation through feasibilityanalyses, design, tendering and supervision to optimised operation and maintenanceof all types of production units.COWI provides consultancy services within all project phases of the project cycle,i.e. feasibility studies, conceptual design, tendering and supervision.reference proJect:MEC - Maabjerg Energy Concept, DenmarkSecond generation bioethanol plant, 2011-ongoingMEC is preparing the realization of an integrated energy concept in Holstebro,Denmark including the reconstruction of an existing Combined Heat and PowerPlant, an existing Biogas Plant and the construction of a new Bioethanol Plant.COWI is responsible for the design of the Bioethanol plant, including recommendationof technology providers and also for delivering a cost estimate as basis fordecision for the project development team.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

88Swecocontacte-mailwebPatrik Marckertpatrik.marckert@sweco.sewww.sweco.seoffer:Sweco has experience working for heavy industry with energy demandingprocesses, such as steel works and pulp and paper industries. Energy efficientproduction processes and internal reuse of energy are ways of reducing bothdemand for purchased energy and the amount of excess heat. Excess heat thatstill remains can be sold either as power or as heating or cooling. The choicedepends on local conditions such as energy prices and the surrounding energydemand.reference proJect:Energy audit, Outokumpu Steel Works in Avesta, SwedenServices included preparation of an overall energy system balance descriptionand analysis of possibilities for heat recovery. Four alternatives for use of excessheat where compared economically:• Internal heat recovery• District heating production for external delivery• Power production with organic rankine cycle• Production of cooling with absorption chilling machinesENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

89ÅFcontacte-mailwebSten-Åke Barrsten-ake.barr@afconsult.comwww.afconsult.comoffer:ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise based on more than acentury of experience.ÅF is one of the largest independent international companies in energy & environmentalconsulting and a world leader in nuclear power. We offer a widerange of consulting, engineering and project services for clients in powerand district heating, energy systems, energy efficiency and environmentalissues. ÅF has both wide and deep know-how and experience of industrialprocesses and energyreference proJect:Potential energy savings – Jeonju Paper Mill, South KoreaProject main scope• General energy inventory with description and evaluation of the mainenergy flows within the mill• Benchmarking against similar mills.• Outlining of steps in order to achieve a savings goal of 20%.• Outlining a list of proposed measures• Analysis of investment cost and payback time as well as a time-schedulein order to achieve proposed measures.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

90Solvina InternationalProcess Engineeringcontacte-mailwebNiclas Krantzniclas.krantz@solvina.sewww.solvina.seProcess DesignControl DesignSimulatorsCommisioningoffer:Solvina International is a consulting company that provides the Power Industry withhigher availability, stability, efficiency and safety. By combining efficient methods, a holisticapproach and simulator technology we achieve vast cost savings and values.operator training SimulatorSSolvSim Power Plant (SSPP) is a power plant simulator platform including combined cycleand condensing power plants. SSPP are generic simulators but can be modified to resemblea real power plant.EducationDocumentationSpecificationsoptimal plant controlEntire plant control systems are optimized to handle predefined events and disturbances.By utilizing dynamic simulation, very exact design and settings can be implemented beforeplant startup, hence saving a lot of trouble and money.A unique method using a realtime simulator connected to the control loops enable advancedtesting and tuning of governors and AVR:s online with the turbine/generator innormal operation.Pressure drop calcMass- & Energy Balance calc2Trouble shootingnuclear power Safety managementSolvina provides solutions that ensure safe and robust plant operation, a short implementationtime and high efficiency, using the in-house developed management method Safety& Quality Assurance and Demonstration (SQAD).ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.2 ENG<strong>IN</strong>EER<strong>IN</strong>G CONSULTANTS

924.3technology suppliers

93Firefly ABContactE-mailWebHåkan Johanssonhakan.Johansson@firefly.sewww.firefly.seOffer:When flammable material is crushed, milled, conveyed and stored, the risk of fire increases.Firefly has 40 years of experience in protecting recycling and power plants from fireand explosions. A reliable fire protection system is a key component in a waste managementsystem where waste is used as a fuel. During the fuel preparation process it is importantto ensure that the waste does not self ignite if the‘wrong’ conditions should materialise for an extendedtime period.REFERENCE PROJECT:Firelfy has delivered its technology ShredderGuardsolution to Vecoplan AG, a worldwide manufacturer ofshredders for biofuels, thereby sparing Vecoplan’s customerscostly problems.Energy systems for efficient utilization of surplus energy4.3 technology suppliers

94Swedish Exergycontacte-mailwebPrem Verma, Staffan Baumanverma@exergyse.com,staffan.bauman@swedishexergy.comwww.swedishexergy.comoffer:Swedish Exergy is a turnkey supplier of Exergy Steam Drying systemsalong with complete engineering & consultancy services for superheatedsteam drying & associated technologies for Sugar Mill waste &Distillery waste.reference proJect:production of biofuels from residuals from sugar & distilleryindustries in india.Biofuels are produced from bagasse, press mud, distillery spent wash,and organic sludge. The substrate is dried to high value biofuel suitablefor production of power, heat, bio-oil, bio-ethanol, pellets orbriquettesconversion of fossil power plant to biomass using exergySteam drying technology in poland.A 125 MW fossil fuel based CHP plant shifts to biofuel from agriculturalwaste with the help of Swedish Exergy drying technologies.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS

95Opcon Energy Systemscontacte-mailwebPeter Lundströmpeter.lundstrom@opcon.sewww.opcon.seoffer:Opcon Energy Systems, OES, specializes in developing technology forsmall-scale production of electricity from waste heat. The company’ssystems are based on unique screw compressor technology fromOpcon and its subsidiary SRM. During 2007, Opcon Powerbox wasintroduced, the first important application based on this technology.The technology of Opcon Powerbox is designed for applications incombined heating and power plants and the process industry, but isalso suitable for large stationary diesel and biogas engines and marinediesel engines. The solution has generated a lot of interest from thepower, shipping and process industries.reference proJect:Opcon Powerbox has been installed at Munksjö Aspa Bruk, Sweden, amill for production of bleached and unbleached sulphate pulp. Beforethe installation of Opcon Powerbox ORC, all of the mill’s heated processwater passed through a sedimentation basin before reaching therecipient lake Vättern. After the installation, some of the waste heatwater from the mill first runs through the Opcon Powerbox where itis transformed to new and emission-free electric power. Furthermore,Opcon Powerbox preheats the mill’s process water which is a considerablebonus. Opcon Powerbox also cools the waste water used inpower production before it is finally diverted into treatment.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.3 TEChNOLOGy SUppLIERS


97SEK Advisory Servicescontacte-mailwebNicholas Andersonnicholas.anderson@sek.sewww.sek.seoffer:Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK) is a financial institution, fully owned by the Kingdomof Sweden. SEK Advisory Services (SEKAS) is an independent unit within SEK, providingadvisory services to the public sector, corporations, and financial institutions. SEKAS ismanned by a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who carry out financialadvisory assignments individually or together as a part of a project team.reference proJect:SEKAS has during recent years performed more than 50 projects in different countries allover the world, with a focus on Eastern Europe and Asia. Our financial analysis and advicehas contributed to the success of projects within many different sectors. The list of referencesis especially long within the field of Infrastructure and Energy, with many projectsrelating to Environmental Technique and Energy Efficiency.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.4 DEVELOpERS


99IVLcontacte-mailwebÖsten Ekengrenosten.ekengren@ivl.sewww.ivl.seoffer:IVL has been involved in the energy optimisation in iron & steel industries, chemical industriesand automotive industries. Services and solutions provided include process optimisationas well as introduction of closed processes.reference proJect:IVL has taken an active part in the development of the waste fuelled CHP-plant in the Cityof Borlänge, Sweden, a plant with the capacity to treat 100.000 tons/year. IVL’s serviceswere provided during all phases of the project – design, procurement, construction andoperation.ENERGy SySTEMS FOR EFFICIENT UTILIzATION OF SURpLUS ENERGy4.5 CApACITy BUILD<strong>IN</strong>G FOR <strong>IN</strong>STITUTIONAL STAKEhOLDERS

100…and we continueto look for and developnew solutionsThe systematic and holistic approach to energy productionand usage adopted by Swedish companies andorganisations triggers new innovations, new ideas, tofurther complete a truly green system.Towards a total greensystem of the City of LinköpingAn example of this development is being created in theCity of Linköping where the energy system, waste managementis connected with urban agriculture management.Currently a project is developed based on what isreferred to as the PlantaSymbioSystem®. Food is createdout of waste in vertical, multi level greenhouses and atthe same time decreasing energy costs and emissions.All having a energy system approach. Surplus heat frombiogas purifying plants provide for several hectares ofgreenhouse. Peak and backup heating needs covered bydistrict heating network. Carbon dioxide removed in thebiogas purification process can be directed to the greenhouse. Biogas production plants deliver nutrients. Organicwaste from the greenhouse is used for biogas production,and the cycle is complete. Besides, locally producedfood from the system generates a lot of other values, decreasedneed for transports being one.Copyright PlantagonIllustration: SwecoFor more information about this system and the project,visit www.plantagon.com.

101turning waSte into green hydrogen!Gasification of unsorted waste is a challenge for tomorrow’swaste management. Promising Swedish basedtechnologies are under development where waste isexposed to high temepratures and thereby completelyvaporized and separated into molecules. Other promisingtechnologies involve plasma gasification. The wasteis thereby transformed to energy rich hydrogen or synthesisgas possible to use for heat and power production.The technology is believed to become very efficient– less than 5% of the gained energy is esitmated to beused for the process, emissions are low and the solidresiduals are inert and expected to be less than 5% ofthe original material for municipal solid waste. Full scaleplants is expected to be reached soon.Example of companies working in this field are Plagaziand SGE Scandgreen Energy AB.See more at www.plagazi.com and www.scanindia.com

do you want to take a next step and discuss waste-to-energy solutionswith Swedish suppliers and organisations? then take a direct contact withthe companies presented in this booklet for specific questions.For direct contact with relevant networks and organisations for further discussionson Waste-to-Energy system solutions, take the following contacts;for all matterS related to waSte-to-energy SyStemS;• ASSET and its member organisations, for contacts seewww.miljoteknik.org/home.html• Business Sweden, www.business-sweden.se/en/for water and waStewater and Sludge management• VARIM, the meeting place for the Swedish Water Treatment Industry;www.varim.se/en/varim-homefor Solid waSte management and biogaS;• Avfall Sverige – the Swedish Waste Management and Recycling Association,www.avfallsverige.se/in-english/waste-management-on-exportfor biogaS SyStemS;• Avfall Sverige – the Swedish Waste Management and Recycling Association,www.avfallsverige.se/in-english/waste-management-on-export• Swedish Gas Association, www.energigas.se/In-Englishfor energy recovery SyStemS and other biofuelS SyStemS;• Sweheat & Cooling – the Swedish council for District heating and cooling,www.sweheat.com• Svebio – the Swedish Bioenergy Association, www.svebio.seSwedish Energy Agency, Box 310, SE-631 04Eskilstuna, SwedenTelephone: +46-16-544 20 00E-mail: registrator@energimyndigheten.sewww.swedishenergyagency.se

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