warning - Coastal Winair

warning - Coastal Winair

warning - Coastal Winair


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Full Basement (example of an unconfined space):a. Where a boiler is installed in a full basement,in a building of conventional constructionwith normal air infiltration, infiltrationis normally adequate to provide air for combustionand ventilation.b. In buildings of unusually tight construction(such as those where weather strippingand storm sash windows are used, and wherebasement windows are also weather-stripped),one (1) permanent opening connectingto a well-ventilated attic, or with the outdoorsshall be provided, using a duct, if necessary.This opening shall have a minimum free areaof one (1) square inch per 5000 BTUH of totalinput rate (sum of the individual applianceinput rates) of all appliances to be installedin the basement.When an opening in the outside wall must beprovided, it should be furnished with properlyscreened metal sleeves.If an exhaust fan, additional air consuming machines(e.g. an air compressor), or a return air grill ispresent in the boiler room, there should be increasedconcern about providing adequate airflow to theboiler. Additional efforts may be required to assurean adequate supply of combustion and ventilation airis available to the boiler under all conditions.Procedure to Determine if Space is Confined:NOTE: Rooms without doors are considered part ofspace.1. Calculate volume of space.2. Add input BTU/hr from all appliances in space.3. Divide the total space volume by the total input ofall appliances.Total Cubic Feet of Space / TotalAppliance Input BTU/hr4. If the result is greater than or equal to 50 cubicfoot of space per 1000 BTU/hr, the space is consideredunconfined.5. If the result is less that 50 cubic feet of space per1000 BTU/hr, the construction is considered confined.6. Oil fired boilers located in an unconfined space of abuilding with traditional construction (loose), typicallyhave enough infiltration air for combustion andventilation.7. Outdoor air may also be provided by combiningthe following *PFWF boilers and direct vent oil burnersdesigned to duct outdoor air directly to the burner:a. *PFWF071 and BAYRBF03ABURNAb. *PFWF099 and BAYRBF03ABURNAc. *PFWF132 and BAYRBF05ABURNAd. *PFWF164 and BAYRBF05ABURNAe. *PFWF201 and BAYRBF05ABURNA(See Direct Vent Instructions section)If an exhaust fan, additional air consuming machines(e.g. an air compressor), or a return air grill ispresent in the boiler room, there should be increasedconcern about providing adequate airflow to theboiler. Additional efforts may be required to assurean adequate supply of combustion and ventilation airis available to the boiler under all conditions.3.7 Flue/Vent/Chimney/Vent Connector▲!WARNINGCARBON MONOXIDE HAZARDIN THIS APPLICATION, THE FLUE GAS VENTPIPE IS AT A POSITIVE PRESSURE. THE VENTSYSTEM MANUFACTURER’S INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS MUST BE FOLLOWED PRECI-SELY. THE COMBUSTION AIR INLET PIPE ANDFLUE GAS VENT PIPE MUST BE PROPERLYSEALED. FAILURE TO DO THIS COULD ALLOWPRODUCTS OF COMBUSTION INTO THE HOME,RESULTING IN PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OFLIFE.▲!WARNINGFIRE HAZARDDO NOT ENCLOSE THE FLUE GAS VENT PIPE.IF AIR CIRCULATION IS BLOCKED AROUND THEFLUE GAS VENT PIPE, IT COULD OVERHEATAND A FIRE MAY RESULT. FAILURE TO FOLLOWTHIS WARNING COULD RESULT IN SERIOUSINJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.▲!CAUTIONPROPER VENTING REQUIRED!DO NOT install a manual damper in the chimney orvent connector.Thermally- activated type vent dampers are NOTALLOWED for use on these boilers.Venting systems in the United States must complywith NFPA 31, and in Canada, with CSA B139 for ofoil burning equipmentUse of Existing/Masonary ChimneysDo not use an existing chimney unlessproperly relined using UL Listed and CSACertified components installed in accordancewith local and national codes includingNFPA 211.18-CG03D1-420

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