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RaittNEW ADMISSION OPENCAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL 'A' LEVELKUHS invites application for admission at the Cambridge A Level Course for the new academic session 2013.The two year course of the Cambridge University International Examinations is a challenging preparation for universityworldwide in various fields such as Engineering, Medicine, IT and Biotechnology.KUHS offers the following subjects at 'A' Level:Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Computing, English Language and General PaperRequirements:SLC send-up result, Birth Certificate, Completed KUHS application formThe application forms are available to download from the website (www.kuhs.edu.np) and submit at the school(KUHS) on entrance date or (through email only for out of valley students).Admission Test: 5 th May 2013 at 11.00 am promptly at the school• w The staff teaching ‘A’ levels are well qualified, ambitious for their students and committed to Cambridge ‘A’ levels.• w With close links to Fudan University in Shanghai, one of the most prestigious Universities in China, we have threestudents studying there on FULL scholarships. Three students per year are accepted.• w Hostel facilities are available in Dhulikhel. Day students able to travel from Koteshwor are accepted.For detailed information please contact us:Kathmandu University High SchoolTelephone: 011-490561, 011-490638, 9843426844Email: kuhs@ku.edu.npWebsite: www.kuhs.edu.npk'gM: jLs[t ldltM @)^(÷!@÷!^k'gM: jLs[t ldltM @)^(÷!@÷@)UAE <strong>df</strong> !% lbgd} pl8;Sg'kg{ ]<strong>df</strong>l;s tna $*, )))÷– s<strong>df</strong>pg ;lsg]k'gM : jLs[t ldlt M @)^(÷!@÷!$ kq ;+Vof M )^*÷^( rnfgL g+= !#*^) Lt g+= ^!&&#cfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h / fli6«o b}lgs<strong>sf</strong> nflu k|<strong>sf</strong>zs tyf k|wfg ;Dkfbs M s[i0fk|;fb af: tf]nf, k|aGw lgb]{ zs M cd[t af: tf]nf, <strong>sf</strong>of{no M cfbz{<strong>rf</strong>]s, Go"/ f]8, kf]v/ fkmf]g M )^!–%#!@)), %@!$*$, ÇofS; M )^!–%@&*(&, E-mail: adrsamaj@gmail.com, mail@eadarsha.com, web: www.eadarsha.coml;=g+=l;= g+=<strong>sf</strong>dbf/ <strong>sf</strong>] kblb l/ e/PSBD Exam lbg kfOg].Company : EJADHASSET Management (Dubai Security Group)<strong>sf</strong>dbf/ <strong>sf</strong>] kb<strong>df</strong>u;+VofLT.No. 54039 kq ;+Vof )^(÷&) rnfgL g+= !!(^(<strong>df</strong>u ;+VofMaleLT.No. 62142 kq ;+Vof )^(÷&) rnfgL g+= !$@*!cf]e/ l;h k|f=ln=zfvf <strong>sf</strong>of{noM k[YjL<strong>rf</strong>]s,<strong>df</strong>l;s tnaDHS g]kfnLcf] e/6fOdkf]v/ fkmf]g g+= )^!–%@&&#!, %@&&#@, %@&&##(*%^)@%!@&, (*)@*@&&*^, (*$^!*@&)(jflif{sljbfNRs.!= Helper 20 20, 000/ -@ Electrician 30 29, 000/ -l;=g+=PRIME STARTechnical Installations LLC<strong>sf</strong>dbf/ <strong>sf</strong>] kb<strong>df</strong>u ;+VofMalea: g xKtf<strong>df</strong><strong>sf</strong>d ug{]lbgs/ f/cjlwSecurity!=Guard !)) !&*@ $@, *)) $ clgjfo{ @%306f lbg 5 ^ lbg @÷@ jif{hft]cft]gf]6 M Basic Salary ?=#^,)))÷– ePklg OT Security Allowance u/ L g]kfnL $*, )))÷ x'g]5.lk| cGtjf{tf{ w<strong>df</strong>wd eO/ x]<strong>sf</strong>] 5. kmfOgn cGtjf{tf{ oxL @^ ut] kf]v/ fd} x'“b}5.<strong>df</strong>]le/ f cf]e/ l;h ;le{;]h k|f=ln=a;'Gw/ f <strong>sf</strong>7<strong>df</strong>8f}+ kmf]gM )!$#*^!!!, <strong>df</strong>]= (*%!)$%^*^kf]v/ fM k[YjL<strong>rf</strong>]s -a|fO6/ ;]So'l/ 6L<strong>sf</strong>] <strong>sf</strong>of{no;“u}_<strong>rf</strong>] saf6 Po/ kf]6{ ;fO6 km]jftfn a; nfUg] 7Ls cufl8Country :Dubai, UAEvfg, a: g lk|m, b}lgs $ 306f clgjfo{ Overtime ug'{kg{] .UAE <strong>sf</strong>]Abhudhabi Airport <strong>sf</strong>] nflu ;'j0f{ cj;/NRs.!= wakitoki Helper 50 20, 000/ -vfg, a: g lk|m, b}lgs $ 306f clgjfo{ Overtime ug'{kg{] .kmfOgn cGtjf{tf{ ef]ln <strong>df</strong>q kf]v/ f<strong>df</strong>.gf]6 M xfdL;Fu cfsif{s tna;lxt<strong>sf</strong>] Kuwait <strong>sf</strong>] AmericanBase Camp <strong>sf</strong>] nflu Cook, Waiter, Driver,Cleaner <strong>sf</strong>] cToflws <strong>df</strong>u eO{ cfP<strong>sf</strong>]n] oyfzL3{ ;Dks{ / fVg'xf]nf.)^!–%%!!!$, <strong>df</strong>]= (*%^)@(@)$, (*)$!)(%$#, (*%^)#)%!)-o; <strong>sf</strong>of{nonfO{ Ps hgf l/ ;]K;lgi6 <strong>rf</strong>lxP<strong>sf</strong>] x'Fbf OR5's cg'ejL JolQmn] ;Dks{ ug'{xf]nf._kf]v/ f klAns : s'n<strong>sf</strong>] egf{;DaGwL ;"rgf: jR5 tyf dgf] / d jftfj/ 0f<strong>df</strong> cfkm\g} ;'ljwf ;DkGg ejg<strong>sf</strong>;fy} kof{Kt v]nd}bfg ;lxt : t/ Lo lzIff k|bfg ub}{ cfO/ x]<strong>sf</strong>]o; kf] v/ f klAns : s'n, : jfutgu/ , <strong>rf</strong>py] , kf] v/ f–!$ <strong>df</strong>z} lIfs;q @)&) <strong>sf</strong> nflu sIff g;{/ Lb]lv sIff ( ;Dd ;Lldtl;6x?<strong>sf</strong>] lglDt egf{ kmf/ d ljt/ 0f e}/ x]<strong>sf</strong>] 5 .kmf/ d a'emfpg] clGtd ldlt M @)^( r}q @( ut] $ ah];Ddk|j]z k/ LIff M @)^( r}q #) ut] laxfg !!M)) ah]k'gZrM!= sIff g;{/ L, s]=hL / ! <strong>df</strong> cGtjf{tf{<strong>sf</strong>] cfwf/ <strong>df</strong> egf{ lnOg]5 .@= sIff @ b] lv <strong>df</strong>ly<strong>sf</strong> sIffx?<strong>df</strong> c+u|]hL, g]kfnL / ul0ft ljifo<strong>df</strong>k|j] z k/ LIff lnOg]5 .lj: t[t hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ L<strong>sf</strong> nflu ljBfno k|zf;g<strong>df</strong> ;Dks{ ug'{x'g cg'/ f]w ul/ G5.Vacancy AnnouncementPokhara Public School invites application from well qualified,experienced and dedicated candidates for the following posts:S. No. Subject: Qualification Post1. Computer Teacher B Sc. (I.T.) or Equivalent 12. Hostel Warden B Sc. Or Equivalent 13. s's ;fwf/ 0f n]vk9 14. cfof ;fwf/ 0f n]vk9 15. 8«fOe/ ;fwf/ 0f n]vk9 -x]eL, ldgL rnfpg ;Sg]_• w For Computer Teacher and Hostel Warden candidates must have theexperience of at least 2 years.• w Deadline for form submission: 30 th Chaitra 2069Kfmf]g M )^!–%#)@&&, %#$#&&)^!–%@%^^^ -lrKn]9'ª\uf_lk|lG;knkf]v/ f klAns : s"n

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cfj]bg cfÞjfg ul/ G5. ;fy} ;/ <strong>sf</strong>/ L ljBfnoaf6sIff–& <strong>sf</strong>] clGtd k/ LIff<strong>df</strong> pTs[ i6 c+s xfl;n u/ L pQL0f{ b'O{ ljBfyL{ x¿nfO{klg sIff–*, ( / !) <strong>sf</strong>] nflu yk 5fqj[lQ k|bfg ul/ g] eP<strong>sf</strong>]n] ;dod}cfj]bg u/ L cfÇgf] l;6 ;'/ lIft ug'{x'g cg'/ f]w ul/ G5.WANTEDPost : Lower Sec. Level Science TeacherNo. : oneQualification : I.Sc/ I.Ed.Experience : 2 years in related fieldSalary : As per the School's rulelk|lG;kn tyf>L ;To ;fO{ ljBf>dkmf]g g+ )^!–%##^^^, (*%^)@&!!%ho ;fO{ / fd ¤snf<strong>sf</strong>/ n] ljleGg k|: t'lt lbP<strong>sf</strong>lyP.dxf]T;j<strong>sf</strong>] ;<strong>df</strong>kg lbg ;f]daf/nf]sbf]xf]/ L ufos k'?iff]Qd Gof}kfg],kfj{tL lh;L, hLjg bfxfn, / fdhLkf} 8] n, lgzf kf] v|] n / : yfgLosn<strong>sf</strong>/ <strong>sf</strong>] k|: t'lt / xg] ;fF: s[ ltskl/ <strong>rf</strong>ng pk;ldlt<strong>sf</strong> ;+of] hsdx] Gb|l;+x yfkfn] hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ L lbP.dxf]T;j<strong>df</strong> !)# cf}+ cGt/ f{ li6«odlxnf lbj;<strong>sf</strong>] cj;/ <strong>df</strong> xl/ of] jg<strong>sf</strong>o{qmdåf/ f / fli6«o: t/ <strong>df</strong> cfof]lhtsljtf k|ltof] lutf<strong>df</strong> k|yd eP<strong>sf</strong>x]dhf ;flxTo k|lti7fg<strong>sf</strong> cfdlGqt;b: o j;Gt ;'j] bLnfO{ ;D<strong>df</strong>gul/ P<strong>sf</strong>] lyof].;'j]bLnfO{ d"ncfof]hs ;ldlt<strong>sf</strong>;+of] hs / d] z <strong>sf</strong>sL{ / g] zgnldg/ n jf6/ <strong>sf</strong> k|f] k|fO6/ xl/ s[ i0fyfkfn] ;D<strong>df</strong>gkqn] ;D<strong>df</strong>g u/ ] <strong>sf</strong>lyP.: jf: Yo lzlj/;+of] hs k"0f{ axfb'/ yfkf<strong>sf</strong>]cWoIftf<strong>df</strong> ;DkGg lzlj/ <strong>df</strong> kq<strong>sf</strong>/dxf;ª\3<strong>sf</strong> cWoIf cf] dk|<strong>sf</strong>zz<strong>df</strong>{, hg: jf: Yo clws[t z+s/ Wjh<strong>sf</strong>sL{, / fh] Gb| kf} 8]n, bLks du/ ,uug yfkf, / fh]Gb| k/ fh'nL, s[i0fcof{nnufotn] / f] u n'<strong>sf</strong>pg gx'g]s'/ f<strong>df</strong> hf]8 lbP<strong>sf</strong> lyP.sIff g;{/ Lb]lv sIff–(;Dd ;Lldt l;6<strong>df</strong> egf{v'n]<strong>sf</strong>] ;d]t hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ Lu/ fpFb5f}+.ls;fg hfu/ 0fax'd'vL ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L;+: yf<strong>sf</strong>] e|d0fcfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h ;Djfbbftfkf] v/ f, @% r} t.kf] v/ f–&<strong>df</strong>;af/ l: yt ls;fg hfu/ 0fax'd'vL ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L ;+: yfn] ;+: yf<strong>df</strong>cfj4 / x]<strong>sf</strong> z]o/ ;b: o<strong>sf</strong>] nflub'O{ lbg] ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L cjnf]sg e|d0fu/ fP<strong>sf</strong>] 5.;+: yf<strong>sf</strong> lzIff ;ldlt ;+of]hsw|'j a/ fn<strong>sf</strong>] ;+of]hsTj<strong>df</strong> e|d0f<strong>df</strong>lg: s] <strong>sf</strong>] *) ;b: oLo 6f] nLn]ndh'ª lhNnf<strong>sf</strong>] a] ;L;x/,ef] 6] cf] 9f/ , 3n] ufpFl: yt ljleGg;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L<strong>sf</strong>] cjnf]sg u/ ] <strong>sf</strong> lyP.pQm cj;/ <strong>df</strong> ;xefuLn]ToxfFl: yt ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ Ln] u/ ] <strong>sf</strong> ljleGg;fd"lxs lqmofsnfk ufO{ kfng,t/ <strong>sf</strong>/ L v] tLnufot ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L<strong>df</strong>cfj4 ;b: o<strong>sf</strong>] : t/ p<strong>sf</strong>: gul/ P<strong>sf</strong> <strong>sf</strong>o{ <strong>sf</strong>] af/ ] <strong>df</strong> hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ LlnP<strong>sf</strong> lyP.o;} aLr, ;xefuLn] uf] vf{lhNnf<strong>sf</strong>] Rofª\lnª uflj;<strong>df</strong> / x]<strong>sf</strong>]<strong>sf</strong>dw] g' ufO{ kfng Joj;fo<strong>sf</strong>];d] t cjnf] sg u/ ] <strong>sf</strong>] ;+: yf<strong>sf</strong>]lzIff ;ldlt ;b: o OlGb/ f a/ fnn]hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ L lbOg\.;'j0f{ cj;/z'e–ljjfx, hG<strong>df</strong>]T;j, cGg k|fzg, j|taGw, lkslgscflb ;a} lsl;d<strong>sf</strong> kf6L{<strong>sf</strong>] nflu O08f]/ , cfp68f]/ tyfxfkm jf k"mn Sof6]l/ ·<strong>sf</strong>] nflu xfdLnfO{ ;Demg'xf];\.k|f] = / fhf/ fd s] =;LS.R. s]=;L= Sof6l/ ∙ kf6L{ Kofn]; P08 6]06 xfp;/ fgLkf}jf, kmf]gM %#%&$*, <strong>df</strong>]afOn M (*%^)–@@^)$, (*%^)–@@^)%, (*$^)@#)@);'j0f{ cj;/cfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h ;Djfbbftfkf]v/ f, @% r} t.;Eo ;<strong>df</strong>h arttyf C0f ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L ;+: yf nfxf<strong>rf</strong>] s<strong>sf</strong>: sLn] ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L lbj; tyf gjjif{@)&) <strong>sf</strong>] cj;/ <strong>df</strong> cfkm\gf z] o/;b: ox?nfO{ ;f} o{ phf{ h8fg ul/ lbg]eP<strong>sf</strong>] 5.;f] daf/ ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L lbj;<strong>sf</strong>] k"j{;GWof<strong>df</strong> cfkm\gf] <strong>sf</strong>of{ no j/ k/;/;kmfO{ ub} { ;f} o{ phf{ ljt/ 0f u/ Lkof{j/ 0f ;+/ If0f<strong>df</strong> dxTjk"0f{ e"ld<strong>sf</strong>lgjf{ x ug] { cfkm\gf] ;+: yf<strong>sf</strong>] p2] Zo/ x]<strong>sf</strong>] cWoIf >L/ fd clw<strong>sf</strong>/ Ln] atfP.;x<strong>sf</strong>/ Ln] ;f} o{ phf{ h8fg ug{;"of]{ bo ;f}o{ phf{ k|f=ln;Fu ;Demf}tful/ ;s]<strong>sf</strong>] / s] xL 3/ x?<strong>df</strong> h8fg;d] tz'e–ljjfx, hG<strong>df</strong>] T;j, cGgk|fzg, a|taGw,lkslgs cflb ;a} lsl;d<strong>sf</strong> kf6L{ <strong>sf</strong>] nfluO08f]/ , cfp68f]/ tyf xfkm jf k"mn Sof6]l/ ª<strong>sf</strong>]nflu xfdLnfO{ ;Demg'xf];\.k|f]= gj/ fh s];Ls];L Sof6l/ ∙ ;le{; P08 6]06 xfp;u}x«fkf6g, kmf]g M %#$(!!, <strong>df</strong>]afOn g+= (*%^)–@@*@!nfxf<strong>rf</strong>]s<strong>df</strong> ;f}o{phf{ h8fg ul/ g]lxGb" / fi6« 3f]if0ff ug{x: tfIf/ cleofgcfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h ;Djfbbftf: ofª\hf, @% r}t.wfld{s ;b\efj<strong>sf</strong>od / fVg / a'x;ª\Vos g] kfnL<strong>sf</strong>]efjgf<strong>df</strong> ;<strong>sf</strong>/ fTds hfu/ 0f k} bfu/ fpg bafa: j¿k : ofª\hfaf6 b]zel/lxGb" / fi6« 3f]if0ff ul/ of];\ eGg] <strong>df</strong>uub} { x: tfIf/ cleofg cf/ De ul/ g]eP<strong>sf</strong>] 5./ fk|kf g] kfn<strong>sf</strong> dxfdGqLrGb|axfb'/ u'?ªn] lbP<strong>sf</strong>] hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ Lcg';f/ ;f] kf6L{<strong>sf</strong> cWoIf sdn yfkfn]k/ f]k<strong>sf</strong>/ dxf;ª\3n] <strong>df</strong>3<strong>df</strong> dxfo1 ug] {cfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h ;Djfbbftfkf]v/ f, @% r} t./ fli6«o k/ f]k<strong>sf</strong>/dxf;ª\3 g] kfnn] @)&) ;fn<strong>sf</strong>] <strong>df</strong>3@@ b] lv >Ldb\efujt\ 1fgdxfo1cfof]hgf ug]{ eP<strong>sf</strong>] 5.dxf;ª\3<strong>sf</strong>] s] Gb|Lo sldl6<strong>sf</strong>]a} 7s a;L <strong>df</strong>3 @@ b]lv @( ut];Dddxfo1 nufpg] lg0f{o eP<strong>sf</strong>] <strong>sf</strong>]iffWoIflji0f'k|;fb kf} 8]nn] hfg<strong>sf</strong>/ L u/ fP<strong>sf</strong>x'g\. dxfo1<strong>df</strong> dxf;ª\3<strong>sf</strong> cWoIftyf kl/ sNkgf<strong>sf</strong>/ kl08t sdngoguf} tdn] g} syfjfrg ug]{ 5g\.;<strong>df</strong>h<strong>sf</strong> h] i7 gful/ s<strong>sf</strong> nfluoxL r}t @& ut] : ofª\hfaf6 x: tfIf/cleofg<strong>sf</strong>] z'ef/ De ug]{ eP<strong>sf</strong> 5g\.x: tfIf/ cleofg ;kmn kfg{kf6L{<strong>sf</strong> lhNnf cWoIf dbg <strong>sf</strong>sL{<strong>sf</strong>]cWoIftf<strong>df</strong> kfFr ;o Ps ;b: oLo d"n;ldlt / ljleGg ;ftj6f pk;ldltu7g ul/ P<strong>sf</strong> 5g\.o;}aLr, / fk|kf g]kfn : ofª\hf<strong>sf</strong>]zlgaf/ ;DkGg lhNnf a} 7sn] If]q g+=@ <strong>sf</strong>] cWoIf kb<strong>df</strong> k"0f{axfb'/ yfkfnfO{dgf]gog u/ ] <strong>sf</strong>] 5.plrt cf>d<strong>sf</strong>] Joj: yf, jftfj/ 0f/ lx<strong>df</strong>n<strong>sf</strong>] ;+/ If0f cleofg, hn: jR5 cleofg, j} lbs ;+: s[ lt /;Dkbf<strong>sf</strong>] ;+/ If0f, uf} / Iff wd{ zfnfPj+ cGg e08f/ <strong>sf</strong> ;fy} pQm <strong>sf</strong>o{ <strong>sf</strong>nflu cIfo<strong>sf</strong>] if<strong>sf</strong>] : yfkgfnufot<strong>sf</strong>p2] Zo;lxt dxfo1 cfof] hgf ug{nfluP<strong>sf</strong>] xf].dxfo1af6 sl/ a !) s/ f] 8 ?k}ofF;°ng ug] { cfof] hs<strong>sf</strong>] nIo / x] <strong>sf</strong>]5. pQm dxfo1<strong>df</strong> &% j6} lhNnf<strong>sf</strong>eQmhg<strong>sf</strong>] ;xeflutf / xg] cfof]hs<strong>sf</strong>]ljZjf; 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%l/ ;]K;lgi6M !;fwf/ 0f n]vk9M !;Dks{ M(*%^)@($*)

]@)^( r}t @^ ut] c ;f]daf/Vacancy AnnouncementPragati English Boarding School,Batulechour- 16 Pokhara, invites applications frominterested and eligible candidates for the followingposts:PostQualificationNursery teacherBA, BEd completePre-primary English Teacher BA, Bed complete (Boardingbase preferred)Primary Science Teacher ISc or aboveLower Sec. Science Teacher BSc completeSecondary Math Teacher MSc in Maths or equivalentSecondary HEP Teacher MSc completeProcedure: Written exam, Class observation andInterviewSalary: As per school’s ruleCandidates are required to contact the front deskwith supporting documents by 27 th Chaitra, 2069.For information: 061-440204PrincipalcfjZostfzL3| ;~<strong>rf</strong>ng x'g uO/ x]<strong>sf</strong>] o; 3/ b}nf] art tyf C0f ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L;+: yf lnld6]8<strong>sf</strong>] nflu lgDg a<strong>df</strong>]lhd<strong>sf</strong> sd{<strong>rf</strong>/ L cfjZostfk/ ] <strong>sf</strong>]n] bf];|f] k6s k'gM sd{<strong>rf</strong>/ L<strong>sf</strong>] nflu cfj]bg cfÞjfgul/ G5. lgj]bg;lxt cfÇgf] afof]8f6f, gful/ stf<strong>sf</strong>] k|<strong>df</strong>0fkq<strong>sf</strong>]k|ltlnlk, of] Uotf<strong>sf</strong>] k|<strong>df</strong>0fkq<strong>sf</strong>] k|ltlnlk, cg'ej<strong>sf</strong>] k|<strong>df</strong>0fkq<strong>sf</strong>]k|ltlnlk k]z ug'{xf]nf.qm=;+= kb of] Uotf! k|aGw ;~<strong>rf</strong>ns BBA/ BBS@= Sofl;o/ -n]vfkfn_ I.Com/ I.SC#= ahf/ k|ltlglw SLC kf;gf]6 M lgj]bg cfOk'Ug'kg{] clGtd ldlt M @)^(÷!@÷@( ut]cGtjf{tf{ M r}q #! ut] zlgaf/ laxfg !)M#) ah]kfl/ >lds M ;+: yf<strong>sf</strong>] lgo<strong>df</strong>g';f/cGtjf{tf{ x'g] : yfg M ;+: yf<strong>sf</strong>] <strong>sf</strong>of{no, uf}/ L<strong>df</strong>u{cGtjf{tf{<strong>df</strong> cfpFbf ;Ssn k|<strong>df</strong>0fkq lnO{ cfpg'xf]nf.;Dks{3/ b}nf] art tyf C0f ;x<strong>sf</strong>/ L ;+: yf lnld6]8kf]v/ f–!), a'4<strong>rf</strong>]s -uf}/ L<strong>df</strong>u{, d'lQmgfy xf8{j]o/ ;Fu}_kmf]g g+ )^!–$#@^!), $#!&($k;n laqmL<strong>df</strong>kf]v/ f, lrKn]9'·f<strong>df</strong> cjl: ytcToGt} <strong>rf</strong>n' cj: yf<strong>df</strong>/ x]<strong>sf</strong>] xf]n;]n tyf v'b|fkm]G;L k;n ljz]if <strong>sf</strong>/ 0fjzlaqmL<strong>df</strong> 5.;Dks{M)^!–%#!^$^,(*!&!&$#%((*)$!**%(&(*$^%!*%&!#vljZj : jf: Yo lbj;<strong>sf</strong>] cj;/ <strong>df</strong> g] kfn : jf: YosdL{ ;ª\3 <strong>sf</strong>: sLn] kf] v/ f<strong>df</strong> cfOtaf/ cfof] hgf u/ ] <strong>sf</strong>] lgMz'Ns pRr / Qm<strong>rf</strong>kk/ LIf0f <strong>sf</strong>o{qmd<strong>df</strong> / Qm<strong>rf</strong>k k/ LIf0f ul/ b} . tl: j/ M gjLg l;Ub]n÷cfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>hljZj : jf: Yo lbj;<strong>df</strong> / Qm<strong>rf</strong>k k/ LIf0fcfbz{ ;<strong>df</strong>h ;Djfbbftfkf] v/ f, @% r} t.‘: j: yhLjgz} nL : j: y / Qm<strong>rf</strong>k’ eGg]d"ngf/ f<strong>sf</strong> ;fy kf] v/ f<strong>df</strong> cfOtaf/ljZj : jf: Yo lbj; 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