Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...

Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...

Physical Modeling of Plucked String Instruments with Application to ...


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PAPERSPHYSICAL MODELING OF PLUCKED STRING INSTRUMENTS<strong>to</strong> record and replay performances. Unfortunately this technique cannot be used in real-A platform-independent MIDI message dispatch sys- time performance.tem has been built on <strong>to</strong>p <strong>of</strong> the low-level interface.Message dispatching is accomplished au<strong>to</strong>matically by 6.7.3 Special Control Modesthe CLOS method dispatching mechanism, since the ge- We have experimented <strong>with</strong> advanced control modesneric method process-midi-message is specialized on for the guitar synthesizer. They help in creating a naturalboth the instrument class and the type <strong>of</strong> MIDI message, sounding guitar performance using a standard MIDI key-The MIDI control interfaces are implemented as differ- board. Two basic styles have been investigated--soloent instrumentclasses,playingand strumming.Solo Guitar: Playing a guitar solo is slightly different6.7 Operating Modes from using the MIDI mono mode. On the guitar a soloThe interactivity <strong>of</strong> Lisp makes it easy <strong>to</strong> experiment is usually played on several strings. Therefore au<strong>to</strong>matic<strong>with</strong> different control strategies. We have developed sev- string allocation is used. In the solo mode all specialeral different modes, partly <strong>to</strong> overcome the limitations playing techniques that will be discussed later areposed by MIDI itself or <strong>to</strong> facilitate playing "guitarlike" available.on a normal keyboard. The keyboard, <strong>of</strong> course, by no Rhythm Guitar: One difficulty <strong>of</strong> playing voiced guitarmeans can replace a guitar controller (just as much as chords correctly on the keyboard is the relatively largethe synthesizer does not replace the acoustic guitar), but internote separation <strong>of</strong> the chord members. To reducethese specialized modes help getting the most out <strong>of</strong> the this problem we have implemented an intelligent chordsynthesizer in terms <strong>of</strong> fidelity and ease <strong>of</strong> playing, recognizer, allowing simplified chord fingering. The algorithmtries <strong>to</strong> fit different chords <strong>to</strong> the depressed keys6.7.1 Standard MIDI Modes and the most probable chord is selected (such as A, Am,In order <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> use existing MIDI files se- A7). It is then revoiced for the guitar using look-upquenced by others we have implemented the standard tables. When alternative voicings are possible (as inMIDI control modes as an option, most cases), the position <strong>of</strong> the previously played chordMono Mode: The MIDI mono mode is <strong>of</strong>ten used <strong>with</strong> can be used <strong>to</strong> select the chord in the closest position.MIDI guitar controllers <strong>to</strong> send the performance data The player can influence the selection <strong>of</strong> the chord posionseparate MIDI channels for each string. This mode tion by using different octaves <strong>of</strong> the keyboard.simplifies the MIDI implementation in the receiver. Eachperformancestylecanhaveitsownset<strong>of</strong>chords,There is one sound genera<strong>to</strong>r per channel, and there is which is based on the most <strong>of</strong>ten used chords <strong>of</strong> theno need for voice allocation. Ambiguous pitches, which given style. Furthermore, styles can contain chords thatcould be played on different strings, do not cause a use only the upper strings, leaving the lower strings freeproblem. Pitch bend can be used individually on differ- for playing bass notes, as in folk or Latin-Americanent strings <strong>with</strong>out affecting other notes, styles. In this case the bass notes can be played onWhile the mono mode is perfectly suited for the MIDI another part <strong>of</strong> the keyboard using the keyboard splitguitar, it is difficult <strong>to</strong> use it <strong>with</strong> a keyboard. Although mode, or they can be played by using a special notekeyboardsplit could be used <strong>to</strong> send data on different triggering mode. The notes are not triggered immedichannels,playing chords is quite difficult if not impossi- ately by fingering a chord, but separate keys--one keyblethis way.per string--are used <strong>to</strong>pluckthestringsafterward.ThisPoly Mode: In the poly mode the data for all strings technique can be used for playing nice arpeggios as well.are received on a single MIDI channel, and the control With these techniques many common guitar styles caninterface has <strong>to</strong> assign the notes <strong>to</strong> available sound gener- be played from the keyboard <strong>with</strong> little effort.a<strong>to</strong>rs. There is a potential problem <strong>with</strong> instruments <strong>of</strong>the variable source type. Assigning a different genera<strong>to</strong>r 6.8 Mixing Control Modes<strong>to</strong> a new note will not result in a correct transition. <strong>String</strong> It is possible <strong>to</strong> switch between control modes duringallocation is necessary for most string instruments, performance. This feature helps <strong>to</strong> play chordal solosinterleaved <strong>with</strong> short runs. It is also possible <strong>to</strong> split6.7.2 Smart MIDI Modes the keyboard and define different control modes overSmart MIDI modes are enhanced MIDI modes. While the two ranges.they accept MIDI events intended for normal use, theytry <strong>to</strong> add more details <strong>to</strong> the sound, such as by splitting 6.9 Special Techniquesthe "note on" <strong>to</strong> separate pitch set and note start events. In this section we discuss some special playing tech-Since setting the pitch happens before starting the note, niques not available on keyboard instruments. Thesethis can only be achieved by delaying the start <strong>of</strong> a techniques can be simulated <strong>with</strong> our intelligent connoteby a small amount. Other enhancements, such as trol interfaces.au<strong>to</strong>matic fret noise generation, need even more delay.Allowing a relatively large (0.5-1 s) constant pro- 6.9.1 Hammer-On and Puli-Offcessing delay helps in both cases. When the synthesizer Hammer-on and pull-<strong>of</strong>f are left-hand techniques thatis driven by a sequence, the delay can be compensated a guitar player sometimes uses <strong>to</strong> pluck a note. By strikbyadvancing the given track by the amount <strong>of</strong> delay, lng a finger against a fret, one can set the string in<strong>to</strong>J. Audio Eno. Soc., Vol. 44, No. 5, 1996 May 349i I II

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