Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate

Departmental Self Review - UCLA Academic Senate


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10090el 80a 70...5 60-­ 0 50!of~401 30.",c 20100Figure 2. The number of minors has risen from around 49 in 1998-99 to as many as 93 in 2004-05.2.3. Nonmajors-The Department of Anthropology aims to serve non-majors in many of its course offerings.Each of the primary lower division classes satisfies one or more GE requirements at <strong>UCLA</strong>. Thedepartment undertook a major revision of these classes in 2002-03 to meet GE standards. Anth7 (human evolution) satisfies the GE requirement in Life Sciences, which may explain why thiscourse regularly has enrollments of between 350-400 students. Anth 8 (archaeology) satisfiesthe GE requirements in both Historical Analysis and Social Analysis. Anth 9 (culture andsociety) and 33 (culture and communication) both satisfy the GE requirement in Social Analysis.During the review period, each of these lower division courses has been taught at least twiceper year with enrollments in the hundreds for each class at each sitting. It is clear that theselower division courses could be taught in all three regular academic quarters if sufficientresources were available to staff the courses with TAs; prior to 2005-06, Anthropology 7 (humanevolution) was taught three times a year and was full to capacity each time. It is important tonote that ladder faculty generally teach the lower division courses, thus exposing majors,minors and non-majors directly to some of the leading scholars in anthropology today. Some ofthelower division classes also serve as core courses in other departmental majors (e.g., Anthro33 in Communication Studies).TAs play an important role in lower division courses, and we have invested substantially in TAtraining. First-time TAs in anthropology are not only required to complete the College trainingrequirements before starting teaching but also attend a formal three-day workshop organized8

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