Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate


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Time-to-degreeNormal progress toward the degree is as foHows:Core course requirements (if needed) - expected time of completion: end ofthird quarter.M.A. thesis committee - expected time of nomination: beginning of fourth quarter.M.A. thesis - expected time of completion: end of fifth quarter.40 units ofcoursework - expected time of completion: end of sixth quarter.Doctoral DegreeAdvising<strong>Academic</strong> advising for graduate students in the department is primarily conducted on an individual basis by a student'sfaculty adviser because, beyond basic requirements, each student's program of study is unique. The department'sgraduate adviser is primarily responsible for counseling students in regard to program requirements, policies, andUniversity regulations.Major Fields or SubdisciplinesArchaeology; biological anthropology; linguistic anthropology; and sociocultural anthropology.Foreign Language RequirementThe department does not require foreign language proficiency for all students in the Ph.D. program in Anthropology. Itis the responsibility ofthe student's three-member departmental doctoral committee to determine whether foreignlanguage proficiency is required for their particular program ofstudy.Ifthe foreign language proficiency is to be waived, students prepare a request for a Ph.D. language requirement waiver,which consists ofa letter justifying the request, addressed to the committee and filed with the Graduate Adviser. If thestudent's committee agrees and waives the requirement, the committee then presents a discussion oftheir endorsementof the waiver request to the faculty, typically during student review. If alternate research skills that are deemednecessary for the program of study for the student's dissertation have been identified and satisfied, these are noted bythe committee. However, no specific other courses or skills are obligatory.If foreign language proficiency is required, proficiency will be determined by the three-member departmental doctoralcommittee and may include but is not limited to:(1) Completion ofan appropriate level oflanguage instruction, or(2) Demonstration of previously acquired language skills through documentation or an examination or(3) Submission of an annotated bibliography, in English, of selected publications (in the selected language) that arerelated to the student's dissertation topic.The bibliography may be supplemented by a related analytical examination question or further translation examination.

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