Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate


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the Executive Committee of CLIC, and participates in Culture, Power and Social Change(CPSC). Jason Throop, a psycho-cultural anthropologist and an organizer and regular memberof Mind, Medicine and Culture (MMAC), also regularly attends the Discourse Lab. SusanSlyomovics, a sociocultural anthropologist focusing on human rights, participates in both CPSCandMMAC.Research Centers as opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and training.The most successful cases of intellectual integration and inter-disciplinary training arerepresented by two Research Centers. One is the Center for Culture, Brain, and Development(CBO), currently directed by a biological anthropologist, Clark Barrett (previously directed byPatricia Greenfield, Professor of Psychology). The other is the Center on Everyday Lives ofFamilies (CELF), directed by a linguistic anthropologist, Elinor Ochs.CBD is sponsored by the Foundation for Psychocultural Research and includes faculty fromanthropology, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, psychiatry, and education. It offersfellowships for graduate students, a training program, and a biweekly speakers series (seewww.cbd.ucla.edu).CELF, generously supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, is a research project on middleclass everyday life in Los Angeles that brings together three subfields (archaeology, linguisticanthropology, and psycho-cultural/medical anthropology) as well as faculty and students fromApplied Linguistics, Psychology, and Education. Over the last seve~ years, CELF has supported15 graduate stud-ents who have written dissertations fully or partially based on the data andresearch experience acquired by working on the CELF project (see www.celf.ucla.edu).Integrating students in department mainstreamStudents are involved in departmental committees (see above), have a representative at allfaculty meetings except for faculty personnel cases and students reviews, and participate in ad .hoc committees for new hires. The former Chair (Hollan) involved graduate students inmultiple discussions of the curriculum, the allocation of funds, and intellectual activities. Thecurrent Chair (Duranti) is carrying on this tradition and has invited the Anthropology GraduateStudent Association (AGSA) to be in charge of the Department Colloquium Series. The AGSAhas responded by forming a colloquium committee that, in consultation with a faculty advisor(Richard Lesure), has been assembling a list of potential speakers.36

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