Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...

Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...

Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...


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VALIMAKI ET AL. PAPERS3.3 Loop Filter DesignLet us denote the numera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Eq. (6) byIt is known that our hearing is sensitive <strong>to</strong> the change A = g(1 + al) (20)<strong>of</strong> decay rate <strong>of</strong> a sinusoid, and in practice we measurethe time constant <strong>of</strong> some 20 lowest harmonics <strong>with</strong> the and HI(<strong>to</strong>) <strong>with</strong> the numera<strong>to</strong>r removed byintent <strong>of</strong> matching the frequency response <strong>of</strong> the loopfilterfilter,Hl(Z)it is<strong>to</strong>clearthosethatdata.thereSincearewemoreuse arestrictionsfirst-order loopthan//l(<strong>to</strong>) - HI(t°)A (21)unknowns in this problem, and only an approximatesolution is possible. Then Eq. (18) can be rewritten asIn principle the loop filter should be designed basedon an audi<strong>to</strong>ry criterion, but since that would be compli- tq- 1cated, we decided <strong>to</strong> use weighted least-squares design. E = _ W(GD[IAPi(%)I - Gk]2 . (22)k=0The error function <strong>to</strong> be minimized in the magnitudeonlyapproximation can be defined as The gain g <strong>of</strong> the loop filter at low frequencies canNh-l be chosen based on the loop gain values <strong>of</strong> the lowestE = ___ W(GO[lHl(<strong>to</strong>OI - Gk]2 (18) harmonics. In many cases it is good enough <strong>to</strong> set g =k=0 Go, whereas sometimes the average <strong>of</strong> two or three lowestloop gain values gives a better result.where N h is the number <strong>of</strong> frequency points where the The value for the coefficient a I that minimizes E canloop gain Gk is approximated, % = kO0 are the central be found by differentiating Eq. (22) <strong>with</strong> respect <strong>to</strong> a 1.frequencies <strong>of</strong> the N h lowest harmonics, and W(Gk) is This yieldsa nonnegative error weighting function. It is reasonableltO choose a weighting function W_ Ut _ that gives a largerOENh - 1- 2A0 _'. W(GO01[-/1(%)1'' [IAo[/l(<strong>to</strong>0l- Gk].weight <strong>to</strong> the errorsdecaying harmonicsin the time constants <strong>of</strong> the slowlysince our hearing tends <strong>to</strong> focus onOa1 k=o Oaltheirdecay.A candidateforsucha weightingfunctionis (23)Nh-lBy substituting Eqs. (6) and (19), we can writeOE _ 2A° _ Aocos <strong>to</strong>k(1 + alcos%) -3 - Gkcos <strong>to</strong>n(1 + alcos%) -l (24)Oal k=o 1 -- GkThe aim is now <strong>to</strong> find the zero <strong>of</strong> this function. In1 practice we find a near-optimal solution in the followingW(GO - 1 - Gk' (19) way. The value <strong>of</strong> the derivative is evaluated, and dependingon the sign <strong>of</strong> the result, a I is changed by asmall increment, the derivative is evaluated again, andWe require that 0 _< Gk < 1 for all k, which is a physisoon. After the derivative has reached a very smallcally reasonable assumption since the system <strong>to</strong> be modvalue,the iteration is terminated and the final value foreled is passive and stable.a1 is used in the synthesis model. We have verifiedthe convergence <strong>of</strong> this design procedure in practice by....... analyzing signals generated using the synthesis model.0.995 data yields the same filter parameters--<strong>with</strong>in numericalaccuracy--as were used in the synthesis. Also analysis '9 Theloopfilterthatwasdesignedbasedonthe the°'99I / I [ T"_ _-- _ match <strong>with</strong> natural <strong>to</strong>nes has been found <strong>to</strong> be satisfac-·S['_°'985[ I '"'-( I_<strong>to</strong>ry in many cases. Fig. 20 illustrates the loop filter094r I I I I I design fora typical kantele <strong>to</strong>ne.0.975 It iswellunders<strong>to</strong>odthatwhena stringisput<strong>to</strong>vibra-90.97 tion by plucking it, the sound signal will lack those harmoniesthat have a node at the plucking point (see, for.0'9651 example, [17]). However, in general the string is not0 96_/ ' 015 '_'.s ' _' _'._ , _ , _ plucked exactly at the node <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the lowest harmon-' . _.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 ics, and since the amplitude <strong>of</strong> the higher harmonics isFrequency(kHz)Fig. 20. Loop filter design for kantele. Circles--loop gains considerably small anyway, it is not possible <strong>to</strong> accu-G2 at harmonic frequencies; solid line--the magnitude re- rately detect the plucking point by simply searching forsponse [H_(z)l2. the lacking harmonics in the magnitude spectrum. An-342 d. Audio Eng. Soc., Vol. 44, No. 5, 1996 May

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