Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate


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For students required to demonstrate foreign language proficiency, all monitoring of the requirement takes place withinthe department.Course RequirementsThe minimum course load is 12 units per quarter. However, this may be waived for good cause by petition with theapproval ofthe student's committee chair and the department chair. Students must be registered and enrolled at all timesunless on an official leave of absence.Students who are entering the graduate program with an M.A. degree, whether or not in anthropology, are required todemonstrate basic knowledge ofthe discipline before being permitted to begin the requirements for the doctorate. It isexpected that students accomplish this during the first year of academic residence through (in accordance with theprocedures and regulations stated in the M.A. degree section) the following:(I) Nominating a three-member departmental advisory committee.(2) Completing the core course requirement.(3) Taking the graduate core seminar only in the student's field of specialization. This is required of all students eventhough they may already have a master's degree in anthropology.(4) Taking the graduate proseminar, Anthropology 200. This is required of all entering students.(5) Submitting to the student's departmental advisory committee, for evaluation, a prior master's paper or a researchpaper that was written while in graduate status.Only when these requisites have been met are students permitted to begin the requirements for the Ph.D. degree.Students who received their M.A. degree from this departm~ntare expected to enroll in three seminars, each with adifferent faculty member, between receipt of the master's degree and taking the doctoral qualifYing examinations. Thedepartment does not require any specific courses or number of courses for award of the Ph.D.Teaching ExperienceNot required.Written and Oral Qualifying Examinations<strong>Academic</strong> <strong>Senate</strong> regulations require all doctoral students to complete and pass University written and oral qualifYingexaminations prior to doctoral advancement to candidacy. Also, under <strong>Senate</strong> regulations the University oralqualifYing examination is open only to the student and appointed members ofthe doctoral committee. In addition toUniversity requirements, some graduate programs have other pre-candidacy examination requirements. Whatfollowsin this section is how students are required tofuljill all ofthese requirementsfor this doctoral program.The qualifYing examinations for the Ph.D. degree consist of a written and an oral examination. The timing of theseexaminations is set in consultation with the members ofthe doctoral committee; they are to be taken within a 10-weekperiod of time. Students must be registered and enrolled to take the qualifYing examinations. The committee for eachexamination determines the conditions for reexamination should students not pass either portion of the qualifYingexaminations.The three-member departmental doctoral committee administers the written portion ofthe qualifYing examination. The

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